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Saudia, Bahrain, UAE & Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar

There are no Turkish bases in Qatar yet, there are around 300 Turkish military personnel posted there.. The US is contemplating moving their Base to Jordan, you can take their place afterwards if you want to, but say good by to the $10s of billions in projects with the rest of the GCC.. Qatar can provide Turkey with Cheap Gas but that iall they can offer..Turkish government is much smarter than that, It won;t venture in losing all the Arab world support, brotherhood and friendship for the tiniest Arab country..KSA alone has proven reserves of GAS as big as the Russian and Iranian ones, so it can also provide Turkey with Gas, in other words Turkey has 0 benefits from alienating the Arab world and protecting Qatar, which anyhow will either change its ruler or finds another solution to stay close to its Arab brothers..

Let them try to "safe" tiny Qatar (so far from nothing) in their dreams. That's the closest thing they will come to "saving" it, I am afraid.

:blah: you speak too much however what i said is very simple, the turkish army base is there for a reason when push comes to shove none of you can dare to thouch it. Similiar situation happenend in Iraq, iraqi's jumped , barked and threatend turkey to remove it troops but nothing happenend, i would like to see your ksa/gcc blabla forces try something funny though

Anyway we'll see

So you are admitting to being a non-Turkish Arab as I exposed you not to be earlier? Thanks for confirming that.


Even war-torn Iraq will deal with that. Just wait and see. Not only that, that supposed small base is located in KRG. Nothing to do with Iraq. Try building a similar base in Iraq proper and see what happens.
:blah: you speak too much however what i said is very simple, the turkish army base is there for a reason when push comes to shove none of you can dare to thouch it. Similiar situation happenend in Iraq, iraqi's jumped , barked and threatend turkey to remove it troops but nothing happenend, i would like to see your ksa/gcc blabla forces try something funny though

Anyway we'll see
Don't be too aggressive buddy, you are not Turkey yourself.. let governments deal between them.. Your military only tested two of the most weakened Arab states, Iraq and Syria, and they did not fare that good, which was a big surprise to me at least, and just last Friday a Turkish helicopter was downed by the Kurds in Iraq or Syria, with (sadly) 15 Turkish soldiers dead..
You are free to find me any examples of Arab slaves in history. However I do know that Arabs managed to enslave people from all corners of the world from Iceland in the North, Sub-Saharan Africa, Caucasus, Central Asia, Southern Europe to the Middle East. In particular real Turks from Central Asia were a favorite due to their obedient nature and them only being able to fight and lacking in scholarship, administration, nation building etc. That's the historical reality,

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: You can say everything about Turks lol but there is one thing you cant say and every one who knows an ounce of history will laugh at you. You cant go and say they lack in nation building especially. Im done here.

Ignore that fetocu gavat let him bark

Fetonun anasini sikiyim, senin de sulaleni sikiyim. Sizin gibi soysuz kopeklerin topunu sikiyim.

Im done with this erdo dogs and this arab retard lol this forum has become a joke. This copy paste queen probably has like 80 accounts, but I feel sorry for him.
Look you retard, what times are you talking about. You actually are so stupid you went to 20th century from the times when you said central asia and then went on to something else. When Turks came to any region in there history they conquered it from nothing and managed to stay there most of the time. Central asia, to middle east and anatolia.

You are so stupid I cant be bothered to argue with you.

Your talking to an idiot who thinks he Arabs ruled Turks in Anatolia, when Turks weren't even present there haha.
But we can talk about 1000 years of Turkic rule of Arabs, late Abbasids, Mamluks, Seljuks, Safavids, Timurids, Ottomans etc. Historic revisionism at it best.

Also his obsession with genetics almost equals to racist undertones.
Don't be too aggressive buddy, you are not Turkey yourself.. let governments deal between them.. Your military only tested two of the most weakened Arab states, Iraq and Syria, and they did not fare that good, which was a big surprise to me at least, and just last Friday a Turkish helicopter was downed by the Kurds in Iraq or Syria, with (sadly) 15 Turkish soldiers dead..

How did it not fare that good?? As far as i know there are still military bases inside of iraq while iraqi gov oppose it lol

In syria we entered some places and stopped those cantons connected that's however a first step more operations will follow

So far we made good achievements

Also the helicopter was not shot down it hit electricity lines
Your talking to an idiot who thinks he Arabs ruled Turks in Anatolia, when Turks weren't even present there haha.
But we can talk about 1000 years of Turkic rule of Arabs, late Abbasids, Mamluks, Seljuks, Safavids, Timirids, Ottomans etc. Historic revisionism at it best.

Abbasilerin Turklerle pek alasi yoktu ama diger dediklerinin hepsi Turk imparatorluklari.

I dont want to argue with people who have 0 history knowledge such as the copy paste queen.
Ignore that fetocu gavat let him bark
:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: You can say everything about Turks lol but there is one thing you cant say and every one who knows an ounce of history will laugh at you. You cant go and say they lack in nation building especially. Im done here.

