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Saudia, Bahrain, UAE & Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar

Most of the comments on this forum...

Americans: I hate KSA regime.

Turks: What to do and when?

Iranians: Time to settle score.

Pakistanis: Fuk no...Not again.

Arabs: Why everyone acting like mad dog?

Indians: Neutrality is best policy.

Brother, you are making some good points, but other points do not fit reality, about Turkey living NATO to join Russia; Turkey is rather better alone than joining Russia an enemy of NATO, Saudi king shaking hands with Trump is much more relevant than our hero Salh Din Ayubi befriending the biggest Muslim hater, Richard the lion heart, but that is how he won his heart beyond any battle or war, just by showing him Islamic values.. China for example is at odds with the US over SCS and still they shake hands and make visits to talk out their differences and find common ground and interests to find mutually beneficial solutions..As for Pakistan, it was fighting a US war started in Afghanistan, so it was not for free..and so on..

Brother I am glad you mentioned Salah Ad-Din Ayubi. I can guarantee you brother if he was alive today, then he would have gave Donald Trump a befitting reply. What do you think Salah Ad-Din Ayubi did to Raynald of Chatillion when he disrespected Islam? When Salah Ad-Din Ayubi died he didn't even have one piece of gold dinar to his name. Yet the Al-Saud family spends useless money on yachts, cars, prostitutes and alcohol. By the way that oil money should belong to the people not to the Al-Saud family who have sold their souls to the devil. My problem is linked to the royal family not the people.

Turkey should leave NATO, its in there national interests in my opinion. But they should have a good relationship with Russia. Richard the Lion Heart fought against the Muslims, however, he had more honor in his body then that lying scoundrel Donald Trump, hence why Salah Ad-Din Ayubi respected him. If Saudi Arabia once to show Islamic values then it should concentrate its investments in the Muslim instead of purchasing every single prime property in London. Look at the Chinese and there vision of the One Belt policy...why has Saudi Arabia done something similar in the Muslim world. The Chinese are investing billions of dollars in the Indonesian economy which in the future will become a major economic power in Asia...where is Saudi investment....oh, yeah, its invested in America.

Pakistan fighting America's war was our biggest mistake, but unlike Brother Saif, I have the courage to admit this. I want him to admit that the leaders of his country have sold there souls to the zionists:)
Most of the comments on this forum...

Americans: I hate KSA regime.

Turks: What to do and when?

Iranians: Time to settle score.

Pakistanis: Fuk no...Not again.

Arabs: Why everyone acting like mad dog?

Indians: Neutrality is best policy.


Qatar and al-Jazeera, always were dubious characters.
I always termed term them as Black Sheep.
Qatar is also spying on Pakistan for India & Iran.
When ?
Most of the comments on this forum...

Americans: I hate KSA regime.

Turks: What to do and when?

Iranians: Time to settle score.

Pakistanis: Fuk no...Not again.

Arabs: Why everyone acting like mad dog?

Indians: Neutrality is best policy.

My stance on this issue can be better described by watching this video from 0:52

A change of counterproductive (for the GCC and wider Arab world) policies and most likely further attempts of Egyptian-Qatari and other non-GCC Arab states that Qatar have disagreements with currently rapprochement.
Do you think they will be changed that easily?
BTW Aljazeera right now is acting like RT :D

Pakistanis: Fuk no...Not again.
Nope half are siding with Iran group half are siding with Saudi group :D
Yes, it's a sign that will running new innocent blood in the Middle East.

Tillerson urges Arab nations to resolve rift with Qatar
By Mark Moore

June 5, 2017 | 9:32am | Updated

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Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Monday called on Gulf states to “sit down together” to work out their differences to resolve a deepening diplomatic rift with Qatar.

“We certainly would encourage the parties to sit down together and address these differences,” Tillerson said during a stop in Sydney. “If there’s any role that we can play in terms of helping them address those, we think it is important that the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) remain united.”

A number of Gulf nations — Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Yemen, Libya and Saudi Arabia — announced they were severing ties with Qatar over what they say is the country’s support for terrorism and its relations with Iran.

