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Saudi 'nightmare' on U.S.-Iran rapprochement

Hi Gulfie.
Now even you use that sentence.

So much propaganda has brainwashed even you"Handed to Iran on a golden plate"
Open the link and see for yourself how often this sentence has been used : https://www.google.nl/#q=handed+iraq+on+a+golden+plate+to+iran

Didn’t expect this from "mr professional".
Yes, baba Bush was so good that he burned Iraq to the ground to protect your gulfie friends but left Iraq in sanctions, so curse little Bush for Iraq being able to resume oil exports and have no sanctions anymore.

Perhaps that is not a good analogy and al-Hasani bro pointed out my over simplification of Iraq's relationship with Iran.

In any case bro, we all hope that Iraq shines on its own and does not remain under the shadow of Iran. All the best to your country and people.:)
Iraq on it’s own will actually be a match/rival to any other neighbor, this I don’t even have to prove, history proves it which is the most solid proof anyone could ask for.

Sunni Iraqis Anbar Rutbah :

No need to keep mentioning them they are pro Iraq.

LOL. Who said that they are not pro-Iraqi? I countered the claim of them being pro-Iran. You seem not to know your country very well. Have you visited it?

The Iraqi Sunni Arabs detest Iran largely and especially the Mullah's who are ruling. Just need to visit Al-Anbar or the Sunni Arab areas. I should know I guess having relatives living there.

Oh, and at the end of the day Iraq even if ruled by Shia for the next 1000 years together with Iran (with or without Mullah's) would be no danger or even rival to us Sunni Arabs or the Sunni world.

KSA and Turkey alone would beat that alliance. Let alone all the countries that would join forces with us. So the Iranian friends here should stop having delusions.

Besides Iran currently lives on their religious influence in the region. Once the Mullah's are gone what have they left to influence the masses in Karbala or Najaf? Who will then run around with Khomeini posters? Will they run around with some Iranian nationalist ruler whom they have nothing in common with as a poster? And who would probably be anti-Arab and anti-Islam? Yeah, right.

One day KSA is ally with Israel the next day enemy of USA. Very funny.
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Perhaps that is not a good analogy and al-Hasani bro pointed out my over simplification of Iraq's relationship with Iran.

In any case bro, we all hope that Iraq shines on its own and does not remain under the shadow of Iran. All the best to your country and people.:)

Why don't you stick it to buildings and manufactories that collapses every other day in Bangladesh. The Middle East is too complex for you.

I should know I guess having relatives living there.

Of course. How are you relatives in French and Spain doing btw?
LOL. Who said that they are not pro-Iraqi? I countered the claim of them being pro-Iran. You seem not to know your country very well. Have you visited it?

The Iraqi Sunni Arabs detest Iran largely and especially the Mullah's who are ruling. Just need to visit Al-Anbar or the Sunni Arab areas. I should know I guess having relatives living there.

Oh, and at the end of the day Iraq even if ruled by Shia for the next 1000 years together with Iran (with or without Mullah's) would be no danger or even rival to us Sunni Arabs or the Sunni world.

KSA and Turkey alone would beat that alliance. Let alone all the countries that would join forces with us. So the Iranian friends here should stop having delusions.

One day KSA is ally with KSA the next day enemy of USA. Very funny.

Nevertheless you keep mentioning them as if their loyalty lies to other Arab states.
No they don’t share hatred upon Iran itself but a few things which are a danger, you see it’s not personal hatred against Iran or Iranians that they have but a political problem, so not hatred, neither does the average Saudi have such hatred against them.

No they wouldn’t beat them actually, you wouldn’t know the outcome of such a war depending on both armaments, situation, sanctions, military rebuilt of both these states ?

Israel itself is a danger to the middle east despite their small number, it’s not about numbers, but reality is different, the only backwards groups thinking about ( sunni vs shia empires ) are ISIS, NUSRA ( Qaeda ) and some Shia extremist groups.
Saudi Arabia is against Morsi/Erdogan, doesn’t that say enough ? they aren’t waiting on the Islamic state thing. Neither are you, spend some time with them and you would know.

