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'Saudi weapons' seen at Syria rebel base

OMG Shocking!
SA is supporting the FSA with weapons?!!!
The government(minister of foreign affairs) has PUBLICLY said MANY times that supplying the FSA with weapons is a GREAT idea.
Moving on:coffee:
This raises two points:

1- It is a good thing we are backing the Syrian freedom fighters. Assad and all his supporters must be gutted like animals, they are cheering on for a man who committed and is continuing to commit massacres against the people for none other than sectarian reasons which makes them the dirtiest forms humanity has to offer.

You still havent provided a single evidence of Syria committing massacres, while there are MANY evidences of terrorists backed by Saudis committing massacres left and right.

Assad is supported by majority of all ethnic groups, including sunnis, while "freedom fighters" are doing ethnic cleansing of shias, alavites, christians, and even muslims who dont follow wahhabis extremist ideology.

Those are all facts, you should update yourself.

2- Is the government of Saudi Arabia really that stupid not to tear down that paper? That is first of all. Second of all how in the world did it go all the way to Aleppo without being relabeled for another trip? That is why I call BS on this news. Saudi Arabia is not doing nearly enough to support the Syrian people, all it is doing right now is cowardly refugee support that is all.

Thats not so rare, there were also NATO labeled boxes, etc. Its not like Saudis are trying to hide their arming and funding of terrorists, they are doing it openly. Also you cant really blame your own terrorists for faking the boxes :azn:
You still havent provided a single evidence of Syria committing massacres, while there are MANY evidences of terrorists backed by Saudis committing massacres left and right.

Assad is supported by majority of all ethnic groups, including sunnis, while "freedom fighters" are doing ethnic cleansing of shias, alavites, christians, and even muslims who dont follow wahhabis extremist ideology.

Those are all facts, you should update yourself.

Thats not so rare, there were also NATO labeled boxes, etc. Its not like Saudis are trying to hide their arming and funding of terrorists, they are doing it openly. Also you cant really blame your own terrorists for faking the boxes :azn:

Same accusations back at you. There are hundreds upon hundreds of videos online right now showing regime for Ed torturing and killing civilians. I mean hundreds. Assad is supported by his army and that is it. I am yet to meet a single Syrian supporting Assad and they are in the thousands in my city right now. 2 weeks ago the apartment downstairs was rented by a Syrian. Just to make it clear how much I am in contact with real Syrians and not online trolls.

The only terrorists are Assad and his militia. And they will be wiped out soon enough.
You still havent provided a single evidence of Syria committing massacres, while there are MANY evidences of terrorists backed by Saudis committing massacres left and right.

Assad is supported by majority of all ethnic groups, including sunnis, while "freedom fighters" are doing ethnic cleansing of shias, alavites, christians, and even muslims who dont follow wahhabis extremist ideology.

Those are all facts, you should update yourself.
As far as I know, UN has documented hundreds of mass massacres were committed by the illegal regime. Thousands of YT videos, articles, news, pictures document killing were committed by it. FSA are Syrian freedom fighters defending their own people and recognised by most world countries involved in the Syrian crisis, while the terrorists are Iranian mercenaries and Bashar gangs. FSA is a terrorist group according to Iran, which is officially a State sponsor of terrorism.
there is something called Arm smuggling. You give them money those smuggler can give you any weapon you want. made in china, made in russia, made in USA or made in Pakistan.

Its all game of money, these weapon dealers don't see whether there sold weapon is killing Muslaman or Isai.
Same accusations back at you. There are hundreds upon hundreds of videos online right now showing regime for Ed torturing and killing civilians. I mean hundreds. Assad is supported by his army and that is it. I am yet to meet a single Syrian supporting Assad and they are in the thousands in my city right now. 2 weeks ago the apartment downstairs was rented by a Syrian. Just to make it clear how much I am in contact with real Syrians and not online trolls.

The only terrorists are Assad and his militia. And they will be wiped out soon enough.

Post evidence about Syria killing peaceful demonstrators, in two years I havent seen any. So once again dont hide behind "there are hundreds upon hundreds of videos online."

About Assad's support, lets focus on what Syrians in Syria support, thats what matters, not what someone in Saudi think.

* Even Qatar admits majority of Syrians support Assad, and you cant blame them to be pro-Assad.

* If majority would have been against him, Assad would be long gone, like Shah was gone since majority of Iranians were against him.

* The most anti-Assad demonstrations could gather were tens of thousands, thats like 0,1% of population. Pro-Assad demonstrations were in millions.

* "Rebels" dont have Syrian locals support, they even cried in West media about it.
* Even Qatar admits majority of Syrians support Assad, and you cant blame them to be pro-Assad.

All your points are baseless but this one is hilarious :lol:, take this pretty piece of advice:

Goolge is your friend, it can get you all the things you are asking for, for example, you said that there is no evidence of regime involvement in massacres while you can simply google UN official documents, youtube...etc. We got tired from repeating things.
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