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Saudi's Foreign Minister invites Iranian counterpart to visit

Al Bhatti

Nov 16, 2009
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United Arab Emirates
13 May 2014

Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister, Prince Saud al-Faisal, said on Tuesday Riyadh had invited Iran's foreign minister to visit the kingdom.

"We sent an invitation to the foreign minister to visit Saudi Arabia, but this intention to visit has not become a fact ... But any time he sees fit to come, we are ready to receive him," Prince Saud told reporters at a news conference in the Saudi capital Riyadh.

Saudi Arabia is a leading backer of rebels fighting against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who is a close ally of the kingdom's main rival, Shi'ite Muslim power Iran.

"We'll negotiate with them, we'll talk with them," Prince Saud said.

Saudi's foreign minister invites Iranian counterpart to visit - ArabianBusiness.com

سعود الفيصل: مستعدون للتفاوض مع طهران

قال وزير الخارجية السعودي الأمير سعود الفيصل إن الرياض وجهت دعوة لوزير الخارجية الإيراني لزيارة السعودية، مؤكداً استعداد المملكة للتفاوض مع طهران.

وأوضح أن الأزمات السياسية في منطقة الشرق الأوسط فتحت مجالاً أوسع للدول الكبرى للتدخل في الشؤون الداخلية للدول، مشيراً إلى أن التدخل في الشؤون الداخلية يزيد من تفشي ظاهرة الإرهاب، التي تعود بالضرر على الجميع، مما يتطلب تعاون الجميع للتصدي له والكف في ذات الوقت عن التدخل في شؤون الدول الداخلية.

وأضاف الفيصل خلال افتتاحه اليوم أعمال الدورة الأولى لمنتدى الاقتصاد والتعاون العربي مع دول آسيا الوسطى وجمهورية أذربيجان الذي تستضيفه السعودية "أصبحت المطالبات بتغيير الأوضاع السياسية والاجتماعية الداخلية من الدول المتقدمة على اعتبار أنهم يمثلون القيم الإنسانية مما يسمح لهم بهذا التدخل، وأصبحت الأزمات عندما تظهر إلى الوجود مجالاً للتسابق على التدخل في الشؤون الداخلية، وما يؤدي إليه من تفكك في المجتمعات وهو من أسباب الإرهاب".

ورحب الفيصل بوزراء خارجية دول آسيا الوسطى وأذربيجان ووزراء الخارجية العرب والأمين العام لجامعة الدول العربية الدكتور نبيل العربي، في السعودية التي تسعد لاستضافة أعمال المنتدى في دورته الأولى.

ونقل وزير الخارجية للمشاركين تحيات خادم الحرمين الشريفين الملك عبدالله بن عبدالعزيز آل سعود وولي عهده، وأملهما في أن يخرج المؤتمر بما يتفق مع آمال وطموحات شعوبنا، وأن يجسد بالفعل جسور التواصل والتعاون الاقتصادي والثقافي.

وأردف قائلاً: "إن من يمعن النظر في طبيعة السياسة الدولية في عصرنا الحالي، أول ما يبصره للأسف هو تحول السياسة الدولية عن التوازن الذي كان يحكم علاقات الدول في إطار منظمات دولية فاعلة، ودول كبرى كانت على الأقل تعمل وفق مبادئ المنظومة الدولية، وكانت هناك محاولات للتصدي للأزمات الدولية على أساس السعي لخلق مصالح مشتركة يرى فيها الجميع مصلحة له، ولم نكن نسمع من الدول الكبرى مقولة أن سياساتها الخارجية مبينة على المصالح الوطنية فقط، وإنما كان ينظر لتنمية المصالح المشتركة بينها وبين الدول الأقل حجماً، فتغير الوضع من الحرص على سيادة الدول واستقلالها والحرص على أمنها إلى نهج يؤكد أن إصلاح الأوضاع الدولية يكمن في تغيير الأوضاع في هذه الدول من الداخل".

وزاد قائلاً: "إن من البديهي القول إن قضايانا التي تهمنا لن تحل إلا بتضامننا والاعتماد على أنفسنا... أما الآن، وفي هذا اللقاء فقد تم التوافق على التركيز على الجوانب الاقتصادية بيننا".

وبين أن ما يضفي على اجتماع اليوم أهمية خاصة كونه يأتي في سياق ما تشهده العلاقات العربية من نشاط وتطور ملموس مع الدول والمجموعات الإقليمية على امتداد عالمنا، بهدف تعزيز وتطوير هذه العلاقات بما في ذلك علاقات العالم العربي مع جمهوريات آسيا الوسطى ودولة أذربيجان، وحقيقة الأمر أن ما تتمتع به الدول العربية ودول آسيا الوسطى وأذربيجان من موارد طبيعية وبشرية وثروات معدنية وموقع جغرافي واستراتيجي متميز يوفر لها فرصاً استثمارية واعدة بما في ذلك الدخول في مشاريع متكاملة وإرساء دعائم راسخة من التعاون المثمر الذي يعود بالنفع والمصلحة على سائر دولنا.

