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Saudis give nod to Israeli raid on Iran

The article make sense as far as Soudi Arabia's relationship with US is concerned. Both Israel and Soudi Arabia are allies of uncle sam.
iran has the capacity and potential to fight back.. and besides we all are behind Iran..

We as in Pakistan ?

Who do you mean when you say we?

Its a honest question

How is Iran responsible for "US , Israel and even India " ceating trouble in Pakistan again?
sorry there is no f-15 in UAE air force.:D

One iranin F-4 had been shot down by Saudi F-15s, and two pilots had defected to Iraq with their F-4s in 1984

Thanks for correction , Pakistani pilots are flying Saudi F15 fighter, UAE mirages 2000 and F16s.

May be the pilot of Saudi F15 was Pakistani:D
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Geez, secret talks of Mossad with the Saudis which is a media black country by large... That news leaked out, the very news about a secret strike on Iran's secret nuclear installations...
What else could one expect from Arabs after all we all know to what extent SA can go just to stop Iran from building a nuclear bomb. Something i dont get it what has SaudiArabia got to fear from Iranian nuclear bomb.

Dont worry Israel dont have courage to attack Iran, Iran is not Iraq.:enjoy:
Well last two years Saudi prince are investing money in coastal resorts and other potential tourism projects of Israel. Obviously their is big YES in Saudi Royal family.
And Iranian are wise enough , they never attack Holy Land of Mecca and Madina.

I am interested to know could you give us more info where and who from Saudi royal family invested in Israel?
Looking at most responses folks already taken this propaganda as true. No wonder its so easy for zion controlled media to fool people.
So it is everyone wih heir own agenda. The arabs were never a league one should trust. As in he past... Arab or jews, just the same.
People keep talking about arabs as if Iran and the Saudis are one and the same.

The mulllahs in tehran reminisce about the day when persia extended from the medeteranian to the indus and dream those days could come again i am not supprised the house of Saud is wary of a nuclear armed Iran.
People keep talking about arabs as if Iran and the Saudis are one and the same.

The mulllahs in tehran reminisce about the day when persia extended from the medeteranian to the indus and dream those days could come again i am not supprised the house of Saud is wary of a nuclear armed Iran.

Why do i even bother when people do not read the post and just response.

Name the last country Mullahs in Tehran attacked or threatened to attack .

The whole purpose of the post was to show most here who is working behind the scene to Harm Muslims or ummah what ever they wanna call it.
We've all jumped the gun on this one...There has been an official denial from the so called Israeli PM, saying that Saudi did not give them their airspace for an attack on Iran, and that the story is "false and completely baseless".

Isn't this the same Sunday Taimes that broke the news of Michael Jackson's conversion to Islam a few months ago, which was subsequently found to be a false story, with those supposed to have converted him ever denying even meeting him.

We should take Western Media claims with a pinch of salt.
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Name the last country Mullahs in Tehran attacked or threatened to attack .

Let's start from the beginning.

The Late Ayatullah Ruhullah Khumeini annoucned right after gaining power, that he would export the revolution to other Arab and muslim states. This led to scrambling by neighbouring arab countries, who persuaded SAddam Hussein to attack Iran in a pre-emptive strike, which led to the 10 year war betweeen the two countries.

Iran funded and trained extremist groups in countries such as Egypt, Pakistan, Lebanon, in order to propogate an extreme version of Shia Islamic Ideology, which led to the creation in Pakistan in 1980 of Tahreek Nifaz Fiqqah Jafria, which won fame and notoriety by surrounding Islamabad, forcing the government to accept their demands among which was exempting themselves from the zakat ordinance brought in by Zia ul Haq. The easiest way to avoide compulsory zakat deductions from employees salaries and bank accounts, was then to proclaim oneself as Ahle Tashee. One must remember that the creation of Tehreek Jafria preceded the creation of the equally extreme Sipah Sahaba, by several years, and was in fact one of the catalysts for its emergence.

This same Tehreek jafria later morphosised into the Sipah Muhammad terrorist group that was responsible for many tit for tat killlings during the shia sunni clashes of the late 80s and 90s.

In Afghanistan, the Iranians meddled by supporting the hizbe wahdat militia, which turned against the other mujahideen during the late 80s, due to sectarian differences. The Iranians were also responsible for prologning the suffering in AFghanistan by supporting the likes of General Dostum, Rabbani, and later on even Ahmad Shah Masood, just to stop Pakistan from gaining a friendly govt. One may note that these were the exact people that the Americans also chose to support when they 'invaded' Afghanistan, so Iran and America have more in common than we may think.

The Iranians also supported terrorist groups seeking to overthrow the govt. in Bahrain, as the regime is headed bya Sunni family, while hte majority of Bahrainis are of hte Shia persusasion. The protracted bombing campaign, and loss of life in Bahrain is a stain on the conscience of Iran.

Aggressive proseltyzing in most muslim countries by Iranian "Cultural Centers" which published books criticising the companions and wives of the Prophet mUhammad, sought to sow discord among peace loving Shia and Sunnis.

