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Saudi princess wants India to restore ancient mud relics

Yes offcourse. We are a different people with completely different (read utterly superior) culture to Gigantic hindus. We are the dwellers of the land of Indus Valley Civilization. We have nothing to do with Ganga , which majority of Indians regard as holy. We got a separate land because we didn't want Hindu domination of us...any problem?

No problem at all. Its funny because thats not what the basis of your country Two Nation theory says. Also, most of the people who fought for Pakistan were technically Bengali Muslims.

The two-nation theory (Urdu: دو قومی نظریہ do qaumi nazariya, Devanagari: दो क़ौमी नज़रिया,) is the ideology that the primary identity of Muslims on the Indian subcontinent is their religion, rather than their language or ethnicity, and therefore Indian Hindus and Muslims are two distinct nationalities, regardless of ethnic or other commonalities.[1][2] The two-nation theory was a founding principle of the Pakistan Movement (i.e. the ideology of Pakistan as a Muslim nation-state in South Asia)

As a man whose ancestors did come from pre-partitioned Lahore, I will say this though, I love India as it is and all native civilizations to India from IVC to Ganga to Cholas, Mauryas, Gandharas (and countless others) are great civilizations that shaped our history and culture.

Its funny when a man that has nothing to do with IVC culture (highly doubt you pray to Shiva or speak Sanskrit or use the Devnagiri script like they did in Ancient India) talks about how the civilizational culture he does not follow is superior to the culture of other Indian civilizations.

The fact that you despite being a Muslim trying so hard to claim a culture that isnt yours at all flatters us Indians, but don't get too cozy with it since your Mullahs might not like it and start blowing you up. Afterall, thats already happeneing with Bollywood, who knows if next they gonna jump on IVC :wave:
Funny coming from you guys. Yeah you are different people according to your Two Nation Theory, didnt you Muslims go make a different country after converting to your invader's religion?

What a tool. "Converting to your invader's religion"... all Muslims have been converts, the earliest Arab Muslims converted from polytheism, Judaism, and Islam. In-fact, all followers of any religion, have ancestors who converted. So followers of Hinduism also "converted to your invader's religion".

The condescending implication is that Hindus stood fast and "held on" to their Hindu beliefs, while Muslims of India converted to some outsider's religion to appease them or under threat or something. That is simply not true. Even in the time of Muhammad bin Qasim, people in Sindh and what is now Pakistan(up to Multan), found the new religion very surprising. With the harsh caste system and severe punishments for even so much as having your shadow fall on a brahman, here were a people that disregarded all that and believed all men were created equal. The wealthiest of the wealthy, and the destitute, stood shoulder-to-shoulder five times a day(Namaz). This was culturally so shocking that Muhammad bin Qasim was widely revered as some diety from on high.

I'm sick of this arrogant attitude Indians have towards other people's religions. It's this same core attitude due to which they have problems with EVERY single neighbor, be it small countries like Sri Lanka, or big ones like Pakistan and China.

Didnt you know Mecca is half in Dhaka and the other half in Islamabad, the cradle and beginning of Islamic civilization. Oh and the Quran is written in Urdu and Bengali with a little bit of Sanskrit mixed in, wouldnt be surprised if thats what these delusional people learn in madrassas :lol:

Oh man, what wit you have. You probably don't even realize how delusional you seem. I thought religious bigotry wasn't in vogue anymore. I wonder which madrassa you learnt all this junk from.
The Saudi princess has some progressive ideas. I thought the mud relics are un Islamic

One word: tourism.

Anyway, can we please leave the IVC debate out? There are a million and one threads on that topic already, and nothing ever gets resolved...


Harappa is a locality in the Indus River Valley in Pakistan, which dates back to before 2000 BC. Other than the Moenjodaro-site, archaeologists have found evidence of a possible link between Indian and Sumerian cultures.

In the Indus valley area now known as Pakistan, an advanced Bronze Age culture rose up about 2500 bc and lasted for nearly 1000 years.


Saudi Princess went to the wrong country :P

you do realize that the ASI is one of the foremost org in excavating and preserving heritage structures? on the other hand (correct me if i am wrong) Pakistan has not taken care of its heritage structures all that well:)


Harappa is a locality in the Indus River Valley in Pakistan, which dates back to before 2000 BC. Other than the Moenjodaro-site, archaeologists have found evidence of a possible link between Indian and Sumerian cultures.

In the Indus valley area now known as Pakistan, an advanced Bronze Age culture rose up about 2500 bc and lasted for nearly 1000 years.


Saudi Princess went to the wrong country :P
File:CiviltàValleIndoMappa.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of Indus Valley Civilization sites in India
1-Uttar Pradesh India
2-Haryana India
3-Gujarat India
4-Maharashtra India
5-Rajasthan India
6-Jammu & Kashmir India
7-Punjab India
India,Pakistan,Afghanistan,Some parts of Current Iran.

The Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) was a Bronze Age civilization (3300–1300 BCE; mature period 2600–1900 BCE) that was located in the northwestern region of the Indian subcontinent, consisting of what is now mainly present-day Pakistan and northwest India. Flourishing around the Indus River basin, the civilization extended east into the Ghaggar-Hakra River valley and the upper reaches Ganges-Yamuna Doab; it extended west to the Makran coast of Balochistan, north to northeastern Afghanistan and south to Daimabad in Maharashtra. The civilization was spread over some 1,260,000 km², making it the largest ancient civilization.
Other IVC colonies can be found in Afghanistan while smaller isolated colonies can be found as far away as Turkmenistan and in Gujarat.Coastal settlements extended from Sutkagan Dor in Western Baluchistan to Lothal in Gujarat.

