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Time to shut down your PDF propaganda...

Persian gulf is hardly 30km. This means even artillery fire can block it completely. So, there is limited scope for any naval engagement even if Iran doesn't have good military.
But Iran hit ISIS in Syria and Kurdish group in Northern Iraq within the past year with precise ballistic missiles and they hit accurately so Iran has demonstrated precision strikes 100s of kilometers away. Are you living in 2019 or 1990? Iran can successfully strike 100s of kilometers away, not just "30km in Persian Gulf". All regional countries know this.

Iranian ballistic missiles are good enough to wipe out oil installation of Saudi Arabia, UAE and other GCC countries.
And its good enough to land precise BMs in Israel(few regional centers that can be hit numerously and precisely) and regional countries (probably most consistently within 1500km from Iran though). You are grossly under estimating Iran's capabilities, but its because you actually dunno what they are. you just talk sophisticated, but you're just stating outright lies.

This means that if Iran is attacked, it can ensure that 50% of the world oil exports is disrupted.
Iran can do more than disrupt oil in PG. why such a limited understanding of a complex issue? Open your mind and consider ALL the factors at play. You act as though Iran(for eg) doesnt have ground forces spread over the ME.

This is a big price which none is willing to pay. Petroleum ia needed on regular and continuous basis and can't be allowed to be disrupted.
US can pay for oil disruption(afterall, it wont happen for a long time) more than dead US soldiers. thats what you are ignoring.

Secondly, Iran doesn't have big enough nuclear warheads to attach on BM. This means that even if Iran has BM, it isn't really useful.
no one is talking about Nuclear warheads or weapons. BMs without nuclear warheads are useless? what planet are you living in? this makes no sense. If Iranian ballistic missiles strikes are useless and inprecise, then tell me why Trump now wants Iranian BM development, types, numbers and usage to be included in new "negotiations "btwn US and Iran? the reality contradicts what you're saying here.

Iran, however, can have missile technology like Styx missile (used by India in 1971 war against Karachi) which can target installations precisely.
Go sit down with your propaganda BS. Iran has received(at least)newer BM tech from Russia or/and China. For common sense sake, Iran already has Multiple re-entry vehicle technology and already has BMs(sejjil for ex) that ABM systems cant intercept(and even if they do, they cant intercept most or intercept them consistently).

Considering the proximity of Iran to the oil facilities of GCC, these missiles are good enough to destroy these targets.
Open your mind and open your scope- Iran isn't called/gunning for regional hegemon position to only have strength and dominance in the PErsian gulf. Iran has influence in multiple regional countries outside Persian gulf, so you really need more education.

It is the importance of oil supply that is preventing USA from attacking Iran. It is not the fear of Iranian prowess that keeps USA from attacking
No, its dead US soldiers thats preventing US, thats why US didnt strike after recent provocations. US and Israel prefer to fight countries that cant do much damage to US aka kill US soldiers. US knows it cant attack IRan without risk to US soldiers lives, and thats whats deterring US.
No, I have done good research on the geopolitics and the importance of technology and natural resources. It is my conclusion after extensive research on how the semiconductor dominance works, how USA sanctioned countries like India, China from getting semiconductor chipsets, how the latest technology development like PGDM bomb, LGB, radar etc is linked with miniaturisation of semiconductor.

Designing a semiconductor is the easy part as the semiconductor design just involves arrangements of logic gates which is pure mathematics.

It is not just Indian experience but even currently China is potentially facing sanctions on Huawei preventing it from importing semiconductor. If making a semiconductor was easy, why is China not being able to make 14nm or 22nm lithography technology? If design was a problem, then China is already making chipsets in TSMC for its Indigenous phones and hence it wouldn't be a big issue if Huawei didn't import semiconductor
for god's sake this Guy think Huwaei problem is obtaining Semiconductors

Persian gulf is hardly 30km. This means even artillery fire can block it completely. So, there is limited scope for any naval engagement even if Iran doesn't have good military.
why you insist on talking about something that you have no clue about at all

Iran, however, can have missile technology like Styx missile (used by India in 1971 war against Karachi) which can target installations precisely. Considering the proximity of Iran to the oil facilities of GCC, these missiles are good enough to destroy these targets.
again completely wrong about Iranian missiles
for god's sake this Guy think Huwaei problem is obtaining Semiconductors

why you insist on talking about something that you have no clue about at all

again completely wrong about Iranian missiles

I suggest that you would ignore this guy. He either doesnt seem to have enough knowledge to talk about these topics or he is trolling.
But Iran hit ISIS in Syria and Kurdish group in Northern Iraq within the past year with precise ballistic missiles and they hit accurately so Iran has demonstrated precision strikes 100s of kilometers away. Are you living in 2019 or 1990? Iran can successfully strike 100s of kilometers away, not just "30km in Persian Gulf". All regional countries know this
Only attack on Kurds was successful as it was just 59-60km from Iran. The attack on ISIS didn't work and was said to have poor accuracy and only 2 missiles out of 6 landed near the intended targets while 4 missiles fell in different city!