Why don't you stick it to buildings and manufactories that collapses every other day in Bangladesh. The Middle East is too complex for you.

Of course. How are you relatives in French and Spain doing btw?

Why don’t you continue our discussion about this subject, I was expecting a good discussion.
Nevertheless you keep mentioning them as if their loyalty lies to other Arab states.
No they don’t share hatred upon Iran itself but a few things which are a danger, you see it’s not personal hatred against Iran or Iranians that they have but a political problem, so not hatred, neither does the average Saudi have such hatred against them.

No they wouldn’t beat them actually, you wouldn’t know the outcome of such a war depending on both armaments, situation, sanctions, military rebuilt of both these states ?

Israel itself is a danger to the middle east despite their small number, it’s not about numbers, but reality is different, the only backwards groups thinking about ( sunni vs shia empires ) are ISIS, NUSRA ( Qaeda ) and some Shia extremist groups.
Saudi Arabia is against Morsi/Erdogan, doesn’t that say enough ? they aren’t waiting on the Islamic state thing. Neither are you, spend some time with them and you would know.

You must have misunderstood me. Who should they be working for? KSA, Jordan, Syria? They are Iraqi citizens no matter how little they have in common with a Turkmen in Kirkuk, a Kurd in Erbil or an Shia Arab in Basra next to Kuwait and KSA. I was saying that the Iraqi Sunni Arabs (as history has showed and IS showing) are not pro-Iranian Mullah. That was all what I was trying to say. Iraqi Sunni Arabs have formed the backbone of Iraqi society since it was created as we know it today and until 2003. From politicians, clerics, lawyers, military, decision making, businessmen etc. They have all looked toward the Arab and Sunni world and not Iran or any other country. Well obviously aside from their own country first like any loyal citizen of every country in the world.

Yes, most Arabs dislike Iran and especially the regime. Dislike does not mean and urge to kill or what you might think off. It means that the opinion is negative. We can look at the relation of 99% of all Arab states apart from a few others (mainly due to Iran's so-called Islamic veil which helps them greatly) the Arab opinion on the street to make an obvious conclusion of Arabs and Sunnis = disliking Iran by large especially the current regime. Does that mean that I hate some poor Iranian named Ali Reza something jad somewhere in Isfahan?

Also the day Iran gets an nationalist ruler the dislike will just increase. At least, according to many ignorant Arabs - Iran is Islamic and thus a good country.

Like I wrote before:

Besides Iran currently lives on their religious influence in the region. Once the Mullah's are gone what have they left to influence the masses in Karbala or Najaf? Who will then run around with Khomeini posters? Will they run around with some Iranian nationalist ruler whom they have nothing in common with as a poster? And who would probably be anti-Arab and anti-Islam? Yeah, right.

So you are saying that Iran and Iraq together (doubtful) would stand a chance against an united Sunni Arab force of the region and Sunni force? Really? We don't need to play generals to know the outcome of that. Besides do you really think that Sunnis would fight for Iran, LOL? Likewise I don't expect Shia Iranians to fight for Sunnis - in this case non-Iranians such as Arabs. Maybe some here and there would but let us not kid ourselves. Even if religion did not exist people would not do this.

I have not commented on Israel. It is the Iranian friends here who one day talk about KSA-Israel alliance and the next day "brag" about Iran being the new best friend of USA and Arabs being "afraid" and other nonsense.

I have voiced my opinion about Israel many times. I respect them for their technology, entrepreneurship, diplomatic skill, military skill and influence across the world. But I am also anti-Zionist which is well-known here. I do not like the stance of Netanyahu in connection to Palestine.

I am against all those groups. This is also well-known. Already countered that Yemeni false flagger and got him banned. But I would support those groups against similar Shia groups ruled by Iran.

