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Saudis furious over ‘King of the Sands’ screening

Trailer looks very nice.
What is Saudi's objection about the movie?
Trailer looks very nice.
What is Saudi's objection about the movie?

Nothing. Don't believe everything you see on the web. :lol:

How come the Saudis demand not to show this movie when the movie is shown in foreign countries? The movie was out more than a year ago.
King of the Sands: Controversial Syrian Film on Saudi Arabia's Founder Shown in Syria + Trailer
"King of the Sands", a film by Syrian director Najdat Anzour, is now being shown in Syrian movie theaters after high-level Saudi officials tried to prevent its showing. The film is a biopic of the founder of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Abdul Aziz ibn Saud, and is considered as the first film to do so, as the subject has been considered a taboo for Saudis. The director states that the root cause of the phenomenon of Wahhabi terrorism that is spreading in the entire world can be traced back to the beginnings of the Saud dynasty.

The movie seem to have gotten critically acclaimed and a lot of high ratings! Its too bad they dont show it in the cinemas here in Denmark. Otherwise I would definately go pay and see it.
I will torrent it, once it becomes available.
The movie seem to have gotten critically acclaimed and a lot of high ratings! Its too bad they dont show it in the cinemas here in Denmark. Otherwise I would definately go pay and see it.
I will torrent it, once it becomes available.

There have been several movies dedicated to bash us long time ago, you can find them on the web.

The new thing is that the director of this movie - who happen to be bro-Assad - is actually a dramatizing Shabiha :lol:

This is the Syrian version of Argo, and the Saudis are re-placing the Iranians in Ben's masterpiece :lol:
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I actually want to see it, from the trailer it looks good. :woot:
Takfiri and salafi should make it mandatory to watch this eye opener and see from where they are coming and how they did not change after 100's of year .
Looks like its going to be a good movie as long as it portrays History in right way, Not interested in personal escapades of Ibn Suad. Saudis need to be more tolerant and its high time they let their print media express themselves !!!
The movie seem to have gotten critically acclaimed and a lot of high ratings! Its too bad they dont show it in the cinemas here in Denmark. Otherwise I would definately go pay and see it.
I will torrent it, once it becomes available.
It is showing in some European countries... however I'm not sure if Europe will ever praise it, since it also mentions how the AlSaud was their puppet, and how Europe encouraged bloodshed since the start...
The Saudi monarchy is an absolute joke. They just made it up. Oh, let's just appoint someone and call him 'King' :lol:

At least the British royal family can be traced for centuries/millennia.

Eh, the House of Saud have been rulers for nearly 500 years. That is nearly 10 times as long as Israel has existed.

Many royal families in Europe are not even that old. The British royal family are younger! They are German imports. Do you think that the British Royal family is the same today like it was 1000 years ago when it was first founded? There have been several DIFFERENT dynasties that are not related at all.

List of English monarchs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Look at all those different royal houses….

The current British royal house which in reality is called House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (very English sounding indeed, LOL) is less than 200 years old in England. They changed their name to Windsor about 100 years ago. It is made up surname after the Windsor Castle.

Besides there have been plenty of ruling families in KSA and they still exist, which are well over 1000 years old and predate must nation states in not only Europe but the world.

This movie is just a pathetic attempt of propaganda by pro child-murderers (Al-Asshead fanboys). Might be interesting despite that though.:lol:

Please do your research before writing not to get embarrassed.:lol:
I wouldn't have even heard of this film had the Saudis not made it a big deal by complaining :lol:

Isn't your country only marginally older than Israel? 1932 I believe bro, yeah? young whipper snappers.

Of course Israeli history goes back longer than you can even fathom. Long before any of your Islam was around or indeed your language. You borrowed quite a few Hebrew words for your language.

You are most welcome to do so.

You do realize that Saudi Arabia as a state might not be that old but that the territories of modern day KSA were made up by kingdoms, sheikdoms, sultanates, caliphates, princely states etc, many of whom predate most modern day states in Europe not to say the world? Let alone talking about actual civilizations such as the Dilmun civilization that predates anything "Israeli".

But I guess that you cannot phantom that, my Jewish cousin.

I just fully countered your claim and you are left to spreading nonsense.

I am sorry to inform you of this but the civilizations on the Arabian Peninsula are older than those in Israel and if you claim to be a Semitic person, which Jews claim to be, then all Semitic people originate on the Arabian Peninsula according to most studies, scientists, experts etc. Originally.

