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Saudi FM threatens Turkey over policy shift toward Syria

Turkey will do what is in it's national interest, not what the house of saud desires.
Turkey has internal pressure. Seems Turkish people putting lot of pressure on Govt to get out from this mess. Turkish economy can not afford the refugee crisis and regional unrest.
After recent French incident , Turkey will come more under pressure to control the refugee traffic to Europe.
whats with Pakistanis talking against saudis? Both Saudis and Turks are friends.. We should remain neutral in matters which does not concern us...
Hmm.. This is very tough statement. Very undiplomatic.
I agree. These kinds of statements are highly undiplomatic, and even threatening. It is how enemies talk to each other and we have seen such language from Saudi when we refused troops for Yemen.
I agree. These kinds of statements are highly undiplomatic, and even threatening. It is how enemies talk to each other and we have seen such language from Saudi when we refused troops for Yemen.

Exactly. If Saudis turn on to turkey ( not that there is any love lost between them), the mess in ME will get bigger. Will impact whole region and probably beyond.
Saudi Arabia is biggest puppet and exporter Wahabbi ideology while provoking out neighbor Iran which we don't need. Pakistan should stand with Turkey all the way. These Arabs also threatened Pakistan for refusing to join their genocide in Yemen they've got some audacity for sure.
Watch more jihadists blowing themselves in Turkey.Hope that the Turks will know who is really behind them.
Saudi Arabia is biggest puppet and exporter Wahabbi ideology while provoking out neighbor Iran which we don't need. Pakistan should stand with Turkey all the way. These Arabs also threatened Pakistan for refusing to join their genocide in Yemen they've got some audacity for sure.

And KSA is also the biggest supplier of Oil to Pakistan, on concessional rate. Not to forget huge remittances coming every year from GCC. Unless alternate solution is present, it will be difficult to ditch KSA.

The Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia, Adel al-Jubeir, said that Turkey knows very well that it is incapable of betraying the Syrian opposition with such ease, questioning the sudden and unexpected shift of attitude adopted recently by the Turkish Prime Minister.

He [Turkish PM] is aware that Turkey is vulnerable to be divided by the Kurds; making such a fatal mistake will probably lead Turkey to collapse”.
this is open blackmail and threatening behaviour
why Saudis lack basic diplomatic skills? Turkey has shed its blood for their adventure in Syria.

Watch more jihadists blowing themselves in Turkey.Hope that the Turks will know who is really behind them.
looks like it doesnt it
if you see it from a layman view.. this statement (if true) is very undiplomatic, hostile and threatening.

Saudi Arabia is biggest puppet and exporter Wahabbi ideology while provoking out neighbor Iran which we don't need. Pakistan should stand with Turkey all the way. These Arabs also threatened Pakistan for refusing to join their genocide in Yemen they've got some audacity for sure.
that episode was disgusting ... a low life minister of Bahrain threatened Pakistan with terrorism.
hope that Turkey responds to them in a language they understand
this is open blackmail and threatening behaviour
why Saudis lack basic diplomatic skills? Turkey has shed its blood for their adventure in Syria.

Because you can't create a civilised society out of someone who was basically roaming the desert 100 years ago.These tribe folks found themselves by a a historical circumstance in the posession of Islam's holiest sites and then showered with money from oil reserves.These money can't hide their feudal and savage ways.Like we say in here...."nu-i da prostului putere..."...."don't give a fool power..."
Turkey will do what is in it's national interest, not what the house of saud desires.
indeed they have self respect and pride which our leadership sometimes sets aside for personal interests

Because you can't create a civilised society out of someone who was basically roaming the desert 100 years ago.These tribe folks found themselves by a a historical circumstance in the posession of Islam's holiest sites and then showered with money from oil reserves.These money can't hide their feudal and savage ways.Like we say in here...."nu-i da prostului putere..."...."don't give a fool power..."
we have something of a similar phrase which translates something like ... fear the day when a low life gets the power.. he will avenge everyone for all his lifelong depravity and ridicule at the hand of the society.

racism aside. Arabs individually are good matured, excellent hosts, good cuisines, music and art etc but the kind of people British empire setup after the breakup of Ottomon empire is worse of its kind
Saudis used to rob the pilgrims in the olden days before suddenly they were given the keys to the world's biggest bank
indeed they have self respect and pride which our leadership sometimes sets aside for personal interests

The last Saud monarch who openly challenged the Turks had his head turned into a floating buoy in the Bosphorus.

racism aside. Arabs individually are good matured, excellent hosts, good cuisines, music and art etc but the kind of people British empire setup after the breakup of Ottomon empire is worse of its kind
Saudis used to rob the pilgrims in the olden days before suddenly they were given the keys to the world's biggest bank

The Hashemites, for example, are a well manered Arab tribe...the Sauds....well,anyone can open a wiki page....oxygen thieves.

The Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia, Adel al-Jubeir, said that Turkey knows very well that it is incapable of betraying the Syrian opposition with such ease, questioning the sudden and unexpected shift of attitude adopted recently by the Turkish Prime Minister.

“He [Turkish PM] is aware that Turkey is vulnerable to be divided by the Kurds; making such a fatal mistake will probably lead Turkey to collapse”.

Al-Jubeir’s remarks came as he held, yesterday, bilateral meetings with US Secretary of State John Kerry and National Security Advisor Susan Rice.

“Under the current circumstances, Turkey cannot afford being attacked by the Turkish opposition forces. Unlike the Syrian armed opposition which is capable of overthrowing Syria’s Assad and standing against the Turks”, he added.

Earlier this week, Turkish PM Binali Yildirim said improved relations with Syria were needed in the fight against terrorism and for stability in the region.

Saudi Arabia summoned Turkish ambassador in Riyadh to provide more explanation for the controversial statement.


OK then tell the Saudiz if Turk bro wants to shift their policy we are with them.
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