Erdogan is not a real Islamist. He is moderate. Turkey made some strange laws (thanks to him mainly) but that does not change it. For example restaurants/hotels not being allowed to serve alcohol close to mosques and some other things. Turkey is still a largely progressive country compared to most in the Middle East. Yes it is not your average EU member country but they will never be that and don't aim to be that from what I know. Neither are they a European country by culture, geography (aside from 1 percent), religion etc.

MB is a rival of all monarchies. Nothing to do with Islamism or anything. MB has openly been against monarchies in the region.

Also I do not understand what we argue about? Last time we discussed we agreed on the current situation in the ME and that Iraq not risking the relations with all their Arab neighbors and Turkey (Sunni world), NATO, EU, USA for being a truly ally with the Mullah's. Nor have I even agreed with Iraq being a so-called Iranian puppet as other users here have written (Iranian as non-Iranian) to brag about.

At most I have told, which is COMMON knowledge among Iraqis themselves, that CERTAIN Iraqi parties, clerics etc. are allies to the Mullah's and share their shame ideology. But they do not speak for all but a minority.

Also I know that Iran is not even "loved" or "liked" by Shia Iraqi Arabs in Iraq. Just need to visit some Arabic forums or speak with some or read a little bit of history.

Because the Middle East/Muslim world is influenced by sectarianism to a certain degree many people just support KSA as Sunnis by default and Iran as Shias by default. Just look at this forum. But it is much deeper than just that.

Anyway I have a book to finish so I don't plan long discussions for tonight. This post is probably long enough for most.
Truth is 'Down with America' over night changed to 'Hail America'
Islamic republic approaching to 'great satan' !!!!!!

Truth is that you should visit a hearing care professional. The 'down with America' slogans were chanted last Friday.
Hi Gulfie.
Now even you use that sentence.

So much propaganda has brainwashed even you"Handed to Iran on a golden plate"
Open the link and see for yourself how often this sentence has been used : https://www.google.nl/#q=handed+iraq+on+a+golden+plate+to+iran

Didn’t expect this from "mr professional".
Yes, baba Bush was so good that he burned Iraq to the ground to protect your gulfie friends but left Iraq in sanctions, so curse little Bush for Iraq being able to resume oil exports and have no sanctions anymore.

For these people, every country in ME that is not Iran's enemy is a client puppet state of Iran.

Believe me mate, they don't care a bit about Iraqis here, When Saddam suited their interests, they supported him with oil money and when he bited them back, everything changed. But they prefer even a ruthless Saddam to a representive of majority of Iraqi population.
Iraq should overcome its domestic violence and become powerful and doesn't let anyone, literally, to say even a wrong word about it.
You must have misunderstood me. Who should they be working for? KSA, Jordan, Syria? They are Iraqi citizens no matter how little they have in common with a Turkmen in Kirkuk, a Kurd in Erbil or an Shia Arab in Basra next to Kuwait and KSA. I was saying that the Iraqi Sunni Arabs (as history has showed and IS showing) are not pro-Iranian Mullah. That was all what I was trying to say. Iraqi Sunni Arabs have formed the backbone of Iraqi society since it was created as we know it today and until 2003. From politicians, clerics, lawyers, military, decision making, businessmen etc. They have all looked toward the Arab and Sunni world and not Iran or any other country. Well obviously aside from their own country first like any loyal citizen of every country in the world.

Yes, most Arabs dislike Iran and especially the regime. Dislike does not mean and urge to kill or what you might think off. It means that the opinion is negative. We can look at the relation of 99% of all Arab states apart from a few others (mainly due to Iran's so-called Islamic veil which helps them greatly) the Arab opinion on the street to make an obvious conclusion of Arabs and Sunnis = disliking Iran by large especially the current regime. Those that mean that I hate some poor Iranian named Ali Reza something jad somewhere in Isfahan?

