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Saudi prince loses U.K. court battle over Gaddafi jet

cant get how its pathetic ?:help::help:

Leave them alone, now we're plotting to overthrow the current Pak Gov't, I'm thinking about orchestrating a military coup!

It doesn't matter, still people don't deserve to be called whatever lickers. This is outrageous, something we can't allow it to happen again.
And BRO, I guess I am one of those " BOOTLICKERS " he is referring to and I don't even live in KSA.

I did Visit Jeddah, KSA for almost six months on an assignment. The amount of Love, Respect and Hospitality I received from my Saudi Brothers was truly mind blowing. I came back from KSA with deep respect for my Saudi Brothers.

For that if someone calls me a boot licker, that is their convoluted mentality.
Guys you're impossible! You really need to take a break from trolling :omghaha:

I hope Ghaddafi is happy in the skies right now :(

Why can't you guys sue the State Department over this? You guys have a strong lobby in there, I'm getting the heat out of these damn drones..
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Ten million is probably what he spends in a couple weeks no big deal
Leave them alone, now we're plotting to overthrow the current Pak Gov't, I'm thinking about orchestrating a military coup!

It doesn't matter, still people don't deserve to be called whatever lickers. This is outrageous, something we can't allow it to happen again.

i thought nawaz tinda was your friend u guys saved his arse in 1999

Why can't you guys sue the State Department over this? You guys have a strong lobby in there, I'm getting the heat out of these damn drones..

I am pretty sure the Drone attacks will cease now that Nawaz Government told Americans to Stop.

The previous govt. had no backbone because of their Corruption and they had caved in and gave permission to Americans for the Drone Attacks. Even though they use to protest publicly , privately it was a wink and a nod to Americans with a Card Blanche to do whatever they pleased.
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It is about principle.

i was being facetious :D

Actually, you guys shipped him to us. He was exiled by Pakistan Gov't.

We should throw his a s s in the red sea :D

he has a history with the Al Sauds...Didnt his son or daughter (cant remember which one) marry someone in the royal family?
@wasm95 is actually correct. He was incarcerated in Pakistan, the Saudi family intervened and offered him the Sarwar Palace. I'm sure he enjoyed his time there....i've seen some of those palaces you guys have over there :partay:
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Okay :D
i was being facetious :D

he has a history with the Al Sauds...Didnt his son or daughter (cant remember which one) marry someone in the royal family?

His daughter is married to Fahad's grandson.

Yes, he surly does have a history with the King, but Imran Khan was very friendly to us as well, we should have backed him up. I never liked the way our Gov't dealing with Nawaz, he has been exploiting both sides for his own interests.
@wasm95 is actually correct. He was incarcerated in Pakistan, the Saudi family intervened and offered him the Sarwar Palace. I'm sure he enjoyed his time there....i've seen some of those palaces you guys have over there :partay:

Check this out

"Nawaz Sharif and family have been exiled to Saudi Arabia. The decision has been taken in the best interest of the country and the people of Pakistan," the Pakistan government said in a statement.

If I may ask, how truthful is that?
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What do you mean by treated " differently " Your comparison is racially motivated, you can't compare a large community of an A or B nations to some European Expat, but if any violated the laws, then they will be dealt with equally. In fact, we have been hearing some rants from some European countries telling us that we don't treat them " probably "

I don't need to keep anything in mind, I'm well-aware of what's going in my country, but I'm not quite sure that I can speak for the whole ME, so statements as the " Justice isn't served in the ME " is arbitrary. You may need to hear from some of our Pakistani friends living in KSA or at least to those who visited it @Pakistanisage @JonAsad @p(-)0ENiX @salman108 @A.Rafay

Alright, as per the article in the case of Alwaleed bin Talal I agree that justice has been served, & he must pay the commission to the broker.

As far as justice in Saudi Arabia is concerned, yes people do get justice in this country. In cases of severe crimes like murder, justice is pretty much always served regardless of the murderer's or victim's nationalities. Even in minor cases, people aren't discriminated against. Most multinational companies hire Saudis to deal with legal issues, & they are present when foreign employees require legal help.

I have heard people complain of discrimination in cases of vehicle accidents when a cop sides with the local over the foreigner. While that does indeed happen, it isn't an epidemic & the law enforcement does try to be fair unless you just happen to run in to corrupt cops. From what I have heard, there have been other cases of corruption in the police in the past. I heard a story when I was younger that in the 70s or 80s some policemen in Jeddah used to rob people at checkpoints late at night, & they were caught by a prince who just happened to be dressed as a commoner investigating those claims.

