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Saudia, Bahrain, UAE & Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar

lol I'm not sure what's more annoying, my little barking chihuahua or your constant delusional posts about Saudi grandeur.

You will be reminded of our grandeur and that of Arabs and the Arab world whenever you bark about topics that do not concern you and which you have no clues about, my Bangladeshi friend using US flags as a cover.

Anyway did you know that your people are worst treated (by far) in Qatar? Or that it is a 45 year old entity that was part of empires and civilizations native to KSA for millennia during the Islamic and pre-Islamic era. Do you also know that Qatar cannot afford to piss of KSA let alone all the other GCC states and much of the Arab world? They will eventually do what they must do which is all that matters. You think that a tiny 200.000 big nation can take this region as hostage or do anything serious without there being serious consequences for them? Of course not.
Bunch of peasants rooted you in yemen but you act though against Turkey and Turkic world is 350 million
the mountainous geographical landscape of Yemen is the most natural fortification that small scale group will need to hold up against larger army. as you know gang wars is different and much harder for every professional trained army. Saudi generals are not stupid to be trapped in suicidal mission deep in the mountains like the Egyptian and Turkish ones. and they never rooted "Saudi" army, but you probably have skewed definition of what is rooting.

but let me enlighten you, especially in military forum. that the bunch of peasants you attend to degrade had literally -without any exaggerated affirmation from my part- rooted the Turkish army that was sent to Yemen to counter the Arab revolution.

there's famous Turkish folk song that was written by the locals of mus ;

There is no cloud in the air, What is that smoke?
There is no death in the neighborhood, What is that cry?
Those Yemen lands are so rugged

Over there is Yemen, its rose is fenugreek
Those who go never return, Why?
This is Housh, its roads are steep
Those who go never return, What's going on?

Saz is being played in front of the barracks
It's giving me heartache that he's barefoot
Girls cry to the ones who went to Yemen

Over there is Yemen, its rose is fenugreek
Those who go never return, Why?
This is Housh, its roads are steep
Those who go never return, What's going on?

There is a repeated voice in front of the barracks,
Look in his bag I wonder what he has,
A pair of shoes and a fez!

Over there is Yemen, its rose is fenugreek
Those who go never return, Why?
This is Housh, its roads are steep
Those who go never return, What's going on?

Sad to see this day that we Muslims lost our temper to Muslim brotherhood
You will be reminded of our grandeur and that of Arabs and the Arab world whenever you bark about topics that do not concern you and which you have no clues about, my Bangladeshi friend using US flags as a cover.

Anyway did you know that your people are worst treated (by far) in Qatar? Or that it is a 45 year old entity that was part of empires and civilizations native to KSA for millennia during the Islamic and pre-Islamic era. Do you also know that Qatar cannot afford to piss of KSA let alone all the other GCC states and much of the Arab world? They will eventually do what they must do which is all that matters. You think that a tiny 200.000 big nation can take this region as hostage or do anything serious without there being serious consequences for them? Of course not.

Keep barking dawg. Firstly, I'm an American of Bengali origin. Secondly , it actually pains me to criticize Saudi Arabia for sentimental reasons due to the historical connections to Islam. However, in the present day, I absolutely despise what is going on concerning politics as it relates to the Saudi and UAE leadership.

It is beyond sad what transpired a few weeks ago where you had the Saudi leadership practically fawn over Donald Trump. Your leaders have chosen to work the US and Israel to contain Iran. The ultimate beneficiary of this will be Israel. You have sold out the Palestinians. For that matter you have sold out the Muslim world. Instead focusing on petty sectarian conflicts engineered and nurtured by those outside the region.

Either the leadership of SA and UAE are incredibally stupid and doesn't see this. Or they really don't care about anything but self preservation.
Keep barking dawg. Firstly, I'm an American of Bengali origin. Secondly , it actually pains me to criticize Saudi Arabia for sentimental reasons due to the historical connections to Islam. However, in the present day, I absolutely despise what is going on concerning politics as it relates to the Saudi and UAE leadership.

