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Saudia reportedly refuses Israeli passport holders to purchase tickets

Yzd Khalifa

Mar 24, 2013
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabian Airlines reportedly refuses Israeli passport holders to purchase tickets | Fox News

Saudi Arabian Airlines reportedly is discriminating against Israeli citizens by refusing to let them fly from U.S. airports.

The New York Post reported that for customers booking on online, the airline’s website has no drop-down menu options for anyone holding an Israeli passport, even though, as the Post pointed out, there is a drop-down menu option for Antarctica citizens. The airline appears to prevent passengers simply looking to transfer in Saudi Arabia to another country, as well.

“No city in the world has closer ties to Israel than we do, and yet Israeli citizens are being discriminated against right here at JFK. It’s not only illegal; it’s an affront to who we are,” said public advocate, and mayoral candidate, Bill de Blasio, who conducted a recent telephone sting on the Mideast nation’s airline.

When a member of de Blasio called the airline --trying to book a ticket from JFK to Mumbai, India -- identifying themselves as an Israeli passport holder, the caller was told by an agent that they would not be able to fly.

“Since you have Israeli nationality, you will not be allowed to go on Saudi Airlines,” the agent said, after consulting a supervisor.

Federal law says an “air carrier or foreign air carrier may not subject a person in air transportation to discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex or ancestry.”
FoxNews.com has reached out to Saudi Arabian Airlines seeking comment and has not gotten a response.

Saudi Airline should be banned in US and other Countries...............
Saudi Airlines discriminating against Israeli citizens - refuses to sell tickets to fliers with Israel passports, de Blasio probe reveals
Airline refuses tix

Something’s not kosher with this airline.

Saudi Arabian Airlines is discriminating against Israeli citizens by refusing to fly them from US airports — even when passengers are simply looking to transfer in Saudi Arabia to another country, The Post has learned.

The airline’s Web site asks for citizenship to book a ticket but has no option on a drop-down menu for anyone holding an Israeli passport. The oversight doesn’t appear accidental — the drop-down menu is so thorough it even has an option for Antarctica.

“No city in the world has closer ties to Israel than we do, and yet Israeli citizens are being discriminated against right here at JFK. It’s not only illegal; it’s an affront to who we are,” said Public Advocate, and mayoral candidate, Bill de Blasio, who conducted a recent telephone sting on the Mideast nation’s airline.

Brigitte Stelzer

The caller told the booking agent that he couldn’t find Israel as an option on the Web site.

Bill De Blasio
“We won’t stop with just exposing these practices. We’ll pursue this with authorities in Albany and in Washington until Israeli nationals’ rights are respected,” added de Blasio, who is demanding an end to the practice in a letter to the airline that was obtained by The Post.

“I’m an Israeli citizen, and I didn’t see my nationality on there. I was wondering if I could just order the ticket through you,” the caller said.

The booking agent asked: “Do you have any other passports, other than the Israeli passport?”

When the caller said he didn’t, the agent put him on hold to check with a supervisor. The agent later informed the caller that he wouldn’t be welcome.

“Since you have Israeli nationality, you will not be allowed to go on Saudi Airlines,” the agent said.

The airline did not return several e-mails from The Post seeking comment.

Federal law says an “air carrier or foreign air carrier may not subject a person in air transportation to discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex or ancestry.”


I'm sure one day we will hear someone telling us we need oil, but when we refuse to sell them then they will jump up for all of a sudden....
Saudi Airline should be banned from flying all together, domestic flights is like you are paying to be tormented.

Saudia is alright, at least on international trips they are. I have flown ONLY Saudia for the last 3 years.
@Topic, The thing with the Israeli passports is open knowledge. No one with Israeli passport or an Israeli visa on his passport can enter the kingdom as far as I know.

I know that in Pakistan, even transit of passengers or planes is not allowed originating from Israel.

Saudi Airlines just paid a lot of money becoming sky team member, and now everything will be done so that they loose this title and all that money will go to waste.

