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Saudia, Bahrain, UAE & Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar

I am the last person that has to grow a spine. I am as frank as they come around here and I always say things openly.

Obviously you do need to grow a spine. If you are frank, as you claim to be, then please announce in this forum that your leaders are corrupt and wrong in having an alliance with the Zionists. You can't call me a hypocrite because I have denounced the corrupt leaders of Pakistan. How can you call yourself the sword of the Arabs if you can't admit the truth.

I don't take this "Zionism" nonsense seriously when there are several Muslim countries who have official diplomatic relations with Israel, who cooperate with them on all fronts (economically and militarily), who host their embassies in their lands etc.

Of course you don't take this Zionism nonsense seriously because you support the same corrupt system because you benefit from it. Those Muslim countries who have official diplomatic ties with Israel are just as bad. When did I say Egypt, Jordan, Turkey or even Pakistan was a saint? But Saudi Arabia has a special duty do you know why? Because if you are shaking hands with the Zionists then you have no right to control the holy lands. You don't have any official diplomatic ties with Israel, however, secretly you have an alliance with them.

KSA has never had any serious relations with Israel ever since they appeared on the map in 1948. In fact KSA was part of the Arab bloc that fought against Israel pre-1948. Similarly afterwards. It was the same KSA that orchestrated the oil embargo as a response to Israeli policies. It is the same KSA that has donated more to Palestine than any other Muslim country and the same KSA that hosts almost 1 million Palestinians while giving them special rights that no other expats, Arab as non-Arab have. The same KSA that brokered the best peace proposal so far called the Arab Peace Initiative.

Yeah, keep repeating the same propaganda nonsense that KSA has no serious relationship with Israel. Obviously, the leaders of KSA can't openly admit the truth, after all the public of Saudi Arabia would crucify them. But behind close doors you have an alliance with the Zionists and your agenda is the same. The proof of the pudding can be seen when KSA was funding groups to destabilize Syria which coincidentally was something the Israelis have wanted for a number of decades. How long did that oil embargo lasted? How much money has KSA donated to the Palestinian cause? Give me an exact figure. You probably gave them a few peanuts. When did I say in my previous message that the people of Saudi Arabia have positive views on Israels. Don't conflate the good people of KSA with the scumbags from the House of Saud. Only King Faisal was a strong bold leader, but we all know what happened to him.

No, I am not related to the House of Saud but I know a few members and my family have connections. However my personal opinion is irrelevant here but nevertheless I have always openly criticized what I did not like and continue to do that in person and whenever such topics are discussed. In fact I am firmly of the belief that the GCC and wider Arab and Muslim world needs political and social reforms and I have written long and detailed posts about what I wish to see in KSA in terms of political and social changes. Even proposed a reformed political system in detail that I outlined on PDF and elsewhere (Arab forums). So no, no cult following here.

Now it makes perfect sense to me why you defend the House of Saud. Why is your personal opinion irrelevant...why can't you openly criticize the House of Saud? What's so special about them? Do you see what they do when they are in foreign countries. Go to Mayfair and see for yourself how they spend there money on alcohol, prostitutes and drugs. What gives them the right to spend money on useless things when that money belongs to the people of Saudi Arabia. But obviously you will refute my claim, because you don't have the courage to criticize your friends. Since you talk about political reform in the Arab world, should there be a monarchy in KSA? If Saudi Arabia releases its control over the Holy Lands then I expect nothing from them. But scumbags have no right to control such Holy places of worship.
it is hardly weeks, saudi made alliance is in tatter. This should speak volume about house of saud and their admirers.
Obviously you do need to grow a spine. If you are frank, as you claim to be, then please announce in this forum that your leaders are corrupt and wrong in having an alliance with the Zionists. You can't call me a hypocrite because I have denounced the corrupt leaders of Pakistan. How can you call yourself the sword of the Arabs if you can't admit the truth.

Of course you don't take this Zionism nonsense seriously because you support the same corrupt system because you benefit from it. Those Muslim countries who have official diplomatic ties with Israel are just as bad. When did I say Egypt, Jordan, Turkey or even Pakistan was a saint? But Saudi Arabia has a special duty do you know why? Because if you are shaking hands with the Zionists then you have no right to control the holy lands. You don't have any official diplomatic ties with Israel, however, secretly you have an alliance with them.