So you are saying that Iran and Iraq together (doubtful) would stand a chance against an united Sunni Arab force of the region and Sunni force? Really? We don't need to play generals to know the outcome of that. Besides do you really think that Sunnis would fight for Iran, LOL? Likewise I don't expect Shia Iranians to fight for Sunnis - in this case non-Iranians such as Arabs. Maybe some here and there would but let us not kid ourselves. Even if religion did not exist people would not do this.

I have not commented on Israel. It is the Iranian friends here who one day talk about KSA-Israel alliance and the next day "brag" about Iran being the new best friend of USA and Arabs being "afraid" and other nonsense.

I have voiced my opinion about Israel many times. I respect them for their technology, entrepreneurship, diplomatic skill, military skill and influence across the world. But I am also anti-Zionist which is well-known here. I do not like the stance of Netanyahu in connection to Palestine.

I am against all those groups. This is also well-known. Already countered that Yemeni false flagger and got him banned. But I would support those groups against similar Shia groups ruled by Iran.

Erdogan is not a real Islamist. He is moderate. Turkey made some strange laws (thanks to him mainly) but that does not change it. For example restaurants/hotels not being allowed to serve alcohol close to mosques and some other things. Turkey is still a largely progressive country compared to most in the Middle East. Yes it is not your average EU member country but they will never be that and don't aim to be that from what I know. Neither are they a European country by culture, geography (aside from 1 percent), religion etc.

MB is a rival of all monarchies. Nothing to do with Islamism or anything. MB has openly been against monarchies in the region.

Iraqi Shia are not pro Iranian Shia clerics either ( Khamenei ), only a few extremists side with Iran simply they want to conquer the region ( part of the Sunni-Shia empire nutcases ).

So you are saying that Iran and Iraq together (doubtful) would stand a chance against an united Sunni Arab force of the region and Sunni force? Really? We don't need to play generals to know the outcome of that. Besides do you really think that Sunnis would fight for Iran, LOL? Likewise I don't expect Shia Iranians to fight for Sunnis - in this case non-Iranians such as Arabs. Maybe some here and there would but let us not kid ourselves. Even if religion did not exist people would not do this.

Why make these comparisons which need pages of discussion taking into count many things + what happened in history when it’s not important, not worth the time. Turkey & Saudi vs Iran and Iraq you said first, would be military parity/balance, like the Iran-Iraq war non ending once all sides have rebuilt military, economy and industry. Nevertheless quit making these joke war comparisons.

Beside, the majority are not even interested in politics, all they want is prosperity, yet on PDF obsessed users think all Shia are bloodthirsty for Sunnis.
For these people, every country in ME that is not Iran's enemy is a client puppet state of Iran.

Believe me mate, they don't care a bit about Iraqis here, When Saddam suited their interests, they supported him with oil money and when he bited them back, everything changed. But they prefer even a ruthless Saddam to a representive of majority of Iraqi population.
Iraq should overcome its domestic violence and become powerful and doesn't let anyone, literally, to say even a wrong word about it.

He’s Gulf Arab by brain, they all share that view so nothing new though I took the time to discuss some users of both sides claiming the client state story yet none are able to provide some usefull information backing it up.
Iraqi Shia are not pro Iranian Shia clerics either ( Khamenei ), only a few extremists side with Iran simply they want to conquer the region ( part of the Sunni-Shia empire nutcases ).

Why make these comparisons which need pages of discussion taking into account many things + what happened in history when it’s not important, not worth the time. Turkey & Saudi vs Iran and Iraq you said first, would be military parity/balance, like the Iran-Iraq war non ending once all sides have rebuilt military, economy and industry. Nevertheless quit making these joke war comparisons.

Beside, the majority are not even interested in politics, all they want is prosperity, yet on PDF obsessed users think all Shia are bloodthirsty for Sunnis.

So we agree? What is the fuss about then?