It is beyond sad what transpired a few weeks ago where you had the Saudi leadership practically fawn over Donald Trump. Your leaders have chosen to work the US and Israel to contain Iran. The ultimate beneficiary of this will be Israel. You have sold out the Palestinians. For that matter you have sold out the Muslim world. Instead focusing on petty sectarian conflicts engineered and nurtured by those outside the region.

Either the leadership of SA and UAE are incredibally stupid and doesn't see this. Or they really don't care about anything but self preservation.

Telling historical realities and the hard cold truth is not "barking". Barking is what you are doing currently.

Who cares what your nationality is? You are a Bangladeshi. Use at least one Bangladeshi flag if you have any shame left.

You must be thinking about Qatar, the same regime that is praising Israel openly and has the closest ties to Israel. Or the same Qatar that hosts the largest US bases in the region.

So I will ask again, do you think that tiny 200.000 big Qatar, which is 45 years old and has no past history of existing as a independent state, it was always part of civilizations, empires, kingdoms and in general ruling dynasties based in KSA or from KSA for millennia and its policy, if deemed harmful, will be tolerated? It will not.
Keep barking dawg. Firstly, I'm an American of Bengali origin. Secondly , it actually pains me to criticize Saudi Arabia for sentimental reasons due to the historical connections to Islam. However, in the present day, I absolutely despise what is going on concerning politics as it relates to the Saudi and UAE leadership.

It is beyond sad what transpired a few weeks ago where you had the Saudi leadership practically fawn over Donald Trump. Your leaders have chosen to work the US and Israel to contain Iran. The ultimate beneficiary of this will be Israel. You have sold out the Palestinians. For that matter you have sold out the Muslim world. Instead focusing on petty sectarian conflicts engineered and nurtured by those outside the region.

Either the leadership of SA and UAE are incredibally stupid and doesn't see this. Or they really don't care about anything but self preservation.
nobody here care what goes on there there is nothing called ommat. arabs do whats best for them we do whats best for ourselves. world move beyond religion nonsense
First off, my nationality is American. My ethnicity is South Asian more specifically Bengali. Learn the nuance.

Secondly, if YOU have any shame, instead of patting yourself on the back and talking of Arab grandeur; take a step back and analyze what's REALLY going on. Do you really think engaging a Trump administration in this way is going to lead to any good? Not short term, but long term? Come on man, you guys are getting PLAYED.

In the back scenes somewhere was a green light given by the US government for SA and UAE to do this. This thing with Iran has to stop. This fighting within the GCC has to stop. I realize that SA and UAE have their own reasons for doing this, mostly pertaining to self preservation. But dont think for a second that individuals in Washington and Tel Aviv arn't pulling the strings for you Arab puppets.

nobody here care what goes on there there is nothing called ommat. arabs do whats best for them we do whats best for ourselves. world move beyond religion nonsense

Yes unfortunately you are correct.

But Islam is not non sense. And in fact is very relevant for what's happening in the world today.
The problem is people do not follow it. As evidenced by this ridiculousness in this GCC conflict.
First off, my nationality is American. My ethnicity is South Asian more specifically Bengali. Learn the nuance.

Secondly, if YOU have any shame, instead of patting yourself on the back and talking of Arab grandeur; take a step back and analyze what's REALLY going on. Do you really think engaging a Trump administration in this way is going to lead to any good? Not short term, but long term? Come on man, you guys are getting PLAYED.

In the back scenes somewhere was a green light given by the US government for SA and UAE to do this. This thing with Iran has to stop. This fighting within the GCC has to stop. I realize that SA and UAE have their own reasons for doing this, mostly pertaining to self preservation. But dont think for a second that individuals in Washington and Tel Aviv arn't pulling the strings for you Arab puppets.

Yes unfortunately you are correct.

But Islam is not non sense. And in fact is very relevant for what's happening in the world today.
The problem is people do not follow it. As evidenced by this ridiculousness in this GCC conflict.