So what if Judaism is older than Islam? Worshipping trees 20.000 years ago is also much older than Judaism? Your point?:lol:

Did you know that a tribe in Gabon worships trees like their ancestors did 100.000 years ago?

Arabic is as old as Hebrew.

Both languages roughly appeared in written records 3000 years ago which makes both of them one of the most ancient languages still spoken to this day…..

Arabic is a central Semitic language while Hebrew is a North-West Semitic language.

Arabic has more in common with Aramaic and Assyrian and other Semitic languages once spoken on the Arabian Peninsula and Syria/Iraq.

Yes there are similarities but I have no doubt that many Hebrew words are also of Arabic origin and that there have been mutual influences.

Also you seem to forget that the people who revived your Hebrew language where Jews from Arab lands, in particular Yemeni Jews. Hebrew was not spoken by the Jews of Europe but Yiddish a recently made up language.

PS: Don't fall for al-Asshead propaganda.

PPS: I don't have a problem with this movie. If they want to show a propaganda movie, given the author, they will, then let them do it.

We have millions of Muslims (Shias) for God's sake who are of the firm believe that the House of Saud are Jewish intruders. So what do you want me to say?

No, I am no spokesman for the House of Saud nor do I want to be one but I find it hard to take a clearly biased movie made by an Ba'athi, Al-Asshead lapdog etc. for more than comedy value and a tiny bit of history that is exaggerated 100 times over. If some want to fall for that then let them do that. Don't care.
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I am of the firm belief that borders that existed thousand upon thousands of years ago are not valid anymore otherwise we Arabs and a few other people could claim half of the earth. This discussion about who came first is also insane. So let every person that lives outside of Africa return to first the Arabian Peninsula, where they emigrated from to the rest of the world and then back to Africa. If we believe science. Especially insane given the mixture of especially the Jews of today that have undoubtedly origins from across the world and far from to modern-day Israel always.

Of course there are similarities. What did you expect? Both people are Semitic people who have lived with each other for millenniums. Believe it or not but mixed too and mutually influenced each other. So I don't deny that. That goes for many people in the Middle East.

This movie is a silly attempt of propaganda. It would be like if a Ba'athi made a movie about Jews, the Mullah's in Iran or the Nazis. In case you don't know it then such movies actually exist and I doubt any Jew enjoy them. Anyway not part of the discussion.

KSA has its faults like every other nation, including Israel, but your views of KSA are probably hugely impacted by all the false rumors or exaggerations that you here.

Once again you have millions of Muslims (Shias - many from Iran, some on this forum) who FIRMLY believe that the House of Saud are Jewish introducers so what do you want me to say? You probably also have false beliefs about KSA as I have with Israel.

Anyway take a look at what I wrote to you in the first post about the British Royal Family. You will be surprised yourself.

I have to go to bed soon so I would appreciate if we could save the debate for another time otherwise you are forcing me to write essays and I don't really have the time for it. Fast writer or not.

But of course you will have the exiled and American based Al-Asshead lapdog @Syrian Lion eating and swallowing everything raw (LOL) in this movie so he can continue his false propaganda that also serves his regime to hide their own crimes.
It is showing in some European countries... however I'm not sure if Europe will ever praise it, since it also mentions how the AlSaud was their puppet, and how Europe encouraged bloodshed since the start...

LMFAO, The movie was in theater last year in the UK, France, and the US :lol:

The Saudis - puppets - have no " right " to ban it. :rofl:

Are you seriously suggesting that this low budget movie is going to hold our backs? :omghaha:

In short, this movie was created in retaliation to our policy against Assad. Nothing less, nothing more, otherwise, Najdat Anzoor would drop in his knees begging the OSN to air it :lol:
you should press reply button while replying so that he gets the message.

I am sorry?

LMFAO, The movie was in theater last year in the UK, France, and the US :lol:

The Saudis - puppets - have no " right " to ban it. :rofl:

Are you seriously suggesting that this low budget movie is going to hold our backs? :omghaha:

In short, this movie was created in retaliation to our policy against Assad. Nothing less, nothing more, otherwise, Najdat Anzoor would drop in his knees begging the OSN to air it :lol:

Leave them bro. You are wasting your time like I am doing! Allah (swt) help us.
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