I did not make the comparisons. Others did. But this does not require several pages of discussion but just common sense. Look at the economy of KSA and Turkey and compare it with Iran and Iraq. The first win hands down. Hence in terms of resources too. Look at land area. First wins too. Not to even mention military power. KSA and Turkey are already close allies. Can you say the same about Iraq and Iran?

Also I said Sunni Arab countries and Sunni world (united) against Iraq, Iran (if ruled by Shia Islamists as today) and the Shias of the region would have no chance which is also correct. One does not even need to make a comparison.

Stop making it sound like the Sunnis are evil (being Sunni yourself) while the Shias are all good, LOL. One just need to look at all the Iranian trolls and some of the Pakistani users who happen to be Shias.

Besides the problem is not your sect or what you belief in. It is your political stance. Besides PDF is not representative for anything. None of the users are living in deep poverty I assume and many of us live abroad (not in the ME) so we can afford this kind of discussions.

As it is today then the Iranians are the most anti-Arab/anti-Semite (call it what you want) here on this forum. It is Iran who have killed more Iraqis than anyone else and who have had many conflicts with Iraq, supported Kurds since the 1950's etc. List is long. It is mainly some Iranian users here who dream about a "Greater Persia" (although we Arabs destroyed that dream 1400 years ago) where Iraq is part of that. No Arab countries neighboring Iraq have such deluded dreams. Just real talk.

So you can keep talking about your "Gulf logic" whatever the hell that is when we have no users from the Gulf here. Which is not even a correct historical term and means nothing. It is the Arabian Peninsula or COUNTRIES bordering the Gulf such as Iraq, Iran, KSA, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Oman.

The only "Gulf region" of KSA are the COASTAL areas of the Eastern Province and many there happen to be Shias. They make a tiny part of KSA. So much for that illogical term. We have to repeat it here again and again because people do not know the history or the region.
So we agree? What is the fuss about?

I did not make the comparisons. Others did. But this does not require several pages of discussion but just common sense. Look at the economy of KSA and Turkey and compare it with Iran and Iraq. The first win hands down. Hence in terms of resources too. Look at land area. First wins too. Not to even mention military power. KSA and Turkey are already close allies. Can you say the same about Iraq and Iran?

Also I said Sunni Arab countries and Sunni world (united) against Iraq, Iran (if ruled by Shia Islamists as today) and the Shias of the region would have no chance which is also correct. One does not even need to make a comparison.

Stop making it sound like the Sunnis are evil (being Sunni yourself) while the Shias are all good, LOL. One just need to look at all the Iranian trolls and some of the Pakistani users who happen to be Shias.

Besides the problem is not your sect or what you belief in. It is your political stance. Besides PDF is not representative for anything. None of the users are living in deep poverty I assume and many of us live abroad (not in the ME) so we can afford this kind of discussions.

Why do you think I just wrote : "once all sides have rebuilt military, economy and industry".

Comparing now is unfair as Iraq been in 3 wars, just got out of sanctions, still facing the aftermath of war and is rebuilding.
Iran experienced war + sanctioned for decades.
It’s like the US bombing Saudi Arabia and Turkey and then let’s compare, fair ?
And when rebuilt, such a war would put the world into crisis not something your waiting for.

For me this isn’t about Sunnis as I am not into this sects thing, I already hear the Vahabi thing often by them so I know the bullshit of that side as well, political problem is all of it ofcourse. Nothing of this is personal, I could even get along with ISIS supporters until arguing about political things.
Why do you think I just wrote : "once all sides have rebuilt military, economy and industry".

Comparing now is unfair as Iraq been in 3 wars, just got out of sanctions, still facing the aftermath of war and is rebuilding.
Iran experienced war + sanctioned for decades.
It’s like the US taking bombing Saudi Arabia and Turkey and then let’s compare, fair ?
And when rebuilt, such a war would put the world into crisis not something your waiting for.

