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Saudia, Bahrain, UAE & Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar

@PaklovesTurkiye @Max @war&peace @DESERT FIGHTER @MastanKhan @Mentee @Kaptaan @Oscar @Areesh @Narendra Trump @django @Irfan Baloch @American Pakistani

Dear Pak Friends,

The most strategic crisis since Desert Storm is unfolding here in the neighbourhood of Pak, yet I see no movement from Pak PM or FO. Why this inertia?

Surely, whatever happens in GCC has direct effect on Pak economy and national security. Yet this defeaning silence from Mr. Sharif... why?

Mr. Sharif has so friendly, nay, brotherly relationship with all of the ruling elite of GCC yet...not a word or action. Hopefully, he is not ill again with his famous heart.

What do you think Pak's involvement could/would be to help resolve this rather big crisis.

Anyhow, let us wait and see how it develops further. Fat Lady hasn't started singing yet..it is just the orchestra tunning the instruements...

Seems like something more than wounded pride in action against Qatar... @Khafee what giveth?

Coup in Doha might turn out to be a double-edgged sowrd.


Why doesn't Iran talk with Pakistan instead of colluding with India and sending terrorists over. I don't know why you are chest pumping on this issue, the Iranians are one of the worst supporters of terrorism and you need to be checked. The Mullah's are no different to the Al Saud family. The Ayatollah is meant to be the custodian of the Shia sect so why hasn't he cut off diplomatic ties with India, when they stopped the Muhurram procession last year in Kashmir and killed dozens of people. Instead of hiding behind a skirt have the courage to fight head on with your enemies rather than sending proxy groups to Syria.
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The latest developments
8:30pm - Turkey is seeking to resolve Gulf spat

    • Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is "actively involved" in efforts to resolve the diplomatic spat between Qatar and its neighbours, according to Turkey's Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus.
8pm - US military has "no plans" for change

    • The US military's Central Command says it has "no plans to change our posture in Qatar" amid a Gulf diplomatic crisis. Major Adrian J T Rankine-Galloway said in a statement that US military aircraft continue to fly missions in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria from Qatar's Al-Udeid air base.
7:30pm - Egypt airspace to close on Tuesday morning

    • Egypt's ministry of civil aviation has announced that the country's airspace will be closed to Qatari flights starting Tuesday 04:00GMT.
6:30pm - Israel praises anti-Qatar moves

    • Avigdor Lieberman, Israel's defence minister, has praised the measures against Qatar, saying "there is no doubt that this opens very many possibilities of cooperation in the struggle against terror".
6:25pm - Saudi shuts Al Jazeera office

    • Saudi Arabia has shut down Al Jazeera Media Network's local office, according to Saudi state media
5:40pm - No Qatari vessels allowed in Saudi ports

    • The Saudi Ports Authority has notified shipping agents not to receive vessels carrying Qatari flags or ships that are owned by Qatari companies or individuals.
5:10pm - Egypt suspends air and sea links

    • Egypt's foreign ministry said in a statement the country was suspending air and sea links to Qatar, citing national security.
4:40pm - Turkey expresses 'sorrow'

    • Turkey is ready to help however it can to bring the disputes to a manageable level, said Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu speaking at a joint press conference in Ankara.
    • Cavusoglu also said: "Turkey sees the unity and solitary among Gulf states as our own unity".
4pm - Iran's food 'can reach in 12 hours'

    • Food shipments sent from Iran can reach Qatar in 12 hours, said Reza Nourani, chairman of the union of exporters of agricultural products.
3:30pm - UAE port to turn away Qatar-bound vessels

    • UAE's Port of Fujairah says all vessels flying the flag of Qatar or destined for Qatar will not be allowed to call at the port.
3:30pm - Iran calls for dialogue

    • Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Ghasemi was quoted on the ministry's website as calling for a "clear and explicit dialogue" among the feuding nations. Iran says rising tensions among its Arab Gulf neighbours threaten the interests of everyone in the region.
3:15pm - Maldives cuts ties with Qatar

    • Decision made because of the Maldives "firm opposition to activities that encourage terrorism and extremism".
3:10pm - Egypt recalls ambassador

    • Egypt's foreign ministry says it has given the Qatari ambassador in Cairo 48 hours to leave the country and has ordered its own envoy in Doha to return home, also within two days.
2:50pm - Libya's Haftar cuts ties with Qatar

    • The faction led by Khalifa Haftar, one of three rival governments in Libya, announced it is cutting ties with Qatar.
    • Haftar's foreign minister accuses Qatar of "harbouring terrorism".
2pm - Saudi closes border with Qatar

Isreali praise the move ........................ lolz @Falcon29 wake up ...
if any coup happens in Qatar . arabs will lose another 100 year.
When they gain 100 years ? ... you mean 100 years ago ?
yes this picture is represent al saud verywell

Iranian regime spokesmen like him are irrelevant and they should mind their own business. They are the last people to talk about good neighborliness when their shelling just along the Iranian-Pakistani border tends to kill civilians on a monthly basis. They are not taken into consideration by anyone (the people) in a internal dispute. Same with all other foreigners. Mediators can mediate all they want to. At the end of the day we will be the ones that will solve this.
I just hope that all those who were abusing and mocking @Kuwaiti Girl at least realize they owe her an apology.

Although the truth is I don't think such people usually care if they are shown to be so absolutely wrong.
World is becoming unpredictable every passing day

How the hell this happenend
Yesterday's allies today's enemies
Airlines halting ✈️ to #Qatar :
•Fly Dubai
•Gulf Air
•EgyptAir (suspends)

Iran offers qatar to provide the besieged country with iranian food shipments

Supermarket shelves in Qatar are now:


This is seriously too much. When you see this, you figure how resilient Iranians really are. What would these guys do if they were in our shoes?

Qatar is a rich country with access to Persian Gulf. It is not like it is surrounded by enemies! Life as usual should really go on without any problems.


Hmmmm. The Iranians thought. What if we let the Qataris in on the deal? What if we share the natural gas pipeline? What if we can drive a wedge between Qatar and the rest of the Arabian trash on the Gulf? Wouldn’t that be British of us?

This is pure genius strategy! Hats off to whoever its architect is.
lets see which sword is more powerfull
ottoman sword vs Abu sufyan's sword good luck:partay:

The Ottomans are included in the great history of Islam. However, Abu Sufyan may Allah be pleased with him was a Sahaba. There can be no comparison between the two. The Sahaba will always be special in which the present day Arabs can hold no candlestick toward them.
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