Yeah, keep repeating the same propaganda nonsense that KSA has no serious relationship with Israel. Obviously, the leaders of KSA can't openly admit the truth, after all the public of Saudi Arabia would crucify them. But behind close doors you have an alliance with the Zionists and your agenda is the same. The proof of the pudding can be seen when KSA was funding groups to destabilize Syria which coincidentally was something the Israelis have wanted for a number of decades. How long did that oil embargo lasted? How much money has KSA donated to the Palestinian cause? Give me an exact figure. You probably gave them a few peanuts. When did I say in my previous message that the people of Saudi Arabia have positive views on Israels. Don't conflate the good people of KSA with the scumbags from the House of Saud. Only King Faisal was a strong bold leader, but we all know what happened to him.

Now it makes perfect sense to me why you defend the House of Saud. Why is your personal opinion irrelevant...why can't you openly criticize the House of Saud? What's so special about them? Do you see what they do when they are in foreign countries. Go to Mayfair and see for yourself how they spend there money on alcohol, prostitutes and drugs. What gives them the right to spend money on useless things when that money belongs to the people of Saudi Arabia. But obviously you will refute my claim, because you don't have the courage to criticize your friends. Since you talk about political reform in the Arab world, should there be a monarchy in KSA? If Saudi Arabia releases its control over the Holy Lands then I expect nothing from them. But scumbags have no right to control such Holy places of worship.

I will say, what I already told openly, that KSA's leaders are no different from any other Muslim leaders. In fact I will say that they have done a better job than most contemporary Muslim regimes/dynasties and rulers have done for their people and countries. Including those many Muslim countries that have many natural resources.

KSA stands with Syria and the Syrian people against Al-Assad and I am very pleased with that and I myself have donated money to those groups (which have nothing to do with terrorism) and I will do it again in this blessed month.

That Israel talk is nonsense. What is your proof? I want something factual. KSA is such a great ally of Israel that the same Israel made a huge fuss about the deal that KSA and the US signed recently.

I already told you that they are not different from the average Muslim person. There will be good and bad apples. Such rhetoric does not impress me either.

This thread is not a topic about political and social reforms in KSA, the GCC and Arab and Muslim world nor do I have to convince anyone here of anything. What I object to and will continue to object to successfully is hypocrisy and one-sided views and throwing stones when the thrower lives in a glasshouse himself.

it is hardly weeks, saudi made alliance is in tatter. This should speak volume about house of saud and their admirers.

Yes, because a 50 + country alliance is in shatters because a diplomatic row with tiny 200.000 big Qatar occurred that will be resolved regardless of what. OK.

Maybe mighty Bangladesh should take the mantle and create their own Islamic Military Alliance but I am afraid that this is as likely as me reaching Pluto tomorrow.
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Yeah, keep repeating the same propaganda nonsense that KSA has no serious relationship with Israel. Obviously, the leaders of KSA can't openly admit the truth, after all the public of Saudi Arabia would crucify them. But behind close doors you have an alliance with the Zionists and your agenda is the same. The proof of the pudding can be seen when KSA was funding groups to destabilize Syria which coincidentally was something the Israelis have wanted for a number of decades. How long did that oil embargo lasted? How much money has KSA donated to the Palestinian cause? Give me an exact figure. You probably gave them a few peanuts. When did I say in my previous message that the people of Saudi Arabia have positive views on Israels. Don't conflate the good people of KSA with the scumbags from the House of Saud. Only King Faisal was a strong bold leader, but we all know what happened to him.
Syria is another token altogether.. you can find the truth about the Syrian conflict here: Where they talk about Qatar Usrael and Turkey among many others too..

Any saudis or anyone claiming that saudis do not have relation with israel should be shown the followings.

Egypt-Saudi ties could be key to Trump’s Mideast 'ultimate deal'

For more than a year, Al-Monitor has been trying to find a satisfactory answer to the reason behind Saudi Arabia's asking Egypt to cede control of Tiran and Sanafir. Through Saudi sources in the Royal Court, Al-Monitor managed to connect with influential Saudi leaders and decision-makers and extract information and explanations that made the bigger picture behind this shift in Riyadh’s stance in the region clearer. These connections also shed light on why the issue of Tiran and Sanafir came to a head in 2016, although it had been on the table for a long time.

The Saudi source said, “The request that Riyadh gain control of Tiran and Sanafir was not a purely Saudi demand. In fact, this was an Israeli request that Saudi voiced.” The source went on to explain the reasons and the link between the two islands, the Saudi changes and the Palestinian cause.

“Saudi-Israeli relations are the main gateway to understanding the issue of the Tiran and Sanafir islands, the transformations in the region and the backstage deliberations over the Palestinian cause,” the source added.

The source indicated that Saudi-Israeli security coordination precedes any diplomatic rapprochement, saying, “The Saudi army signed a memorandum of understanding to train Saudi officers with the Israelis. The first training session in which officers participated took place in 2015 at the naval base in Haifa. Through the United States, Saudi Arabia sought Israeli cooperation to manage the [Bab el-] Mandeb Strait and the Gulf of Aden to cut off Iran’s supplies to the Houthis.” The source added, “There are US and Israeli officers in King Faisal air base in Tabuk.”

