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'Saudi weapons' seen at Syria rebel base

Syrian people have the right to pick up arms and defend themselves from the fierce oppression by the Iranian backed terrorist and illegal regime gangs. It's almost over, cry me a river guys...:azn:

But People of Bahrain didn't have the same right when Saudis crossed in to kill civilians who were openly asking for the same rights.
Majority of Syrians wants no part of this proof is simple they go into Syria do terrorist attacks and run back into some bordering towns controlled with the help of bordering state who wants to install a Israel friendly puppet.
I was in pakistan supporting My own army with pride who was busy killing terrorist in our land ,but i guess Syrian armed forces hired to protect their nation doing their job is a bad thing because the terrorist in Syria are being financed and supported by Arab nations guess what Einstein same Arabs are also supporting terrorist in pakistan.

All I know is that Iran and it's sell out proxies are officially the terrorists.
But People of Bahrain didn't have the same right when Saudis crossed in to kill civilians who were openly asking for the same rights.
Majority of Syrians wants no part of this proof is simple they go into Syria do terrorist attacks and run back into some bordering towns controlled with the help of bordering state who wants to install a Israel friendly puppet.

Good question..But doubt You will get the answer....
But People of Bahrain didn't have the same right when Saudis crossed in to kill civilians who were openly asking for the same rights.
Majority of Syrians wants no part of this proof is simple they go into Syria do terrorist attacks and run back into some bordering towns controlled with the help of bordering state who wants to install a Israel friendly puppet.

Cheetah786 ...:) history is filled with documents about Iranian sell outs betrayal to Ummah and cooperation with it's enemies including Israel and USA. And for Bahrain, criminals have no right.


Well, well... Taliban who resisted Soviet and American invasions are terrorists while the sell outs who seized the power in Afghanistan in cooperation with Iran, USA and before, USSR are the innocent victims? How funny!

I love this Guy he calls the puppet installed on Afghanistan by West a sell out while he called All middle eastern Puppets installed and protected by the same Kings thats funny.
Cheetah786 ...:) history is filled with documents about Iranian sell outs betrayal to Ummah and cooperation with it's enemies including Israel and USA. And for Bahrain, criminals have no right.


Iranians buying Weapons to defend their nation from Iraq which was supported by Arabs and west is some how a crime but when same Arabs buy the same weapons you start threads proudly promoting the same weapons.

And for Bahrain, criminals have no right.

Oh so people of Bahrain protesting with banners and loud speakers are criminals while Saudi supported Suicide bombers and armed to the teeth openly fighting Syrian armed forces are freedom fighters .AS far as betrayal of ummah is concerned why don't you ask the Turks who back stabbed them for the British or ask the Syrian Palestinian Baharanians Pakistanis afghans Yemen or Sudanese.
We Chinamen Should Back the Persians in their eternal crusade Agains gulf nation. But they should first overthrow the mullahs..
I love this Guy he calls the puppet installed on Afghanistan by West a sell out while he called All middle eastern Puppets installed and protected by the same Kings thats funny.

And how come this puppet is in strategic alliance with Iran...:lol:, yes it is a puppet, but as for ME regimes, it's just a psychological reaction to vent the frustration aggravated due to the fact that those regimes and countries have the upper hand in all issues regarding Iran and it's sell out proxies.
Cheetah786 ...:) history is filled with documents about Iranian sell outs betrayal to Ummah and cooperation with it's enemies including Israel and USA. And for Bahrain, criminals have no right.

Your nation Jordan is openly cooperating with israel and USA..Do you consider that betrayal of ummah?

The BBC was not allowed to see the contents of this crate, found in a rebel base in Aleppo
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Syria conflict

BBC News has uncovered evidence that weapons intended for the Saudi military have been diverted to Syrian rebels.

Three crates from an arms manufacturer - addressed to Saudi Arabia - have been seen in a base being used by rebel fighters in the city of Aleppo.

How the small crates reached Aleppo is unknown, and the BBC was not allowed to film their contents. Saudi Arabia has refused to comment on the matter.

Separately, Turkey is calling for "international action" on Syria.

For a sixth day in a row, Turkey has returned fire across the border after a Syrian shell fell on its territory.

Turkey would continue to do everything necessary to protect its borders, President Abdullah Gul said on Monday, adding that the "worst-case scenarios" were now taking place in Syria.