وأوضح وزير الخارجية في كلمته الافتتاحية أن الحكومة السعودية تسعى حثيثاً لاستكمال إبرام اتفاقيات لحماية وتشجيع الاستثمارات، حيث جرى التوقيع على اثنتين منها مع جمهوريتي أوزبكستان وأذربيجان، ويجري التباحث حول أربع اتفاقيات أخرى بما في ذلك استكمال التفاوض لمجموعة من اتفاقيات تلافي الازدواج الضريبي، والمفترض أن نشهد اليوم إبرام اثنتين من هذه الاتفاقيات مع جمهوريتي طاجكستان وأذربيجان، إضافة إلى إبرام اتفاقيات تتعلق بالطيران المدني مع طاجكستان وأذربيجان وأوزبكستان، والإعداد لتوقيع ذات الاتفاقيات مع قيرغيزستان وتركمانستان فور استكمال الإجراءات الخاصة بذلك.

Everyone has its rival. Its like a law of Nature. Just like gravity will win if you dont increase or maintain the speed
Shameful and regrettable news. Horrible news.

What's this for now? We should not negotiate with enemies of Arabs, Sunni Muslims and long-standing archenemies who are not needed for anything and never were.

Isolation and hostility is the only way forward. UAE should act and deport the Farsis. Let them live in Afghanistan, Tajikistan or Iran. But they are investing in UAE and the rulers are benefitting from them financially but this must change at one point. At least they can get deported any given moment if necessary. We cannot have enemies living in the Arab world. They should face the same outcome as the Jews who were driven away after they occupied Palestine.

We can piss on you wahabis and free Muslim land from saudi wahabi devils.bring peace to everywhere and spend oil money to progress of all of muslims.U devils cannot hide behind USA and Israel for ever.


Sure you can. History shows this big time. NOT. Such a thing never happened. The opposite way around is common history for everybody familiar with history so I am not going to mention the types of conquests here. Obviously not only of a military nature. To spare you the humility.

Free Muslim land? Yes, come and free us we are eager to be ruled by fake wannabe Arab Mullah's. Like the whole Muslims world was eager to be ruled by the Indian Khomeini. Yet the glorious revolution only stayed in Iran.

You spend your oil and gas money on supporting failed anti-Muslim dictators while your people live in misery.

Anyway let us hope for a strong nationalistic and secular Shah in Iran that can rule with a strong hand. Good luck to such kind of Iranians. May they remove those fake wannabe Arabs.

PS: I wrote that first post to get a reaction. I was trolling a bit I have to admit. But I am still of the opinion that those talks will amount to nothing and that they will be a waste of time. We will still hate each other and work against each other so what's the point exactly? To act like everything is all right? You are a supposed "Islamic" republic yet you support murderous Arab nationalist thugs (Ba'athists) in Syria. The same people who killed over 500.000 Iranians 35-25 years ago. All because you fear majority rule (Sunni Arab rule).

How can the House of Saud look at themselves in the mirror if they reach an agreement with Iran while our brethren are killed in Syria by Iranian money? I will turn against them if this happens and I am sure many other will. This is unacceptable but I do not believe that they will do such a senseless thing.
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Sorry to break it to you, but no one's winning in Syria, and you're in for a nasty surprise if you think otherwise.

The opposition is surely going to win. If not steps should be taken to make that happen. Syria cannot be a lost cause.

Negotiation is a good step ahead , I hope it'll result in a more friendly atmosphere in the region and ease the tensions ...

I am still of the opinion that those talks will amount to nothing and that they will be a waste of time. We will still hate each other and work against each other so what's the point exactly? To act like everything is all right? You are a supposed "Islamic" Republic yet you support murderous Arab nationalist thugs (Ba'athists) in Syria. The same people who killed over 500.000 Iranians 35-25 years ago. All because you fear majority rule (Sunni Arab rule) for geopolitical reason because you still want to have access to Southern Lebanon. That's due to that. Not any alliance etc. Such alliances were never honored in the ME anyway.

Hellfire will have to freeze in order for Arabs and Persians, especially Saudi Arabians and Persians, to become friends with each other or partners.
I am not sure that I would even fully trust an Iranian Arab. They must have been brainwashed by now to hate every other Arab and especially non-Shia Arab.
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We can piss on you wahabis and free Muslim land from saudi wahabi devils.bring peace to everywhere and spend oil money to progress of all of muslims.U devils cannot hide behind USA and Israel for ever.
IF you could, you would have by now, knowing the hatred you carry in your hearts!
I don't understand why Iranians and Saudi always fight each other. We are all muslim ummah we should stay together and should not fight with each other, other wise we will become more weak.
I don't understand why Iranians and Saudi always fight each other. We are all muslim ummah we should stay together and should not fight with each other, other wise we will become more weak.

