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Saudi Foreign Minister Arrives In Islamabad


Sep 20, 2014
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Saudi Foreign Minister Arrives In Islamabad
January 07, 2016, By Web Desk
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ISLAMABAD: Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister Adel bin Ahmed Al-Jubeir arrived in Islamabad on Thursday on an important two-day visit to Pakistan.

The Prime Minister's Adviser on Foreign Affairs, Sartaj Aziz, and other senior officials received the distinguished guest at the airport.

The Saudi minister is scheduled to hold meetings with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, Adviser on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz and other high ranking officials.

Sources said the Saudi minister will also discuss Pakistan's inclusion and its role in a Saudi-led 34-country coalition against terrorism.

He will also have talks with the Pakistani leadership on different aspects of bilateral relations and regional and international issues of mutual interest.

The foreign minister of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was scheduled to visit Pakistan on January 3 but it was postponed after a rise in tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran, after Iranian protestors ransacked the Saudi Embassy in Tehran and Riyadh cut diplomatic ties with Iran.

Diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran – Pakistan's neighbour to the west – deteriorated as Iranian protestors reacted with fury to Riyadh's execution of prominent Shia cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr earlier this week.

The international community has urged Saudi Arabia and Iran to observe restraint after tensions over the execution of the cleric and 46 others — Saudi Arabia's biggest mass execution for decades.

The Saudi foreign minister's visit comes as Iran accused the Saudi collation warplanes of attacking its embassy in Yemen's capital, a development that would exacerbate tensions between the two regional powers. Riyadh said it would investigate the accusation.

Pakistan has expressed concern over ongoing tension between Saudi Arabia and Iran, with the Foreign Office condemning the attack on the Saudi embassy in Tehran.

In a statement on Tuesday, the Foreign Office said providing security to diplomatic staff and mission is the responsibility of the state and that hostile forces could try to take advantage of the differences of the Muslim Ummah.

- See more at: Saudi foreign minister arrives in Islamabad | Pakistan - Geo.tv
These are tense times and Pakistan should offer its good offices to Iran and KSA in order to broker some agreement between them. We have cordial ties with either countries and thus are in a unique position to help cool down the situation in the ME a bit because whatever happens between these countries resonates with our own domestic population that looks to either country as the north of their moral compass.
Well Pakistan has solid ties with Saudia , and brother ties

Iran is our neighbour and we never had problem with them apart from few boarder issues.

Pakistan is against Terrorism and the discussion is expected to be about Terrorism and how countries can communicate to tackle terrorism
These are tense times and Pakistan should offer its good offices to Iran and KSA in order to broker some agreement between them. We have cordial ties with either countries and thus are in a unique position to help cool down the situation in the ME a bit because whatever happens between these countries resonates with our own domestic population that looks to either country as the north of their moral compass.
Agreed with you Sir but i believe superiority complex wont let it happen Saudi thinks they are far superior then Pakistan even don't like to ask our opinion either we want to join coalition or not and at the other hand Iranian thinks they are far more powerful then Pakistan and often trying to dictate their liking on us even they feel free to violate our border and many times conduct raids inside Pakistani area.
Sad to say in that situation Pakistan can offer only solidarity with both. Hope our both brotherly nations listen to us and mend their attitude towards Pakistan and for each other.
Agreed with you Sir but i believe superiority complex wont let it happen Saudi thinks they are far superior then Pakistan even don't like to ask our opinion either we want to join coalition or not and at the other hand Iranian thinks they are far more powerful then Pakistan and often trying to dictate their liking on us even they feel free to violate our border and many times conduct raids inside Pakistani area.
Sad to say in that situation Pakistan can offer only solidarity with both. Hope our both brotherly nations listen to us and mend their attitude towards Pakistan and for each other.

I agree, we are usually looked down upon in a bilateral exchange, more in Saudia than Iran but only marginally however let's not forget that despite all that, Pakistan remains a key neutral state in the Muslim World. We are not committed to either bloc and thus represent a unique partner for either country to serve as a conduit or medium in deescalating tensions.
If needed Pakistan can be the middle person to bring two parties together , as we have traditionally done

Pakistan is a Nuclear state , however we generally treat both parties on friendly basis

ISIS is the big issue in region and peace in Syria is must , as well
Pakistan should adopt ZIA'S approach in this tussle, which he had adopted during Iran-Iraq war wherein he presented and acted upon a policy on behalf of Pakistan that was very neutral in nature. We had worked out negotiations with both the nations at that time. So now it is time Pakistan should form a committee who's members should visit both Iran and Saudia and try to calm down things.

This is NOT a sectarian issue and hence anyone trying to portray it both in terms of stupid illogical protests or airing uncalled for one-sided propaganda should be dealt with strictly.
Give and take formula will be best for negotiations rather refusal or acceptance
Give and take formula will be best for negotiations rather refusal or acceptance

We only have training expertise to give, there is no way Pakistan will agree to commit troops to any overseas deployment unless it is withing KSA itself.
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