The attack on the Kaba, during the hajj, when Iranian pilgrims brought weapons into the Haram, encouraged other pilgrims to join them, some claiming that the Imam Mehdi had arrived and subsequenty went on to try to kidnap the entire congregation of hajj pilgrims in the vicinity of the Haram. A small bloodbath ensued, and Iranians were forbidden to perform Hajj for a number of years. This happened just after the revolution in Iran.

Iran has tried to meddle in the affairs of most muslim countries in the region, solely on the basis of religious sectarianism, which has brought about a reaction in sunni anti shia extremism that is seen tday.

Iran has a lot to answer for.
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VP Biden gives Israel the OK on Iran

Vice President Joe Biden seemed to give Israel a green light for military action to eliminate Iran's nuclear threat, saying the U.S. "cannot dictate to another sovereign nation what they can and cannot do."

Israel considers Iran its most dangerous adversary and is wary of hard-line Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who just won a disputed re-election. He repeatedly has called for Israel to be wiped off the map and contends the Holocaust is a "myth."

Israel and the U.S. accuse Iran of seeking to develop weapons under the cover of a nuclear power program. Iran denies that.

"Israel can determine for itself -- it's a sovereign nation -- what's in their interest and what they decide to do relative to Iran and anyone else," Biden told ABC's "This Week" in an interview broadcast Sunday.

"Whether we agree or not. They're entitled to do that. Any sovereign nation is entitled to do that. But there is no pressure from any nation that's going to alter our behavior as to how to proceed," Biden said.

The government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says it prefers to see Iran's nuclear program stopped through diplomacy but has not ruled out a military strike.

"If the Netanyahu government decides to take a course of action different than the one being pursued now, that is their sovereign right to do that. That is not our choice," Biden said.

Asked about Biden's comments, Adm. Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Sunday the U.S. position on Iran and a military strike involves a "political decision."

"I have been, for some time, concerned about any strike on Iran. I worry about it being very destabilizing, not just in and of itself but unintended consequences of a strike like that," Mullen said on CBS' "Face the Nation."

"At the same time, I'm one that thinks Iran should not have nuclear weapons. I think that is very destabilizing," he said.

While most experts are in agreement that there's a good chance Iran could have a usable nuclear bomb sometime during his presidency, President Barack Obama told The Associated Press in an interview Thursday, "I'm not reconciled with that."

A nuclear-armed Iran, Obama said, probably would lead to an arms race in the volatile Mideast and that would be "a recipe for potential disaster." He said opposing a nuclear weapons capacity for Iran was more than just "a U.S. position" and that "the biggest concern is not simply that Iran can threaten us or our allies, like Israel or its neighbors."

Israel is also concerned about Iran's close support for two of its most committed enemies, Hezbollah guerrillas in Lebanon and Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip.

Obama said in May, after his first meeting with Netanyahu at the White House, that the Iranians had until year's end to get serious about international talks on curbing their nuclear ambitions. "We're not going to have talks forever," he said.

But Obama sees movement on Israeli-Palestinian peace as key to building a moderate Arab coalition against Iran, while Netanyahu says dealing with the Iranian threat must take precedence over peacemaking with the Palestinians.

Most experts believe that wiping out the Iranian nuclear program is beyond the ability of Israel's military. In 1982 the Israeli air force destroyed Iraq's nuclear reactor in a lightning strike. But Iran's facilities are scattered around the country, some of them underground.

Biden was asked in the interview that if the Israelis decide they need to try to take out Iran's nuclear program, would the U.S. stand in the way militarily?

"We cannot dictate to another sovereign nation what they can and cannot do," the vice president replied. "Israel has a right to determine what's in its interests, and we have a right and we will determine what's in our interests."

Does all the above justify an invasion of Israel on Iran using KSAs airspace?

I have interacted very closely with Arabs, not only from KSA but from Sudan, Iraq, Palestine, Egypt, and Yemen. It was when I was doing my PhD and many other MD, MS, and PhD students were from these Arab countries. Since all of us were expatriates, we kind of formed a close group and used to spend time together in the hostel. Once they told me that Arabs are better than the non-Arabs. OK, even though my family originally migrated from Hijaz centuries ago, I never took it for something to be proud about. Anyway, I asked them, why Arabs are better than non-Arabs? and the answer was "well Muhammed was Arab". "Indeed, Muhammed (PBUH) was an Arab, but do you remember his last sermon?" I asked. When he said "No Arab has any preference over an Ajam, and all that depends on Taqwa", I continued. They had no answer to that, yet they kept reiterating that Arabs were better.

In a similar incident, I asked my Arab friend, "why did KSA invite non-Muslims troops to fight against the Iraqis?" and the answer was "Iraqis are Kafir", and in Islam, it is OK to take help from another Kafir to kill another Kafir. " OK, if Iraqis are Kaafir, why did you help them against the Iranians? " I asked. And the answer was "Well, Iranians are Kaafir, and we helped one Kaafir to destroy another Kaafir".

These pearls of wisdom are not from illiterate Arabs, but MDs, PhDs. No DS, I have worked with these Arabs for more than four years, and some one has to present something really concrete to change my perception about them.
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Benjamin Netanyahu must be really disappointed now...
I'm sure that this is not the response he had in mind. :)
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