It's mostly a ancient Arab and Persian rivalry. I think that the rivalry existed before Arabs and Persians existed as a defined people (Semitic -Elamite) rivalry.

It's a long history. To make it short then most Arabs and Persians hate each other. The Azeris, Baluch, Iranian Arabs, Turkmens, Kurds do not have a historical problem with Arabs but now due to 35 years of brainwashing most probably hate Sunni Arabs who form 85% of all Arabs if not more.

This rivalry is impossible to end. As I said hellfire will have to freeze before REAL cooperation and trust can be achieved. Yes, there are probably minorities of people who have no problem with each other but most do have.

It's like Chinese and Japanese and Pakistanis and Indians. Or French and Germans. But less so there.
It's mostly a ancient Arab and Persian rivalry. I think that the rivalry existed before Arabs and Persians existed as a defined people (Semitic -Elamite) rivalry.

It's a long history. To make it short then most Arabs and Persians hate each other. The Azeris, Baluch, Iranian Arabs, Turkmens, Kurds do not have a historical problem with Arabs but now due to 35 years of brainwashing most probably hate Sunni Arabs who form 85% of all Arabs if not more.

This rivalry is impossible to end. As I said hellfire will have to freeze before REAL cooperation and trust can be achieved. Yes, there are probably minorities of people who have no problem with each other but most do have.

It's like Chinese and Japanese and Pakistanis and Indians. Or French and Germans. But less so there.

We have no rivally with u. But u supported Saddam and caused 800000 Iranain and Iraqis die for Saddam ambitious.We have good relation with every muslims country help them support them never creat murdering in their country.Indeed we have no war with saudi arabia that is doing hostility against us with all of its power.Increass Oil develop in highest palce that is possible to help US sanctions against Iran.We do not even remember what did happen in 8 years war between Iran and Iraq to hate saudis in our inside or outside.
We do not think about history we are semitic arab or persian.Islam and muslim land is something beyond nationality.
We can have best relation with every country include Sunnie Shia Christian or without a specific religion like India China and etc...
This is not Iranian that hate muslims, this is saudi arabs that hate Iranian Shias and Alawites because they think Islam has revealed from Allah just for them.
We have alway said united of Muslims united of Muslims,but wahabis make some patsy sunni muslims hate us.They say blood of Shia and Alawite is halal.They wash their brain and in action make those brainwashed beahead Shia and Alawite Muslims in the worst way.Islam is not this.In time of Imam Ali[pbuh] caliphate couple of muslim soldiers picked anklet of a jewish girl kid because she was jewish.Imam Ali[pbuh] said: Wow to me wow to me Why in territory that I am ruling some people pick jewish girl kid anklet from her feet tyrannically!
How can I answer Allah cause of this cruelty?!

How can Salafis kill alawites and Shias and shout allahu akbar?!
They are brianwashed and this is wrong.
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We have no rivally with u. But u supported Saddam and caused 800000 Iranain and Iraqis die for Saddam ambitious.We have good relation with every muslims country help them support them never creat murdering in their country.Indeed we have no war with saudi arabia that is doing hostility against us with all of its power.Increass Oil develop in highest palce that possible to help US against Iran for the sanctions.We do not even remember what did happen in 8 years war between Iran and Iraq to hate saudis in our inside or outside.
We do not think about history we are semitic arb or persian.Islam and muslim land is something beyond nationality.
We can have best relation with every country include Sunnie Shia Christian or without a specific religion like India China and...
This is not Iranian that hate muslims, this is saudi arabs that hate Iranian Shias and Alawites because they think has revealed from Allah just for them.

Yes, you do. Most Arabs dislike Persians/Iranians and vice versa. There is no two ways about it.

No, you do not have good relations with every Muslim country. The minority only. For instance the only Arab states that you have good relations with are Iraq and Syria. Once the Child-Murderer gets toppled in Syria and the nature resumes (Sunni Arab rule) they will be hostile to you. Indonesia or Malaysia do not have good relations with you. In fact Indonesia and Malaysia actively combat Shia influence.

It was Saddam Hussein's own idea to attack Iran. Nobody told him to attack it. Besides if it was the other way around and for instance Tajikistan attacked Kyrgyzstan you would also have supported Tajikistan.

Yes, just like you people supported the non-Muslim Mongols when they sacked Baghdad in 1258 (one of the greatest cities of the world back then and especially the Islamic world) just because you wanted to defeat your Arab rulers and the century old Arab rule.

Well, you are creating havoc in Syria by supporting a Ba'athi mass-murderer.

If that was the case then every people would be the same and no borders would exist. So that's not correct. Then stop identifying yourself as an Iranian.

Anyway none of this changes anything that I wrote. The hate is mutual so no need to claim otherwise. That is why such news will fail. As always.

That is why I am not eager to improve relations since this is an impossible task.
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