For me this isn’t about Sunnis as I am not into this sects thing, I already hear the Vahabi thing often by them so I know the bullshit of that side as well, political problem is all of it ofcourse. Nothing of this is personal, I could even get along with ISIS supporters until arguing about political things.

Please see the rest of my post:

As it is today then the Iranians are the most anti-Arab/anti-Semite (call it what you want) here on this forum. It is Iran who have killed more Iraqis than anyone else and who have had many conflicts with Iraq, supported Kurds since the 1950's etc. List is long. It is mainly some Iranian users here who dream about a "Greater Persia" (although we Arabs destroyed that dream 1400 years ago) where Iraq is part of that. No Arab countries neighboring Iraq have such deluded dreams. Just real talk.

So you can keep talking about your "Gulf logic" whatever the hell that is when we have no users from the Gulf here. Which is not even a correct historical term and means nothing. It is the Arabian Peninsula or COUNTRIES bordering the Gulf such as Iraq, Iran, KSA, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Oman.

The only "Gulf region" of KSA are the COASTAL areas of the Eastern Province and many there happen to be Shias. They make a tiny part of KSA. So much for that illogical term. We have to repeat it here again and again because people do not know the history or the region.

Doritos11, the world is not a fair place. The comparison was here and now. Not what happened before or what can happen. Besides I said Sunni Arab countries and Sunnis together and against Iraq and Iran (if both were ruled by Shia Islamists) and allies (real allies - which they are not) then the outcome would be clear for every sane person. Then I said that KSA and Turkey alone could deal with both. I still stand by that and I think most would agree.

That all this is nonsense talk, unrealistic and unnecessarily we all know. So I will end it here.

Besides this whole thread (the user who started it and the article) is just trolling. Like the one he made about KSA and Israel being great allies and that worrying USA and other nonsense from Russia today well-known propaganda machine of anybody that is not an Russia ally. Also pro Mullah.

Would be like posting PissTV news like that user has done before.

So just tonight we learnt 3 things from the Iranian users.

1. The so-called improving USA-Iran relations make KSA and the Arab world "scared".

2. KSA and Israel are going to make the most potent partnership in the ME soon.

3. KSA and USA are at odds.

All 3 points have nothing to do with the reality but just guesses of what CAN happen.

In theory KSA and Iran could go and make out and divide the ME on sectarian basis and work together to strengthen their positions. Then both make a deal with Turkey and then they can rule the ME until Judgement Day.
Please see the rest of my post:

Doritos11, the world is not a fair place. The comparison was here and now. Not what happened before or what can happen. Besides I said Sunni Arab countries and Sunnis together and against Iraq and Iran (if both were ruled by Shia Islamists) and allies (real allies - which they are not) then the outcome would be clear for every sane person. Then I said that KSA and Turkey alone could deal with both. I still stand by that and I think most would agree.

That all this is nonsense talk, unrealistic and unnecessarily we all know. So I will end it here.

Besides this whole thread (the user who started it and the article) is just trolling. Like the one he made about KSA and Israel being great allies and that worrying USA and other nonsense from Russia today well-known propaganda machine of anybody that is not an Russia ally. Also pro Mullah.

Would be like posting PissTV news like that user has done before.

Compare it when they have rebuilt or count China on our side and compare it, you see none of this is reality thus it’s not about 2013.
Iraq and Iran together if rebuilt as I stated is not something KSA and Turkey could deal with, it would turn into a war similar to the Iran-Iraq war.

Iran comparable to Turkey when rebuilt.
Iraq comparable to Saudi Arabia when rebuilt.

Sure it is nonesense but compare when rebuilt and we are done with the nonsense.

In theory KSA and Iran could go and make out and divide the ME on sectarian basis and work together to strengthen their positions. Then both make a deal with Turkey and then they can rule the ME until Judgement Day.

Already running at 100% ^^, the outcome is suffering but no not seperatism, seperatism is not something done that easy and these 2 states couldn’t do that whenever they want it.

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