By 2600 BCE, the Early Harappan communities had been turned into large urban centres. Such urban centres include Harappa, Ganeriwala, Mohenjo-Daro in modern day Pakistan, and Dholavira, Kalibangan, Rakhigarhi, Rupar, and Lothal in modern day India.
Yes offcourse. We are a different people with completely different (read utterly superior) culture to Gigantic hindus. We are the dwellers of the land of Indus Valley Civilization. We have nothing to do with Ganga , which majority of Indians regard as holy. We got a separate land because we didn't want Hindu domination of us...any problem?

How probable is it that your grand children will be settled in US saying that they are completely different(utterly superior) from pakitani who dwell on the Indus banks?
This news is fully understandable and expected. Those desert dwellers were hardcore polytheists in the past and backward tribal societies as well, and India is a major centre of global polytheism. Birds of a feather flock together.

Saudi princess in the West

Nothing surprising to hear that these bunch would be up to something equally nasty with their cousins across the Arabian Sea.

I doubt they were backward... And Islam prohibits from any such activity. Islam was founded after demolishing all ancient marks. Except Iranian none Islamic country respect there past.

For all other Islamic country History start frm 521AD.
The Saudi princess has some progressive ideas. I thought the mud relics are un Islamic

Really? Who or what told you that? LOL...

This news is fully understandable and expected. Those desert dwellers were hardcore polytheists in the past and backward tribal societies as well, and India is a major centre of global polytheism. Birds of a feather flock together.

Nothing surprising to hear that these bunch would be up to something equally nasty with their cousins across the Arabian Sea.

Kinda rich coming from a chap living in Brazil eh? :lol:

I doubt they were backward... And Islam prohibits from any such activity. Islam was founded after demolishing all ancient marks. Except Iranian none Islamic country respect there past.

For all other Islamic country History start frm 521AD.

Many of the ancient pagan relics of Arabia are still there.

Google it.
This news is fully understandable and expected. Those desert dwellers were hardcore polytheists in the past and backward tribal societies as well, and India is a major centre of global polytheism. Birds of a feather flock together.

Saudi princess in the West

Nothing surprising to hear that these bunch would be up to something equally nasty with their cousins across the Arabian Sea.

Would you prefer she look like this?

Lol why bring religion into the topic when it has nothing to do with it?
Because anyone from Saudi and Pakistan is Muslim and Indians can not seem to talk about anything without dragging religion in!

Would you prefer she look like this?


Whatever a Saudi or any Middle eastern wears, Indians have to criticize it! Old habit i guess!

If she is liberal - Shes wearing....

If she has a burqa on she is oppressed...Do you have a problem with every woman/ culture/ religion or is your target Islam?

New Delhi, S Sep 20 (IANS) The princess of Saudi Arabia, Adela Bint Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz, has discussed the possibility of sharing Indian experience and expertise in excavation and exploration of archaeological heritage in her country with the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) during her six-day visit to India.

“Saudi Arabia wants India to help it decipher epigraphs- old inscriptions, develop museums, archives and share skills in conservation of monuments,” Gautam Sengupta, director-general of Archaeological Survey of India, told IANS.

Sengupta said “many of the ancient structures in Saudi Arabia are built of mud-brick like the Harappan sites and her country wanted Indian expertise to conserve the relics”. In countries like India and Saudi Arabia, “where there is abundant sunlight, fired brick is much more stable”, he said.

The Saudi Arabian princess, daughter of the reining monarch, King Abdullah, who is leading a delegation to India on a visit since Tuesday, met senior ASI officials for more than an hour Wednesday in what is being described as the first-ever discussion of cultural issues between the two countries.

“We also discussed the idea of exchanging over scientific publication and information about what is happening in two countries. Saudi Arabia is keen to host a photo exhibition of its archaeological discoveries and cultural initiatives in the Indian capital – along with screenings of films and lectures by scholars,” the ASI official said.

But the discussions were “preliminary and exploratory”, Sen Gupta said.

The princess also visited the Indian Council for Cultural Relations, the Naional Museum and the National Handicrafts and Handloom Museum. She will also be visiting Agra before returning home.

Saudi princess wants India to restore ancient mud relics | Firstpost

She only asked for help according what she saw and all the Indians suddenly want Pakistan to answer why she didn't go to them? Ask her! I am compelled to say: "WHAT SHOW OFFS"

Aik kuri nay koi help mangli and you people want a home run?!
This news is fully understandable and expected. Those desert dwellers were hardcore polytheists in the past and backward tribal societies as well, and India is a major centre of global polytheism. Birds of a feather flock together.

Saudi princess in the West

Nothing surprising to hear that these bunch would be up to something equally nasty with their cousins across the Arabian Sea.


Not everyone has an identity crisis, some people do value their ancient culture. :)

I doubt they were backward... And Islam prohibits from any such activity. Islam was founded after demolishing all ancient marks. Except Iranian none Islamic country respect there past.

For all other Islamic country History start frm 521AD.

Indonesians and Egyptians too respect their pre-Islamic history, to my knowledge
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