2nd time in two years Saudis will be cheated. 1 with Typhoon deal, and now this.
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Empty threats from that dumb Bill de Blasio, He's only doing it for the votes.

Yep. He needs to compose himself or else, WhOTF is he anyway, " oh I'm going to prevent the Saudis from getting a access to our market "

Saudi Airline should be banned from flying all together, domestic flights is like you are paying to be tormented.

The INTL planes are fair and lovely.

Saudi Airline should be banned in US and other Countries...............

How can Indians get to KSA :woot:
Yep. He needs to compose himself or else, WhOTF is he anyway, " oh I'm going to prevent the Saudis from getting a access to our market "

The INTL planes are fair and lovely.

Seriously ... you have to take an international flight to find love ?

Get membership of the Bahrain Entertainment Industries, or Lebanon Cultural club.

I'm sure one day we will hear someone telling us we need oil, but when we refuse to sell them then they will jump up for all of a sudden....

Friend Don't be so excited about OIL................Remember what was your Condition before discovery of OIL in GCC........Its going to be same once the OIL is finished...............OIL will get Finished One Day..........Or Alternate Source of Energy will be Discovered in this century itself.............So Cool Down and think about your future...............
Friend Don't be so excited about OIL................Remember what was you Condition before discovery of OIL in GCC........Its going to be same once the OIL is finished...............OIL will get Finished One Day..........Or Alternate Source of Energy will be Discovered in this century itself.............So Cool Down and think about your future...............

I was making a joke :lol: It's not about oil anymore, hold your horses!!!


@Secur @Slav Defence @Zarvan @Aeronaut @Pakistanisage @al-Hasani @Arabian Legend @BLACKEAGLE @Armstrong @Hyperion @usama waqas
@Quantifier @chauvunist @kalu_miah @JonAsad @K-Xeroid

Seriously ... you have to take an international flight to find love ?

Get membership of the Bahrain Entertainment Industries, or Lebanon Cultural club.

Well, I just came back from Germany, the plane was fine tbqh :/
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Friend Don't be so excited about OIL................Remember what was your Condition before discovery of OIL in GCC........Its going to be same once the OIL is finished...............OIL will get Finished One Day..........Or Alternate Source of Energy will be Discovered in this century itself.............So Cool Down and think about your future...............

Well, SA has even bigger reserves of Gold as compared to OIL. And they have many, many other natural resources in which they haven't even tapped yet. Allah has truly blessed them with a lot. If only, one day, they realize that they do not need any non Muslim country to prosper and grow stronger.
Saudi Arabia does not recognize Israel is a state. Why are they making a fuss About it??

Saudia is a state owned company, so deal with it.

He's playing a pity-party role, there is nothing much he could do about it, his running his big mouth that's all.

Well, SA has even bigger reserves of Gold as compared to OIL. And they have many, many other natural resources in which they haven't even tapped yet. Allah has truly blessed them with a lot. If only, one day, they realize that they do not need any non Muslim country to prosper and grow stronger.

Thank you very much :pakistan:
Well, SA has even bigger reserves of Gold as compared to OIL. And they have many, many other natural resources in which they haven't even tapped yet. Allah has truly blessed them with a lot. If only, one day, they realize that they do not need any non Muslim country to prosper and grow stronger.

Allah has Truly Blessed SA with Biggest Gold Reserves.................But That SA is South Africa.............Saudi Arabia is no where on this list..............

Global Reserves

According to U.S. Geological Survey the global gold reserves in 2007 amounted to approximately 1498 million oz - which is sufficient for 20 years of mining at the current production rates.

USGS also indicate that the total “Reserve Base” amounts to approximately 3353 million ounces. The Reserve Base includes Measured and Indicated Resources and generally excludes the Inferred Category of Resources.

The highest level of gold reserves are indicated to be in South Africa (193 Moz)– followed by Australia (161 Moz) and Russia (161 Moz) and then USA (97 Moz) and Indonesia (97 Moz).

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