Four countries cut ties with Qatar over terrorism 'support'

Saudi Arabia, which has been fighting Iran-backed rebels in Yemen for two years, cut diplomatic relations and closed borders with its neighbor to “protect its national security from the dangers of terrorism and extremism, ” the official Saudi Press Agency said.

Yemen said Qatar’s support of extremist groups in Yemen is “in contradiction with the goals announced by the countries supporting the legitimate government.”

Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt and the UAE all also suspended flights to Qatar,

Qatar, which is home to a major U.S. military base used for the air campaign against Islamic State terrorists in the Middle East, said there was “no legitimate justification” for the cutting of diplomatic ties.

Qatar has been accused of backing ISIS fighters in Iraq and providing financial support for terror groups in Syria, allegations the nation denies.

Iran on Monday blamed President Trump for the division between Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

The official IRNA news agency cited the $110 billion arms deal between the US and Saudi Arabia that Trump announced during his visit to the oil-rich kingdom two weeks ago.

Alaeddin Boroujerdi, Iran’s head of the parliamentary committee on national security and foreign policy, said the US is encouraging a divide among Muslim countries.

“Intervention of foreign countries, especially the United States, cannot be the solution to regional problems,” he said according to IRNA.

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Most of the comments on this forum...

Americans: I hate KSA regime.

Turks: What to do and when?

Iranians: Time to settle score.

Pakistanis: Fuk no...Not again.

Arabs: Why everyone acting like mad dog?

Indians: Neutrality is best policy.


What Pakistanis must understand.. this was the plan of enemies of Pakistan, when they ran allegations in Pak media against KSA & UAE, at the time of forming of Islamic alliance.
It could have been Pakistan on receiving end same like Qatar, NS have no clue of regional and international issues.

I forgot about Sri Lankans...Thanks 4 reminding :D

That's our Pakistan. :pakistan:

On topic: I don't know whether to cry or laugh...One thing of I am 100% sure now...

Don't worry Bro. It only shows that Pak's work load has just increased manifolds!!! They individually need Pak's support if they want to survive!!!! What a grand opportunity!!!!!!!
Tillerson urges Arab nations to resolve rift with Qatar
By Mark Moore

June 5, 2017 | 9:32am | Updated

Modal Trigger
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Monday called on Gulf states to “sit down together” to work out their differences to resolve a deepening diplomatic rift with Qatar.

“We certainly would encourage the parties to sit down together and address these differences,” Tillerson said during a stop in Sydney. “If there’s any role that we can play in terms of helping them address those, we think it is important that the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) remain united.”

A number of Gulf nations — Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Yemen, Libya and Saudi Arabia — announced they were severing ties with Qatar over what they say is the country’s support for terrorism and its relations with Iran.

Four countries cut ties with Qatar over terrorism 'support'

Saudi Arabia, which has been fighting Iran-backed rebels in Yemen for two years, cut diplomatic relations and closed borders with its neighbor to “protect its national security from the dangers of terrorism and extremism, ” the official Saudi Press Agency said.

Yemen said Qatar’s support of extremist groups in Yemen is “in contradiction with the goals announced by the countries supporting the legitimate government.”

Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt and the UAE all also suspended flights to Qatar,

Qatar, which is home to a major U.S. military base used for the air campaign against Islamic State terrorists in the Middle East, said there was “no legitimate justification” for the cutting of diplomatic ties.

Qatar has been accused of backing ISIS fighters in Iraq and providing financial support for terror groups in Syria, allegations the nation denies.

Iran on Monday blamed President Trump for the division between Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

The official IRNA news agency cited the $110 billion arms deal between the US and Saudi Arabia that Trump announced during his visit to the oil-rich kingdom two weeks ago.

Alaeddin Boroujerdi, Iran’s head of the parliamentary committee on national security and foreign policy, said the US is encouraging a divide among Muslim countries.

“Intervention of foreign countries, especially the United States, cannot be the solution to regional problems,” he said according to IRNA.

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Orchestra master speaks :) the dogs will now fall in line.

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