In any case, I think the reason people believe that European or Western expats have an easier time here is because their embassies look after them. I can't speak for other Asian countries but the Pakistani embassy or consulate in Saudi Arabia is pretty much worthless, it's hard to even acquire investment information from them in Pakistan. Either way, Saudi Arabia as a whole or at least all of the major cities I have visited are pretty damn safe. Yes, there do need to be some improvements in the law enforcement & even in some of the laws pertaining to expatriates, but that applies to most developing nations & in some cases, even developed ones.
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I'm glad that you like living here in KSA, after all, we've got as many as 2 million Pakistani friends living here in KSA :yay: and the figure is expected to raise up in near future.

Regarding the police discrimination against foreigners, I happen to be related to the law enforcement and security establishments. Before I took my job, I had had a car accident in Riyadh, and the policeman assessment to the accident wasn't fair at all. What I did was that I filed a complaint to the RPD as well as Riyadh Traffic HQ. a few weeks later, I did receive a call back regrading the accident and the situation was fixed. Nowadays, neither Saudi nationals or Expats can drive cars without having an insurance, if somebody had a car accident, the car insurance companies are expected to cover your accidents expenses. While Najam - a State owned company - will be taking care of the assessment of all accidents except those individuals who DON'T have an insurance. If you don't have an insurance on you, then you will get a ticket for not having an insurance, and you will be obligated to get a car insurance as soon as possible, otherwise you can't drive.
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I'm glad that you like living here in KSA, after all, we've got as many as 2 million Pakistani friends living here in KSA :yay: and the figure is expected to raise up in near future.

To be honest, I don't think Saudi Arabia should allow itself to be flooded with too many foreigners. It's good to have some immigration to a certain extent, but Gulf Arab countries besides Yemen are pretty much drenched with them. At this point greater emphasis should be placed on making use of local expertise, & I know the government has taken many steps in that regard. At least Saudi Arabia doesn't have as much trouble with immigrants as the UK does.

Regarding the police discrimination against foreigners, I happen to be related to the law enforcement and security establishments. Before I took my job, I had had a car accident in Riyadh, and the policeman assessment to the accident wasn't fair at all. What I did was that I filed a complaint to the RPD as well as Riyadh Traffic HQ. a few weeks later, I did receive a call back regrading the accident and the situation was fixed. Nowadays, neither Saudi nationals or Expats can drive cars without having an insurance, if somebody had a car accident, the car insurance companies are expected to cover your accidents expenses. While Najam - a State owned company - will be taking care of the assessment of all accidents except those individuals who DON'T have an insurance. If you don't have an insurance on you, then you will get a ticket for not having an insurance, and you will be obligated to get a car insurance as soon as possible, otherwise you can't drive.

Yeah, that's good to know. I haven't had car accidents besides the ones I had when I was learning to drive a few years back, thank God. :lol: I heard a rumor that soon cars will only be allowed to be driven by their owners, is that true? It's probably a response to all those cases where children & teenagers get in to accidents driving their fathers' cars.

I heard a story here that this kid took his father's car late at night without his permission, & picked up one of his friends before they got in to a fatal accident. The vehicle crashed in to a street light pole, & when that pole collapsed on to the car, the kids were burnt to ashes. To make matters worst, the owner of the car in this case, the father of the child was arrested & sent to jail. I don't remember too much after that, but in any case, traffic violations do need to be reduced in this country.
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Look, the vast majority of Expats who live in KSA work in the labor force, and for god sake, I'm very sympathetic to them as any other decent human. They flaw for hours to figure out how to feed their kids, and their contributions for the development of KSA's infrastructure are appreciated. I'm sure you're fully aware of KSA's stand regarding this issue. But I agree, we don't have any sort of problem on immigration, usually, Expats stay here for a few years, and go to their country.

But Pakistani Expats are being dealt with differently, you may know better than some Saudis that Pakistan is being supported by our officials, conservative politicians, and businessmen like Al-Rajhi.

Perhaps, You deserve to stay here like any other hard-working person due to your qualifications, it helps our economy which has been booming over the years.

I heard a rumor that soon cars will only be allowed to be driven by their owners, is that true?

There are two types of car insurances, first is to put an insurance on your driving license, second, is to put it on the car you're driving. Insurance classes are different.
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