And its good enough to land precise BMs in Israel(few regional centers that can be hit numerously and precisely) and regional countries (probably most consistently within 1500km from Iran though). You are grossly under estimating Iran's capabilities, but its because you actually dunno what they are. you just talk sophisticated, but you're just stating outright lies.
Israel is just a city in a desert that imports 80% if food and 90% of its resources including fuel. Simply cutting its food imports can starve Israel to death

Iran can do more than disrupt oil in PG. why such a limited understanding of a complex issue? Open your mind and consider ALL the factors at play. You act as though Iran(for eg) doesnt have ground forces spread over the ME
Iran can do a lot of things other than disrupting oil. But USA is only concerned about oil production over all other things that Iran can do.

US can pay for oil disruption(afterall, it wont happen for a long time) more than dead US soldiers. thats what you are ignoring
No, the oil disruption is huge. Destroying the oil rigs, oil fields, ports, inventory of oil will not be able to be repaired for at least 1 year. That will be a massive problem for everyone in the world. That is why other countries pressurise USA not to attack. USA needs oil prices to be low. This is what prevents an attack on Iran

Go sit down with your propaganda BS. Iran has received(at least)newer BM tech from Russia or/and China. For common sense sake, Iran already has Multiple re-entry vehicle technology and already has BMs(sejjil for ex) that ABM systems cant intercept(and even if they do, they cant intercept most or intercept them consistently
Which newer BM was given to Iran? Not being interceptable by BMD system is a big claim. Even Russian and USA missile can be intercepted. How is this logical to say Iranian missile can't be intercepted

Open your mind and open your scope- Iran isn't called/gunning for regional hegemon position to only have strength and dominance in the PErsian gulf. Iran has influence in multiple regional countries outside Persian gulf, so you really need more education.
Absolutely, I never disagreed that Iran can't raise a rebellion in middle east and cause massive damage. But USA and others in the world is concerned that this will disrupt oil. Very few people really care if Iran attacks or sponsors rebellion in middle east if oil supply isn't threatened. In all non-ME countries, it is only oil that makes ME stability important. If oil runs out, we saw what will happen as in Syria when its oil depleted.

No, its dead US soldiers thats preventing US, thats why US didnt strike after recent provocations. US and Israel prefer to fight countries that cant do much damage to US aka kill US soldiers. US knows it cant attack IRan without risk to US soldiers lives, and thats whats deterring US.
Dead soldiers don't stop USA or any country. People are reproducible. It is the strategic objectives that matter. USA sacrificed lot of people in Vietnam and Afghanistan and yet USA didn't hesitate. Assuming that dead soldiers is what scares USA is incorrect

for god's sake this Guy think Huwaei problem is obtaining Semiconductors
Jut read about sanctions on Huawei-it was all about semiconductor. Huawei and indirectly China is being arm twisted by USA using its semiconductor dependence as leverage.
again completely wrong about Iranian missiles
Just read about Iranian BM attack on IS and read about its accuracy-
I suggest that you would ignore this guy. He either doesnt seem to have enough knowledge to talk about these topics or he is trolling.
ummmm.....FACTS. If we were in 1995 or so i think he would be correct, but we are not. Will soon ignore him.
Ballistic missile hitting a boat? Where? This is a new thing as ballistic missile can't hit moving target. India has CEP of 10metre for its Agni-5 missile. Iran can make missiles like Styx missile of 1960-70 which were used as anti-ship missile using simple radars or 1960-70 type ballistic missiles with CEP of 500m to 1km but making a precision missile using semiconductor is another thing.
















Only attack on Kurds was successful as it was just 59-60km from Iran. The attack on ISIS didn't work and was said to have poor accuracy and only 2 missiles out of 6 landed near the intended targets while 4 missiles fell in different city!

Israel is just a city in a desert that imports 80% if food and 90% of its resources including fuel. Simply cutting its food imports can starve Israel to death

Iran can do a lot of things other than disrupting oil. But USA is only concerned about oil production over all other things that Iran can do.

