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Saudi-French white shark exercise kicks off

Arabian Legend

Mar 7, 2012
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Du 7 au 10 décembre 2013, le groupe aéronaval, constitué autour du porte-avions Charles de Gaulle, a conduit en Mer Rouge un entraînement bilatéral avec les forces armées saoudiennes.


Mission Bois Belleau : Le groupe aéronaval Charles de Gaulle en exercice « White Shark » avec l’Arabie Saoudite - EMA / Marine nationale​

Cet exercice bilatéral, dont la dernière édition s’est tenue en 2011 alors que le groupe aéronaval achevait sa mission Agapanthe, a donné l’occasion au porte-avions, à son escorte et aux avions du groupe aérien embarqué, de réaliser plusieurs manœuvres opérationnelles et logistiques avec les unités de l’armée de l’air et de la marine saoudienne.

Au large de Djeddah, durant quatre jours, les navires du groupe aéronaval ont pu notamment participer à des exercices de défense aérienne (ADEX), effectuer des entraînements au tir et au ravitaillement à la mer avec leurs sisterships saoudiens, la frégate anti aérienne Al Dammam, la frégate anti sous-marine Al Madinaet le pétrolier ravitailleur Boraida. Plusieurs opérations aériennes combinées (COMAO)ont également été organisées entre Rafale Marine, Super Etendards Modernisésfrançais, Typhoon et F15 saoudiens, démontrant ainsi la capacité des deux pays à évoluer ensemble au sein d’une même force.


Mission Bois Belleau : Le groupe aéronaval Charles de Gaulle en exercice « White Shark » avec l’Arabie Saoudite - EMA / Marine nationale​

Le dernier jour de l’exercice, le chef d’état-major des armées du royaume d’Arabie Saoudite a été accueilli sur le porte-avions Charles de Gaulle par le contre-amiral Chaperon, commandant la TF 473, afin de faire un bilan de cette coopération. Il a été rejoint, pour cette occasion, par le contre-amiral Antoine Beaussant, commandant la zone maritime de l’océan Indien (ALINDIEN). Au cours de cette rencontre, le général d’armée Hussain Al Qubayel a exprimé sa satisfaction pour les résultats atteints et a félicité chaleureusement tous les acteurs. Le groupe aéronaval a ensuite repris sa route vers le Sud afin de poursuivre sa mission de sécurisation maritime.

Depuis la signature d’un accord de coopération et d’assistance dans les années 80, les relations militaires entre la France et l’Arabie saoudite n’ont cessé de se développer. Aujourd’hui, cette coopération vise à développer les savoir-faire opérationnels communs et l’aptitude à opérer conjointement. Dans le domaine maritime, elle se traduit par des échanges d’officiers et le partage d’expérience tactique grâce à l’organisation d’exercices bilatéraux, comme ce fut le cas pour « White Shark ».


Mission Bois Belleau : Le groupe aéronaval Charles de Gaulle en exercice « White Shark » avec l’Arabie Saoudite - EMA / Marine nationale​

Amazing :cheers:

If Geneva 2 turns out positively, we should buy the Rafael(s).
Saudis and french are very buisy these days, almost a new exercice every month, that's good !

The Saudis have been drilling with the French for over a half centuries.

The new thing is that the drills make the news! Not the other way around :lol:
Is ita a naval exercise?, the text is in french.
@ Aeronaut

With google translate:

Mission Bois Belleau : The Charles de Gaulle carrier battle group exercise " White Shark " with Saudi Arabia

Updated: 13/12/2013 6:12 p.m.

From 7 to 10 December 2013, the battle group formed around the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle led the Red Sea a bilateral training with the Saudi armed forces.

This bilateral exercise, the latest edition was held in 2011 while finishing his battle group Agapanthe mission has provided an opportunity for carriers, and his escort aircraft air wing, to achieve several operational maneuver and logistics units with the air Force and the Saudi Navy.

In the offing Jeddah, during four days, the ships of the naval group were particularly involved in air defense exercises (ADEX), conduct training in shooting and replenishment with their Saudi sistership, the anti air frigate Al Dammam, the anti-submarine frigate Al Madinaet, oil mothership Boraida. Several Combined Air Operations (COMAO) were also organized between Rafale, Super Étendards modernized French, Saudi Typhoon and F-15, thus demonstrating the ability of both countries to move together in the same force.

The last day of the year, the Chief of Defence Staff of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was allowed on the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle against the contre-amiral Chaperon, commander of TF 473, to make a review this cooperation. He was joined for the occasion by the contre-amiral Antoine Beaussant, commanding the maritime zone of the Indian Ocean (ALINDIEN). During this meeting, the Army General Hussain Al Qubayel expressed his satisfaction with the results achieved and warmly congratulated all stakeholders. The battle group then resumed his journey to the South to pursue its mission of maritime security.

Since the signing of an agreement for cooperation and assistance in the 80s, the military relations between France and Saudi Arabia have continued to grow. Today, this cooperation aims to develop joint operational expertise and the ability to operate jointly. In the maritime domain, it results in officer exchanges and sharing of tactical experience with the organization of bilateral exercises, as was the case for " White Shark ".

Ministry of Defense

Where are my news ‘FREMM multipurpose frigates’ and my submarines - also my amphibious assault ship, in the future - ? ^^

Don’t worry (Army General Hussain Al Qubayel) ! I loved the tour of French nuclear aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle (A especial event for KSA). And I can assure you that now, if I had a doubt, well I want my news navy equipments very very very quickly.:yay:

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Well I stumbled on some old papers , discussing British and French / Spanish expansions
in new territories

Almost all cases start with "a request for a base" on the territory of the allied nation. Then when moment is right British, French , Spanish demand "MORE" access to nation's territory.

Which eventually leads to a minor escalation , where the coastal region is lost to the French , British or Spanish

Which in turn leads to Occupation ^_^

The years 1300-1800 years were just so full of wonderful tales and stories I am surprised why we don't teach these to our kids in school

While our Mughal Badshahs were chilling eating Murgh Palao and Biryani and watching dances , there was some serious diplomatic initiatives happening word wide

It's also a great read if you can find any articles of interest on Behavior of these nation

a) British
b) French

During times when Turkish controlled the shipping lanes how they maneuvered their alliances

But rest assured ... there is always a reason behind these things

It sends shivers thru my spine when I read French did Nuclear testing on Algerian lands and territories under their control quite brutal
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