According to the same source, Saudi Arabia signed a memorandum of understanding to buy and install the Iron Dome and the Hetz family of missiles through the defense manufacturing company Raytheon, which is a partner of the Israeli Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd. The memorandum was signed after US President Barack Obama’s visit to Saudi Arabia in April 2016.

In addition to Saudis' fear of Iranian expansion in the region, there were indications of potential rapprochement and normalization of ties with Israel from former Saudi officials. This encouraged Israelis to ask Saudi Arabia to take control of Tiran and Sanafir from Egypt. Israeli officials voiced this demand to assistants of King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud during the 2015 summer break he spent in the French city of Cannes.

But why is Israel suddenly interested in the two islands at this time?

The source said, “Israel wants to complete control of the water in its border regions, especially those overlooking the Sinai Peninsula, following the deterioration of the situation there, and the Gulf of Aqaba. The Dead Sea project has been revived, and through it, there will be a water canal feeding the Dead Sea in Jordan from the Red Sea waters. Israel also wants to mark its territory and assert its sovereignty in this part of the territorial waters.”

The source highlighted another aspect of the repercussions of transferring the control of the two islands and turning the region into an international waters’ zone in which Israel officially has the upper hand. A project is under study to build a railway line between Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Israel. He noted, “This line will seemingly extend from Jordan to Israel, but covertly, it will establish better economic and trade ties between Israel and Saudi Arabia. Jordan is currently examining the possibility of a free trade zone between the two countries [Israel and Jordan]. Meanwhile, Israel is seriously considering building Ben Gurion canal between the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea to strengthen its ties with the Gulf countries through Saudi Arabia and to marginalize the role of the Suez Canal.”

The source continued, “Israel and the United States are asking to take part in controlling the two islands under alleged concerns about the deteriorating situation in Sinai, which directly threatens Israel’s national security.” The source did not reveal the official Saudi response to this demand, but said that the Saudi intelligence apparatus does not seem to mind such a development.

Read more: http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/ori...-agreement-trump-palestine.html#ixzz4j9UWj6dP
The latest developments
8:30pm - Turkey is seeking to resolve Gulf spat
  • Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is "actively involved" in efforts to resolve the diplomatic spat between Qatar and its neighbours, according to Turkey's Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus.
8pm - US military has "no plans" for change
  • The US military's Central Command says it has "no plans to change our posture in Qatar" amid a Gulf diplomatic crisis. Major Adrian J T Rankine-Galloway said in a statement that US military aircraft continue to fly missions in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria from Qatar's Al-Udeid air base.
7:30pm - Egypt airspace to close on Tuesday morning
  • Egypt's ministry of civil aviation has announced that the country's airspace will be closed to Qatari flights starting Tuesday 04:00GMT.
6:30pm - Israel praises anti-Qatar moves
  • Avigdor Lieberman, Israel's defence minister, has praised the measures against Qatar, saying "there is no doubt that this opens very many possibilities of cooperation in the struggle against terror".
6:25pm - Saudi shuts Al Jazeera office
  • Saudi Arabia has shut down Al Jazeera Media Network's local office, according to Saudi state media
5:40pm - No Qatari vessels allowed in Saudi ports
  • The Saudi Ports Authority has notified shipping agents not to receive vessels carrying Qatari flags or ships that are owned by Qatari companies or individuals.
5:10pm - Egypt suspends air and sea links
  • Egypt's foreign ministry said in a statement the country was suspending air and sea links to Qatar, citing national security.
4:40pm - Turkey expresses 'sorrow'
  • Turkey is ready to help however it can to bring the disputes to a manageable level, said Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu speaking at a joint press conference in Ankara.

  • Cavusoglu also said: "Turkey sees the unity and solitary among Gulf states as our own unity".
4pm - Iran's food 'can reach in 12 hours'
  • Food shipments sent from Iran can reach Qatar in 12 hours, said Reza Nourani, chairman of the union of exporters of agricultural products.
3:30pm - UAE port to turn away Qatar-bound vessels
  • UAE's Port of Fujairah says all vessels flying the flag of Qatar or destined for Qatar will not be allowed to call at the port.
3:30pm - Iran calls for dialogue
  • Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Ghasemi was quoted on the ministry's website as calling for a "clear and explicit dialogue" among the feuding nations. Iran says rising tensions among its Arab Gulf neighbours threaten the interests of everyone in the region.
3:15pm - Maldives cuts ties with Qatar
  • Decision made because of the Maldives "firm opposition to activities that encourage terrorism and extremism".
3:10pm - Egypt recalls ambassador
  • Egypt's foreign ministry says it has given the Qatari ambassador in Cairo 48 hours to leave the country and has ordered its own envoy in Doha to return home, also within two days.
2:50pm - Libya's Haftar cuts ties with Qatar
  • The faction led by Khalifa Haftar, one of three rival governments in Libya, announced it is cutting ties with Qatar.