No-one was hurt in the latest incident, near the town of Altinozu, in Hatay province, the Turkish semi-official Anatolia news agency reported.

Last week, a Syrian shell killed five Turkish civilians in the border town of Akcakale.

Meanwhile, fighting has intensified around the central Syrian city of Homs.

Syrian troops launched an assault on Homs, advancing into a rebel-held district after four days of bombardment.

"The army is in the midst of trying to cleanse the last rebel districts of the city of Homs," a Syrian army commander told the Associated Press news agency.

Label lists factory as LCW, in eastern Ukrainian city of Luhansk
LCW stands for Luhansk Cartridge Works, a major ammunition manufacturer, founded in 1895
In Soviet times, the factory mainly supplied cartridges for army use but has diversified into sports and hunting markets
One of its key exports is the 7.62mm cartridge used in the AK-47 semi-automatic rifle and its modifications - used by both the Syrian army and rebels
The crates of ammunition found in an Aleppo mosque were made by the Ukrainian firm Dastan, which specialises in naval weapons and missile complexes.

What was in the crates is unknown, says the BBC's Ian Pannell, who has been in Aleppo, as is how they ended up there.

But their presence clearly suggests that someone in the Gulf is actively helping the rebels fighting to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad, our correspondent says.

When contacted by the BBC, Saudi officials refused to comment.

The BBC's security correspondent Frank Gardner says Saudi Arabia generally prefers to conduct its foreign affairs through low-key, behind-the-scenes discretion.

The apparent discovery of Saudi ammunition in a Syrian mosque could attract unwelcome attention, he adds.

Privately, opposition sources have confirmed to the BBC that they are receiving assistance from Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

The New York Times reports that Saudi and Qatari officials are sending small arms to the rebels, but are holding off sending heavier equipment, such as shoulder-fired missiles.

This is in part because they have been discouraged by the United States, which fears the heavier weapons could end up in the hands of terrorists, the newspaper says.

Meanwhile, in a speech on foreign policy on Monday, US presidential candidate Mitt Romney has said that if elected, he would back Western-friendly elements among the Syrian rebels.

Extracts of his speech released by his campaign include the following pledge on Syria: "I will work with our partners to identify and organize those members of the opposition who share our values and ensure they obtain the arms they need to defeat Assad's tanks, helicopters, and fighter jets."

The UN has warned of rising tensions and has urged those supplying weapons to both sides to stop doing so.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said tensions were increasing in the region, adding that he was "deeply concerned" by the continued flow of arms to both sides, despite international embargoes.

"I urge again those countries providing arms to stop doing so. Militarisation only aggravates the situation," he told the World Forum for Democracy, in the French city of Strasbourg.

Syria is not on the agenda at this week's meeting of Nato foreign ministers, but in an interview with the BBC, Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said Turkey - a Nato member - could count on solidarity.

Nato had no intention of interfering militarily in Syria, he said, but plans were in place to protect and defend Turkey if necessary.

BBC News - 'Saudi weapons' seen at Syria rebel base

WOW How Smart of Saudis they are sending secret weapons with full details written on it the man who has given this news is the biggest joker every born on the face of the earth
WOW How Smart of Saudis they are sending secret weapons with full details written on it the man who has given this news is the biggest joker every born on the face of the earth

It's true, those boxes were filmed in a BBC documentary. It's well known that KSA supplies them with weapons and money. Saudis announced about 9 months ago that they were going to pursue all means to support Syrians including arming them.
It's true, those boxes were filmed in a BBC documentary. It's well known that KSA supplies them with weapons and money. Saudis announced about 9 months ago that they were going to pursue all means to support Syrians including arming them.
Sir no country is so dumb to send boxes with full details written on them and those boxes which are supposed to be secret joke and nothing else :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
This raises two points:

1- It is a good thing we are backing the Syrian freedom fighters. Assad and all his supporters must be gutted like animals, they are cheering on for a man who committed and is continuing to commit massacres against the people for none other than sectarian reasons which makes them the dirtiest forms humanity has to offer.

2- Is the government of Saudi Arabia really that stupid not to tear down that paper? That is first of all. Second of all how in the world did it go all the way to Aleppo without being relabeled for another trip? That is why I call BS on this news. Saudi Arabia is not doing nearly enough to support the Syrian people, all it is doing right now is cowardly refugee support that is all.
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