Fetonun anasini sikiyim, senin de sulaleni sikiyim. Sizin gibi soysuz kopeklerin topunu sikiyim.
sen hiçbirini sikemezsin fetöcü gavat
dont compare with rhino dick against your cock dick:lol:
@Baybars Han (Atawolf)

You keep trying to steal the few highlights that Central Asian Turks (real Turks) have but you fail to mention that your likes have no connection to those achievements as modern-day DNA has demonstrated repeatedly. That's as if a recently Arabized (3-4 generations ago or even 25 generations ago = approximately 800 years) Moroccan Berber was claiming the history of Arabs - the actual ones.

You are a similar type of person. Worshipping his conquerors and denying actual history. Quite sad, really.

You can cry all you want. DNA does not lie neither does history. 400 year rule in half of Anatolia, 500 year old presence in Central Asia, centuries upon centuries of Turkic (real ones) eunuchs and slave dynasties etc.

Even the majority of your Ottoman personalities were of a non-Turkic origin but mostly recent Albanian, Serbian, Bulgarian, Greek, Kurdish, Arab, Armenian etc. converts. Even your Ottoman family were like 1% Turk in terms of ancestry.

Even this guy was an Albanian which you falsely claim as a Turk:


Countless of such examples.

Even your Erdogan is a Georgian and his wife an Turkish Arab.
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Abbasilerin Turklerle pek alasi yoktu ama diger dediklerinin hepsi Turk imparatorluklari.

I dont want to argue with people who have 0 history knowledge such as the copy paste queen.

Bende senin ananı avradını bacını sülalende ne kadar domuz soyu piç varsa gelmişinin geçmişinin alayının amınan koyayım o.ç
@Baybars Han (Atawolf)

You keep trying to steal the few highlights that Central Asian Turks (real Turks) have but you fail to mention that your likes have no connection to those achievements as modern-day DNA has demonstrated repeatedly. That's as if a recently Arabized (3-4 generations ago or even 25 generations ago = approximately 800 years) Moroccan Berber was claiming the history of Arabs - the actual ones.

You are a similar type of person. Worshipping his conquerors and denying actual history. Quite sad, really.

Yes I worship my conquerors because I love my history and my ancestors. I could care less about DNA or whatever. Today those morrocon berbers know they are berbers or the ones in north africa but even if my dna is something else I dont know anything other than im a proud Turk.

As Ataturk said. Happy is the one who says Im a Turk.

:blah: you speak too much however what i said is very simple, the turkish army base is there for a reason when push comes to shove none of you can dare to thouch it. Similiar situation happenend in Iraq, iraqi's jumped , barked and threatend turkey to remove it troops but nothing happenend, i would like to see your ksa/gcc blabla forces try something funny though

Anyway we'll see

I disagree..

What you call Iraqis jumping, barking and threatening was actually a game of politics which was successful by the Iraqi side, the objective was to prevent (major) Turkish or any unauthorized intervention in the Mosul region until the ISF made its way to Nineveh. This was achieved by raising tensions politically forcing larger powers (US, UN etc.) to intervene which they both did in certain ways.

As for Qatar, it is very far away from Turkey therefor you can barely do anything if Saudi would intervene there, only the US would have a chance given the geographical situation.

But I get that you want to tell everyone how powerful you are, just as many others here are doing, feel free.
Bende senin ananı avradını bacını sülalende ne kadar domuz soyu piç varsa gelmişinin geçmişinin alayının amınan koyayım o.ç

Lan varya, seninle kufur yaristirmayacam seni bi gorsem seni oyle bir oruspu gibi evire cevire senin gotune sis sokup anirta anirta senin amina kordum. Ozelden soyle nerdesin geliyim ecdadini bi sikiyim.
Yes I worship my conquerors because I love my history and my ancestors. I could care less about DNA or whatever. Today those morrocon berbers know they are berbers or the ones in north africa but even if my dna is something else I dont know anything other than im a proud Turk.

As Ataturk said. Happy is the one who says Im a Turk.


Well, good luck worshipping your conquerors and those who enslaved you and erased your original culture. Sounds similar to all the Turks (real ones) in the Arab world who have become assimilated in the past 1200 years and who even after frequent slavery adopted their slave owners culture.

Anyway keep trying to steal history that has nothing to do with you, the few parts of it that can actually be highlighted, if that makes you happy.

I think that I will claim the history of Vikings next because that would be as accurate as what you are claiming.
How did it not fare that good?? As far as i know there are still military bases inside of iraq while iraqi gov oppose it lol

In syria we entered some places and stopped those cantons connected that's however a first step more operations will follow

So far we made good achievements

Also the helicopter was not shot down it hit electricity lines
The Kurds claimed otherwise for the faith of the helicopter, but I give you the benefit of the doubt.. What is surprising is that Turkey did not commit much troops to either Syria or Iraq, That is why I think Turkey does not want to engage in those quagmires, it will be satisfied with securing its borders.. So how can one imagine Turkey committing 10s of thousands of troops to defend Qatar?
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