I understand the difference. However what I don't understand is you hiding the fact that you are of Bangladeshi origin. People seeing your flags will assume that you are an average American.

This has nothing to do with Iran. What makes you think that? What has the US to do with anything let alone Trump? Was Trump also behind somewhat similar (although less harsh actions) in 2013?

You are basically shouting about "puppets", "zionism" etc. forgetting that Qatar is the biggest puppet in the GCC (by far) and the biggest "Zionist" entity.
Gulf plunged into diplomatic crisis as countries cut ties with Qatar
Qatari diplomats ejected and land, air and sea traffic routes cut off in row over terror and regional stability
Saudi Arabia TV reports on cutting of ties with Qatar
Patrick Wintour Diplomatic editor

Monday 5 June 2017 17.39 BST First published on Monday 5 June 2017 04.01 BST

The Gulf has been hit by its biggest diplomatic crisis in years after Arab nations including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Bahrain cut ties with Qatar, accusing it of destabilising the region with its support for Islamist groups.

The countries said they would halt all land, air and sea traffic with Qatar, eject its diplomats and order Qatari citizens to leave the Gulf states within 14 days. Shoppers in the Qatari capital, Doha, meanwhile packed supermarkets amid fears the country, which relies on imports from its neighbours, would face food shortages after Saudi Arabia closed its sole land border.

Social media reports from Doha showed supermarket shelves empty as nervous consumers began to worry that stocks of food and water would run out. As much as 40% of Qatar’s food comes over the Saudi border.

The small but very wealthy nation, the richest in the world per capita, was also expelled from a Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen.

The coordinated move dramatically escalates a dispute over Qatar’s support of Islamist movements, including the Muslim Brotherhood, and its perceived tolerance of Saudi Arabia’s arch-rival, Iran. The dispute is the worst to hit the Gulf since the formation of the Gulf Co-operation Council in 1981.

Qatar’s foreign affairs ministry said the measures were unjustified and based on false claims and assumptions. As the Qatari stock market tumbled and oil prices rose, it accused its fellow Gulf states of violating its sovereignty.

“The state of Qatar has been subjected to a campaign of lies that have reached the point of complete fabrication,” a statement said. “It reveals a hidden plan to undermine the state of Qatar.”

Saudi Arabia said it took the decision to cut diplomatic ties owing to Qatar’s “embrace of various terrorist and sectarian groups aimed at destabilising the region”, including the Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaida, Islamic State and groups supported by Iran in Saudi Arabia’s restive eastern province of Qatif.

Egypt’s foreign ministry accused Qatar of taking an “antagonist approach” towards the country and said “all attempts to stop it from supporting terrorist groups failed”. It gave the Qatari ambassador 48 hours to leave Egypt, and ordered its own chargé d’affaires in Qatar to return to Cairo within 48 hours.

The tiny island nation of Bahrain blamed its decision on Qatar’s “media incitement, support for armed terrorist activities, and funding linked to Iranian groups to carry out sabotage and spreading chaos in Bahrain”.

In a sign of Qatar’s growing isolation, Yemen’s internationally backed government – which no longer holds its capital and large portions of the country – joined the move to break relations, as did the Maldives and the government based in eastern Libya
There effect on air travel in the region was immediate. Qatar Airways, one of the region’s major long-haul carriers, said it was suspending all flights to Saudi Arabia. Etihad, the Abu Dhabi-based carrier, said it would suspend flights to Qatar “until further notice”. Emirates, the Dubai-based carrier, announced it would suspend Qatar flights starting on Tuesday, and Dubai-based budget carrier flydubai said it would suspend flights to and from Doha from Tuesday.

Egypt announced its airspace will be closed to all Qatari airplanes from Tuesday.

Monday’s diplomatic moves came two weeks after four Arab countries blocked Qatar-based media over the appearance of comments attributed to the Qatari emir that praised Iran. Qatar said hackers had taken over the website of its state-run news agency and faked the comments.