No, the oil disruption is huge. Destroying the oil rigs, oil fields, ports, inventory of oil will not be able to be repaired for at least 1 year. That will be a massive problem for everyone in the world. That is why other countries pressurise USA not to attack. USA needs oil prices to be low. This is what prevents an attack on Iran

Which newer BM was given to Iran? Not being interceptable by BMD system is a big claim. Even Russian and USA missile can be intercepted. How is this logical to say Iranian missile can't be intercepted

Absolutely, I never disagreed that Iran can't raise a rebellion in middle east and cause massive damage. But USA and others in the world is concerned that this will disrupt oil. Very few people really care if Iran attacks or sponsors rebellion in middle east if oil supply isn't threatened. In all non-ME countries, it is only oil that makes ME stability important. If oil runs out, we saw what will happen as in Syria when its oil depleted.

Dead soldiers don't stop USA or any country. People are reproducible. It is the strategic objectives that matter. USA sacrificed lot of people in Vietnam and Afghanistan and yet USA didn't hesitate. Assuming that dead soldiers is what scares USA is incorrect

Jut read about sanctions on Huawei-it was all about semiconductor. Huawei and indirectly China is being arm twisted by USA using its semiconductor dependence as leverage.

Just read about Iranian BM attack on IS and read about its accuracy-
You have some good points but I must say some of your thoughts are bit skewed and incorrect. For one, the US does care about dead soldiers, in fact very much so. I live here I should know the optics of flag covered caskets...you also forget the US is a democracy, war needs to be approved by congress. You can not fight a prolonged conflict, or in fact fund it without the senate approval. So dead soldiers may give the representatives pause when voting for the bill to go to war. With that said the U.S. has never met a war it didn't like...this is warring nation from it's inception till now, as a matter of a fact this nation has perfected killing mass numbers. The other thing you made a mistake was that the U.S. only cares about oil production....well not true, the U.S. is pretty much insulated itself from foreign oil, so oil is not the card it used to be atleast to the U.S....but they care greatly about their influence in the region and are very afraid of the Chinese influence in the region...they don't at all care about Russia, to them Russia is a failed empire...they have economically and strategically neutered Russia.
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Khalij Fars is not a ballistic missile. It is similar to styx missile and has seeker. It is liquid fuel and needs refueling including oxygen as it not Ramjet and does not travel in ballistic trajectory. It also travels at about 3Mach, as fast as Brahmos whereas Ballistic missile travels in excess of 7 Mach.

I have always said that is has Styx type EO guided precision anti ship missile and you are simply proving my point
Khalij Fars is not a ballistic missile. It is similar to styx missile and has seeker. It is liquid fuel and needs refueling including oxygen as it not Ramjet and does not travel in ballistic trajectory. It also travels at about 3Mach, as fast as Brahmos whereas Ballistic missile travels in excess of 7 Mach.

I have always said that is has Styx type EO guided precision anti ship missile and you are simply proving my point
for God sake go and improve your info about solid and liquid fuel missile.........
Khalij Fars is not a ballistic missile. It is similar to styx missile and has seeker. It is liquid fuel and needs refueling including oxygen as it not Ramjet and does not travel in ballistic trajectory. It also travels at about 3Mach, as fast as Brahmos whereas Ballistic missile travels in excess of 7 Mach.

I have always said that is has Styx type EO guided precision anti ship missile and you are simply proving my point

Stop polluting this sections with your nonsense. Khalije fars is a liquid fuelled missile? If you don't have the mental capacity or knowledge to engage in these discussions, why do you insist on making yourself look so stupid?
Khalij Fars is not a ballistic missile. It is similar to styx missile and has seeker. It is liquid fuel and needs refueling including oxygen as it not Ramjet and does not travel in ballistic trajectory. It also travels at about 3Mach, as fast as Brahmos whereas Ballistic missile travels in excess of 7 Mach.

I have always said that is has Styx type EO guided precision anti ship missile and you are simply proving my point
dude do you know anything about ballistic missiles??? seriously i do not know a lot but i can tell you that's a solid fuel ballistic missile that travels on sami_ballistic and ballistic trajectory. and then i posted 2 full ballistic missiles too with CEP of less then 10 meters.
for God sake go and improve your info about solid and liquid fuel missile.........

Stop polluting this sections with your nonsense. Khalije fars is a liquid fuelled missile? If you don't have the mental capacity or knowledge to engage in these discussions, why do you insist on making yourself look so stupid?

dude do you know anything about ballistic missiles??? seriously i do not know a lot but i can tell you that's a solid fuel ballistic missile that travels on sami_ballistic and ballistic trajectory. and then i posted 2 full ballistic missiles too with CEP of less then 10 meters.
It was a mistake from my side to call Khalij Fars as liquid fuel. I stand corrected about Khalij Fars being liquid fuel. It is solid fuel.

That however, doesn't change the fact that it is like an anti-ship styx missile. I don't see how it is a ballistic missile if it doesn't go in ballistic trajectory. It is also slow - 3Mach and has simple electro-optic seeker

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