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Saudi king recalls ambassador and demands end to Syria bloodshed


Jun 19, 2011
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah has demanded an end to the bloodshed in Syria and recalled his country's ambassador from Damascus, in a rare case of one of the Arab world's most powerful leaders intervening against another.

It was the sharpest criticism the oil giant – a monarchy who bans political opposition – has directed against any Arab state since a wave of protests roiled the Middle East and toppled autocrats in Tunisia and Egypt.

"What is happening in Syria is not acceptable for Saudi Arabia," he said in a written statement read out on Al Arabiya satellite television.

Events in Syria had "nothing to do with religion, or values, or ethics", the king said.

A crackdown by Syria's president Bashar al-Assad against protests has become one of the most violent episodes in the wave of unrest sweeping through the Arab world this year.

Activists said troops with tanks had launched an assault on the city of Deir al-Zor in the east of the country, killing dozens. The past week has seen scores of people killed in a siege of Hama, a city where Assad's father launched a crackdown nearly 30 years ago, killing thousands.

Assad's government says it is fighting against criminals and armed extremists who have provoked violence by attacking its troops. Activists and western countries say Assad's forces have attacked peaceful protesters.

"Syria should think wisely before it's too late and issue and enact reforms that are not merely promises but actual reforms," the Saudi king said.

"Either it chooses wisdom on its own or it will be pulled down into the depths of turmoil and loss."

The Arab League, in a rare response to the escalating bloodshed in Syria, called on authorities there to stop acts of violence against civilians.

Although several Arab states have joined the west in opposing Libya's Muammar Gaddafi, most of the region's rulers have been cautious about criticising other Arab leaders during the protests.

King Abdullah sent Saudi troops in March to help neighbouring monarchy Bahrain put down anti-government protests, and Saudi officials have criticised the decision to put Egypt's ousted leader Hosni Mubarak on trial.(This is not true Saudi did not criticize putting Mubarak on trial Saudi Ambassador: Mubarak )

Saudi Arabia has acted as a mediator in neighbouring Yemen, and is hosting its president Ali Abdullah Saleh, who went there for medical treatment after being wounded in a bomb attack when protests against his rule turned into open conflict.
Alsalam Alikum

here's his actual speech

'In the name of God the Merciful
'And prayers and peace be upon His Messenger and his family and companions.
'To our brothers in Syria, Syria of Arabism and Islam:
'Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you:

'The repercussions of events in sister Syria resulted in the loss of large numbers of martyrs, whose blood was shed, and other numbers of wounded and injured. Everyone knows that every sane Muslim and Arab or others are aware that this is not of religion, values, or ethics.

Shedding the blood of innocent people for whatever reasons or justifications will not find a reassuring opening that can enable Arabs, Muslims, and the whole world to see a glimmer of hope except through activation of wisdom by the Syrian leadership and carrying out of its historic role in a crossroads that only Allah knows where it leads to.

'What is happening in Syria is unacceptable to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The event is greater than can be justified by reasons, but rather the Syrian leadership can activate quick and comprehensive reforms. The future of Syria is between only two options: either it chooses wisdom willingly, or drifts into the depths of chaos and loss, may Allah forbid.

'The brotherly Syrian government and people knows the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's positions by it in the past. Today, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia stands before its historical responsibility towards her brothers, demanding the stoppage of the killing machine and bloodshed, use of reason before it is too late, introduction and activation of reforms that are not entwined with promises, but actually achieved so that our brothers the citizens in Syria can feel them in their lives as dignity, glory and pride. In this regard, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia announces the recall of its ambassador for consultation on current events there.

'Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you.'

Saudi Press Agency
saudi Press agency
Playing for the gallery in the west or pressure building at Uncle Sam's behest ?
Least likley.

The King is no saint and his acts are not far from those whom he condemns.

And you know this how?? I have seen nothing bad coming out of this king since he took office. The one before I despised along with all my country men but this king changed this country forever. Something you wont understand unless you have lived here.
and wikileaks's words are bible i presume?? Just the same as Debka files when they said Saudi Arabia opened its airspace for Israel??

Absolutely not, Bible merely contain fictional stories but wiki leaks speak nothing but the truth. If the Saudi regime really followed a true Islamic State, your regime would be guilty of treason for providing airspace to Israel and commit atrocities against others. But such rules only apply for the poor and weaklings. And should I remind you of this:
WikiLeaks cables: Saudi princes throw parties boasting drink, drugs and sex | World news | The Guardian
I sometimes wonder how such people sleep at night, while they hang others for the same crime they commit! Hypocrisy at its best !
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