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Saudia, Bahrain, UAE & Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar

Italian Council of Ministers: All state-funded mosques by Qatar must be closed
Italy's Northern League calls for boycotting Qatar and imposing controls on its investments

Sky News: Qatari riyal fell against the dollar to its lowest level since 2009


In the "Black" file of Qatar .. Saudi newspaper: Riyadh has documents revealing "what is hidden"


The State of Qatar has been involved in the financing of terrorist activities with $ 64.2 billion from 2010 to 2015, according to sources close to the ruling regime in Doha.

The newspaper pointed out that Riyadh has documents to prove the involvement of Doha to support the violence and terrorism in the region. These documents reached Saudi Arabia during the reign of the late King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, including those got during the past two years.

Qatar has allocated $ 7.6 billion to finance terrorist operations in 2010, and the figure rose to $ 10.4 billion in 2011, before jumping to $ 11.4 billion in 2012, according to the unnamed source.

In 2013, Qatar increased its financial support for terrorist operations to $ 12.2 billion, jumping to $ 12.6 billion in 2014 before shrinking to 9.9 in 2015.

The State of Qatar has consistently supported extremist groups and terrorists in more than one country in the region and beyond. The most prominent aspect of this support is financial support and political cover for these groups.

American documents

Several Western reports have suggested that Qatar is the largest country in the region to turn a blind eye to providing funding to extremist and terrorist groups, although its domestic laws criminalize such practices.

The support dates back to 2008 when Qatari Khalifa Mohammed Turki al-Subaie provided financial support to Pakistani Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, a leader of al-Qaeda and the mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, the Telegraph newspaper reported.

The US Treasury Department accused Qatari Salim Hassan Khalifa Rashid al-Kuwari, 37, of transferring hundreds of thousands of dollars to al-Qaeda through a terrorist financing network.

According to US documents, al-Kuwari worked with another Qatari, Abdullah Ghanem al-Khawar, 33, to manage a funding network that supports terrorist groups and confirms Khawar's contribution to the release of al-Qaeda members in Iran.

Among the blacklisted names in the United States and the United Nations, Abdul Rahman bin Omair al-Nuaimi, accused of transferring $ 1.5 million a month to al-Qaeda in Iraq, and 375 thousand pounds to al Qaeda in Syria.

Among the names, Abdel Aziz bin Khalifa Al-Attiyah, a cousin of the former Qatari foreign minister, has already been convicted in a Lebanese court of financing international terrorist organizations and is linked to al Qaeda leaders.

Lebanese media reported that Al-Attiyah met in May 2012 with Omar al-Qatari and Shadi al-Mulawi, two al-Qaeda leaders, who gave them thousands of dollars.

Suspicious Country Activities

The US treasury department accusations are expanded to include residents in Qatar engaged in suspicious activities that the Qatari authorities turn over to fund terrorist groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood, as well as groups in Asia, Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.

The country's support for the Brotherhood was not limited to its territory, but included groups emanating from it in Turkey, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Syria, Lebanon and Libya.

Qatar's financial support to terrorist groups has extended to the "victory front" in both Syria and Lebanon, making the terrorist-branded group look like a "diagonal arm."

In Libya, Qatar has supported several terrorist figures, including the cleric Siddiq Qatar Ali al-Salabi, Abdul Hakim Belhadj, a former al-Qaeda operative, Abdel Basset Guelleh, well-known terrorist elements and businessmen.

LMFAO at Italy. ...the horror,the shock, those Qatari terrorist supporters! The humanity!

.........They just sold Qatar 4.3biĺlion $ worth of warships a few months ago.
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This is how it looks: Qatar Airways now avoiding Saudi , UAE airspace, going through Iran & Turkey after standoff.

Qatar is a good partner of Turkish industry and investing money on Turkish institutes and big challenging projects as well. They have even owned %49 of a Turkish land vehicle manufacturer institute called BMC and gave an order for 1000 APC in recent months. Turkey as a good friend of its allies will try to solve this issue in favour of Qatar's benefits instead of USA wishes in ME. That's why Qatar airways will use Turkish routes to reach their goals and receive whatever they need. It is not important what USA and their arrogant puppet kings, feeding USA with billion $ as a tribute to survive, talking about.
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I think Jordan will follow this decision and will cut diplomatic ties with Qatar in the upcoming hours, the only Arab country that encountered similar situation was Egypt when it agreed on Camp David Accord with Israel, several arab countries cut their ties with Egypt and they even tried to move Arab League center from Cairo to another city outside. I think that means Qatar has committed something serious to make all these countries agree on such a decision. As you see, they just severed political, militarily ties by the moment, but the real strong hit will be the economic one. When Qatar finds itself isolated, then it will approve of whatever they want.