  • Haftar's foreign minister accuses Qatar of "harbouring terrorism".
2pm - Saudi closes border with Qatar


You see, Saudis think that they are very relevant to this world, So one shouldn't be surprised that they are coming up with weird statements such as this Europeans will follow KSA. And frankly, the level of self confidence in that statement was hurting my eyes, so i told him "you might wanna add U.S. to your list too" as a sarcasm.
Well, to be honest, they are indeed relevant. Both economically, strategically, politically and even more so religiously (de-facto religious leader of the sunni world). That's something nobody can deny. It's for this reason that they are able to bring to their sides a vast variety of Arab and even non Arab allies (Islamic military alliance, many other countries following their lead in cutting off ties with Iran after the embassy saga and now with Qatar), all these shows they are indeed very influential in the muslim world.

Anyway, let's get back to topic. I think Qatar's rulers should be careful. They have been openly supporting questionable radical Islamic groups in the region which goes against even western powers interest. Their ruler should make sure (like they have for these past years) they don't over play their hand and attract western powers attention to their actions in this regard. Since if they were to start attracting too much attention from the West with their actions/policies then that might spell real trouble for the country's leaders, since their security relies on the strong military support by western powers. So they should be careful not to break the camel's back.
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I will say, what I already told openly, that KSA's leaders are no different from any other Muslim leaders. In fact I will say that they have done a better job than most contemporary Muslim regimes/dynasties and rulers have done for their people and countries. Including those many Muslim countries that have many natural resources..

What have the Al Saud family done for Saudi Arabia? Most of your money comes from oil, which is about to dry up soon because oil prices will fall and then what will you do? I find it funny how you compare the progress of Saudi Arabia with other third world Muslim countries. In the Muslim world Indonesia will become an economic power house and China is investing billions of dollars. They will outstrip KSA in the economic department because there leaders have vision, unlike the Saud family who spends billions of dollars in western countries instead of developing your own industries. Saudi Arabia once upon a time had so much revenue from oil that it could have been a major economic power. But you don't allow woman to drive and while the Al Saud family oppresses the rights of the people, in London they live a double life. Why doesn't the pious royal family punishes these princes?

KSA stands with Syria and the Syrian people against Al-Assad and I am very pleased with that and I myself have donated money to those groups (which have nothing to do with terrorism) and I will do it again in this blessed month.

Under what authority does the KSA regime have the right to interfere in Syria. First look after your own house before funding groups that have killed, raped, and tortured the Syrian people. So which groups have you donated money too? Come on, you might as well tell everyone the good deed you have done in the month of Ramadan. One of the main debates in the UK is Saudi funding of terrorists groups and how it should be stopped. Instead of funding proxy groups why don't the Saudi military attack Assad like real men. Don't get me wrong I hate Assad, I hope he burns in hell, but that doesn't mean those other groups with there track record are better.

That Israel talk is nonsense. What is your proof? I want something factual. KSA is such a great ally of Israel that the same Israel made a huge fuss about the deal that KSA and the US signed recently.

I already told you that they are not different from the average Muslim person. There will be good and bad apples. Such rhetoric does not impress me either.

This thread is not a topic about political and social reforms in KSA, the GCC and Arab and Muslim world nor do I have to convince anyone here of anything. What I object to and will continue to object to successfully is hypocrisy and one-sided views and throwing stones when the thrower lives in a glasshouse himself.

How is the Israeli talk nonsense. In Syria your agenda is the same, it's funny how these savage groups kill innocent Muslims but never had the audacity to stop Israeli aggression on the Palestinians when the Syrian border is close by. Zionism doesn't necessarily mean Israel....America is also a Zionists state. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said a Muslim should never enter into a agreement with the Judea-Christian Alliance States because in the end of times they are the real supporters of Dajjal. America is a Christian country and Israel is a Jewish State and they have an alliance. Thus by KSA shaking the hands of America they are supporting the Zionists cause. To control the holy lands the Muslim world doesn't want bad apples, just good apples. You can't accuse me of having a one sided view Brother Saif:) I have criticized Pakistan, Turkey and Egypt. Oh, well, I can't change your mind, but understand this I have no hate for Arab people. In fact from my maternal side my ancestors were Arab.
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