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Saudis are ahead of everyone in Helping Pakistan Flooding.


May 3, 2009
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Saudi Arabia's pledge tops $124 million

Thursday, 19 Aug, 2010


ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has so far received aid pledges for $466.11 million from a number of countries.

Saudi Arabia has promised to provide $124.29 million which is the highest donation offered by any country.

“Till today we have received aid commitments for $466.11 million for the flood-affected people,” Zafar Hasan Reza, a senior official of the economic affairs division, said on Wednesday.

Of the $100 million earlier committed by the Saudi government relief goods worth $60 million have already been delivered and goods worth $40 million are in the pipeline.

A total of $19 million has been raised by the general public in Saudi Arabia. In addition, $5.29 million has been handed over to National Disaster Management Authority.—APP

DAWN.COM | Front Page | Saudi Arabia's pledge tops $124 million
good to hear abt thz it will help lots of people
I think its appropriate to show some respect to Saudia by introducing a defence thread for Saudi Defence forces :pakistan:

I think Saudia has proven to be great friend , in this great time of need

100-200 Million dollars by Saudia , and ppl are still collecting in Saudia in ramadan telethons. Also Saudi king has also personally donated from his own pocket for Pakistan a great gesture.

Our idiot politicians are still busy pointing finger and avoiding shoes

Just watched the latest pictures from devestated ppl and children its quite heart breaking , that just before floods ppl were not storing wheat properly and tones and tones of food was perished ...

In any case - great gesture by Saudis

Their generosity has motivated me to donate second time around
or may be sell something lieing around on ebay , and donate the money from it as well for flood releif efforts
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^ Good job Saudi.

But i c kuwait markings on Chinook in first picture. :undecided:
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WoW, the oil infested petro dollars wahabis are donating, that suddenly makes them good wahabis now, doesnt it? I am impressed what money can do, Impressed.

Rest of time all i hear about KSA is the part in Red.

Fully Agreed,
most of the people who opened their crapper are silent now.
to think they are complaining about not getting enough AID, as if it is a contractual obligation.

I can bet you the average age of people complaining was less than 22 and have not contributed a
single dollar to Pakistan as yet.

Really shameful stuff ...
WoW, the oil infested petro dollars wahabis are donating, that suddenly makes them good wahabis now, doesnt it? I am impressed what money can do, Impressed.

Rest of time all i hear about KSA is the part in Red.

What the hell with u guys ,who feels enough pain with the name of wahabis, Wahab is the name of the Allah, and Please dnt bring religion in every matter.

We need help , just ask thanks to those who are helping , instead of pointing fingers on their religion, sect or country.

This is bad habit of some Pakistani to look in or comments on others personal matters.

Please....I will say sorry, if I am exceeding my limits, but this thing really hurts me.
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