Jordan received similar treatment during its 'occupation' of the West Bank. And, as a Jordanian, what I'm seeing is most Jordanians are on side of Qatar.
Qatar is a good partner of Turkish industry and investing money on Turkish institutes and big challenging projects as well. They have even owned %49 of a Turkish land vehicle manufacturer institute called BMC and gave an order for 1000 APC in recent months. Turkey as a good friend of its allies will try to solve this issue in favour of Qatar's benefits instead of USA wishes in ME. That's why Qatar airways will use Turkish routes to reach their goals and receive whatever they need. It is not important what USA and their puppet states talking about.
Qatar will capitulate in a matter of days, another loss for Erdogan but with some many lately in his foreign policy,he is probably all to accustomed to failure by now.
Pakistan is in hard place. Without LNG imports gas crisis will worsen and so will load shedding. Not to forget Qatari letter! Let's see what Nawaz does.
UAE, Egypt and Saudi Arabia Terms and Conditions

▪ Saudi Arabia's conditions passed to Emir of Kuwait to end the boycott of Qatar are :

1 - closing the Al Jazeera in full,
2 - Stop the support of the "new Arab",
3 - Stop the support of Al-Quds Al-Arabi and the newspaper "New Gulf"
4 - Stop support for the 7th day and the Arabic version of the "Huffington Post"
5 - reconsider the policy of some research centers and the expulsion of Azmi Bishara,
6 - The dismissal of the editor of the newspaper Al-Arab Abdullah al-Neda,
7 - The total cutting of relationships with the MB and the expulsion of their personalities affiliated with Hamas,
8 - The suspension of the work of some Qatari charitable organizations,
9 - Review Qatar's reckless relations with Iran,
10 - Review the support of some militant groups in Syria, Yemen and Libya.

The first four have to do with the Media and the rest are political demands/requirements..

This news is not official yet..
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UAE, Egypt and Saudi Arabia Terms and Conditions

▪ Saudi Arabia's conditions passed to Emir of Kuwait to end the boycott of Qatar are :

1 - closing the Al Jazeera in full,
2 - Stop the support of the "new Arab",
3 - Stop the support of Al-Quds Al-Arabi and the newspaper "New Gulf"
4 - Stop support for the 7th day and the Arabic version of the "Huffington Post"
5 - reconsider the policy of some research centers and the expulsion of Azmi Bishara,
6 - The dismissal of the editor of the newspaper Al-Arab Abdullah al-Neda,
7 - The total cutting of relationships with the MB and the expulsion of their personalities affiliated with Hamas,
8 - The suspension of the work of some Qatari charitable organizations,
9 - Review Qatar's reckless relations with Iran,
10 - Review the support of some militant groups in Syria, Yemen and Libya.

The first four have to do with the Media and the rest are political demands/requirements..

This news is not official yet..

If those are true, It is a real joke. Translation of those items are shortly like that.

- Qatari media will serve the Saudi kings personnal interests via pure USA wishes
- The word "new" will be banned reminding them something like revolution.
- Support military coup regime If They support even if It is undemocratic
- Support the groups USA wishes in Syria
- Side with Israeli politic thessis instead of Palestin
- Don't trade with Iran even if you collapse
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UAE, Egypt and Saudi Arabia Terms and Conditions

▪ Saudi Arabia's conditions passed to Emir of Kuwait to end the boycott of Qatar are :

1 - closing the Al Jazeera in full,
2 - Stop the support of the "new Arab",
3 - Stop the support of Al-Quds Al-Arabi and the newspaper "New Gulf"
4 - Stop support for the 7th day and the Arabic version of the "Huffington Post"
5 - reconsider the policy of some research centers and the expulsion of Azmi Bishara,
6 - The dismissal of the editor of the newspaper Al-Arab Abdullah al-Neda,
7 - The total cutting of relationships with the MB and the expulsion of their personalities affiliated with Hamas,
8 - The suspension of the work of some Qatari charitable organizations,
9 - Review Qatar's reckless relations with Iran,
10 - Review the support of some militant groups in Syria, Yemen and Libya.

The first four have to do with the Media and the rest are political demands/requirements..

This news is not official yet..

Highly unlikely, it's merely rumors. Qatar would never accept such stupid demands or else, its king better resign and give his country to Saudi regime in a golden plate.
If those are true, It is a real shame. Translation of those items are shortly like that.

- Qatari media will serve the Saudi kings personnal interests via USA wishes
- The word "new" will be banned reminding them something like revolution.
- Support military coup regime
- Support the groups USA wishes in Syria
- Side with Israeli politic thessis instead of Palestin
- Don't trade with Iran

These 10 conditions are not true and proved to be rumors that based on a Tweet from the biggest fake news factory in the Arab World (Sky News Arabia) they first announced this fake news then they said Oh wait we fucked up they are not true. BTW, this is the same channel which said Erdogan seek asylum in Germany during the failed military coup.


@Saif al-Arab

KSA is not really behind the terrorism in Xinjiang, since it was supported by Qatar's propaganda outlet known as Al Jazeera. I need to clarify here to other Chinese members.

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