A senior Iranian official said the decision to sever ties with Qatar would not help end the crisis in the Middle East. Hamid Aboutalebi, deputy chief of staff for Iran’s president, Hassan Rouhani, tweeted: “The era of cutting diplomatic ties and closing borders is over … it is not a way to resolve crisis. These countries have no other option but to start regional dialogue.”

The US military said it had “no plans to change our posture in Qatar” amid the diplomatic crisis. Qatar is home to the sprawling al-Udeid airbase, which houses the US military’s central command and 10,000 American troops.

Qatar has long faced criticism from its Arab neighbours over its support of Islamists and Doha has long welcomed senior figures from Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Saudi’s chief worry is the Muslim Brotherhood, the transnational Sunni Islamist political movement outlawed by Saudi Arabia and the UAE, which regards it as posing a threat to their system of hereditary rule.

Gulf countries led by Saudi Arabia fell out with Qatar over its backing of the former Egyptian president, Mohamed Morsi, a Brotherhood member, and in March 2014, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain recalled their ambassadors from Qatar over the rift.

Diplomatic relations resumed eight months later when Qatar forced some Brotherhood members to leave the country and quieted others but the 2014 crisis did not involve a land and sea blockade, as is threatened now.

The Qatar Council issued a fresh statement on Monday afternoon seeking to reassure its citizens that it had taken the necessary steps to ensure normal life continued, including by keeping sea ports open for trade and making sure that air space with countries not involved in the boycott remained open. It said it would not expel the 300,000 Egyptians working in Qatar as a reprisal.

Saudi Arabia however kept up the pressure on Qatar by saying it was withdrawing al-Jazeera’s media licence and closing its Saudi office, saying the Qatar-funded broadcaster had promoted terrorist plots and supported the Houthi rebels in Yemen.

It also banned all Qatar flagged vessels from is ports and lorries due to enter Qatar over the Saudi border were blocked from doing so.

The Saudi aim is to apply pressure to make Qatar change its foreign policy, but questioning the legitimacy of a fellow monarch could prove to be a double edged sword for any Gulf ruler.

Since 2014, Qatar has repeatedly and strongly denied that it funds extremist groups. However, it remains a key financial patron of the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip and has been the home of the exiled Hamas official Khaled Mashaal since 2012. One of the first signs of any compromise will be the withdrawal of Hamas leaders from Doha.

Western officials have also accused Qatar of allowing or even encouraging funding of Sunni extremists such as al-Qaida’s branch in Syria, once known as the Nusra Front.

The row comes only two weeks after the US president, Donald Trump, visited the Middle East to seal major defence contracts with Saudi Arabia worth $110bn, set up an anti-extremist institute in Riyadh and urge the Gulf states to build an alliance against Iran.

The Saudis are in part countering the allegation of funding extremism, frequently made in Washington and in the past by Trump himself, by pointing the finger at Qatar for backing terrorism.
Trump joins ceremonial sword dance in Saudi Arabia
Speaking in Australia, the US secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, played down the seriousness of the diplomatic dispute and said it would not affect counter-terrorism efforts.

“I think what we’re witnessing is a growing list of irritants in the region that have been there for some time, and they’ve bubbled up so that countries have taken action in order to have those differences addressed,” he said.
the Saudi way of "diplomacy" seems to be open bullying.

do as we say, or else. not even the US openly humiliates their vassals like this. there is not a more arrogant creature on earth then a Saudi royal. And the youthful inexperience of their new king in waiting definitely shows.

only a matter of time before the Saudi's overreach with this short sided strategy.
You are basically shouting about "puppets", "zionism" etc. forgetting that Qatar is the biggest puppet in the GCC (by far) and the biggest "Zionist" entity.
All the GCC countries are. All these countries are weak, kings are slave to the west, because of stashed wealth other countries. Had these countries invested within muslim countries today, ME would not have been standing at this juncture, where Iraq, Syria, Libya etc are no entity anymore. All this to save kingdoms and not the nation.

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