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Saudi donors most signifcant source of terrorism funding in Pakistan

Every time this topic comes up, we have retard Pakistanis defending Saudis or Iranians. No self-respect, no dignity for these low life scums.
in Quetta the LeJ and Sipah sahabah members openly celebrated the "double century" in the early months of this year when they killed over 200 hazara's in two different incidents. other drive by shootings and stopping buses and identifying minority members of the community are beside that number.
apart from some lip service, there seems to be no stopping of these terrorists. they openly brag about their crimes and identified on the scenes but they get the witnesses, policemen, lawyers and judges killed if they are tried in the court and in the end they walk free because there is no living witness willing to give evidence against them.

and these Deobandi organisations are positively and exclusively identified by multiple sources in the world as the direct recipients of Saudi money but to date they remain untouchable apart from protective custody of their leaders whenever they commit a massive crime.
in Quetta the LeJ and Sipah sahabah members openly celebrated the "double century" in the early months of this year when they killed over 200 hazara's in two different incidents. other drive by shootings and stopping buses and identifying minority members of the community are beside that number.
apart from some lip service, there seems to be no stopping of these terrorists. they openly brag about their crimes and identified on the scenes but they get the witnesses, policemen, lawyers and judges killed if they are tried in the court and in the end they walk free because there is no living witness willing to give evidence against them.
and these Deobandi organisations are positively and exclusively identified by multiple sources in the world as the direct recipients of Saudi money but to date they remain untouchable apart from protective custody of their leaders whenever they commit a massive crime.

No doubt about it. These people (read Saudis) have made Pakistan their battlefield. And our security agencies (suffering from good terrorist / bad terrorist) are not doing anything to say the least. Some sources claim that security agencies are actually propping up these LeJ types in Baluchistan to counter the rebels there. I can't comprehend what brilliant leadership does it take to reach these kind of solutions.
No doubt about it. These people (read Saudis) have made Pakistan their battlefield. And our security agencies (suffering from good terrorist / bad terrorist) are not doing anything to say the least. Some sources claim that security agencies are actually propping up these LeJ types in Baluchistan to counter the rebels there. I can't comprehend what brilliant leadership does it take to reach these kind of solutions.
this wont make sense because Hazara are not anti Pakistanis, not demanding seperation and actually hated by Baloch terrorists and become their targets too.
so killing them will only help BLA in creating chaos in Baluchistan.
Peshawar School Attack : Saudi Embassy in Pakistan & Saudi Government Behavior surprised whole world - Pakistan TV.TV


ISLAMABAD: Maulana Abdul Aziz of Lal Masjid has blamed two persons for whipping up the furore over his remark that the massacre of schoolchildren in Peshawar was a “reaction” to the military operation against militants.
“This campaign against me is a conspiracy hatched by Amin Shaheedi and Faisal Raza Abidi,” he told the Friday congregation, adding that “I warn that they are testing our patience”.

Maulana Aziz poured sarcasm on the civil society people demonstrating and lighting candles for the Peshawar dead and said they should also have felt pain for the 86 madressah students killed in Waziristan and other deaths in military operations.

“My brother, his family and many people dear to me and a large number of students were killed in army operation here (in Lal Masjid in 2007), but I did not raise such hue and cry,” he said.
Maulana Aziz suggested to the military and political leadership to negotiate peace with the Taliban, ostensibly for a more worthy cause.
“They too are Pakistanis,” he said. “I suggest that a united force of Pak army and Taliban should be established to fight the infidels.”
In his sermon, he said there were no differences between the Taliban of Afghanistan and those in Pakistan. They are like brothers.

After the Friday congregation was over, members of the Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat (ASWJ), a group heavily backed by Saudi donors, the reincarnation of the banned anti-Shia SSP, demonstrated in support for Maulana Abdul Aziz.

Later Hafiz Ehtesham Ahmed, spokesman for Shuhada Foundation of Lal Masjid, thanked the ASWJ for its support. “Maulana Abdul Aziz is an asset to the whole Islamic world and we will not tolerate any move to harm him,” he said in a statement on behalf of the foundation.

A security official, who monitored his Friday sermon inside the mosque, said the maulana hurled direct threats to the administration.
“He stated that any attempt to harm him or arrest him would lead to an uncontrollable situation in the country,” the official told Dawn.
According to him, the maulana said: “If I am arrested the administration will not be able to control the protest rallies all over Pakistan. And if they kill me then there would be so many suicide attacks that would surpass the reaction that followed death of my brother Ghazi Abdur Rashid.”
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For them killing shias and destorying iran is far more important pakistan is colateral wnixh is acceptable hence funding the proxies to kill pakistani shias and in case of invasion on iran they will use the LeJ and TTP to atta k iran like FSA annd Al nusrah in the meantime thier paid prxies can kill our citizens and soldiers

We should back Shia rebels in Saudi Arabia. Tit for Tat should start. We have had enough of sheikhs playing games with us.
We should back Shia rebels in Saudi Arabia. Tit for Tat should start. We have had enough of sheikhs playing games with us.

Why should?

The better idea would be to crush every person with extreme brute force, whoever supports these groups and oppose Pakistan should face horrendous death.
We should back Shia rebels in Saudi Arabia. Tit for Tat should start. We have had enough of sheikhs playing games with us.
No we shouldn't

that will result in not only the annihilation of that very small already persecuted minority but also result in the unnecessary deaths of common Saudi Muslims. it is not their fault

what we need to do is tighten our controls and talk to Saudis frankly that they take away their proxy war elsewhere and leave us alone
No we shouldn't

that will result in not only the annihilation of that very small already persecuted minority but also result in the unnecessary deaths of common Saudi Muslims. it is not their fault

what we need to do is tighten our controls and talk to Saudis frankly that they take away their proxy war elsewhere and leave us alone

Saudis are your friends...Why would they support anti Pakistan elements within your nation?
Saudis are your friends...Why would they support anti Pakistan elements within your nation?
my Indian "FRREND" they are engaged in a proxy war with Iran for hundreds of years that why
I explained that we are a collateral. yes we are their friends but not big enough ..but on the other hand Iran and shias are their much bigger enemies

when we started facing the terrorism in Pakistan after 9/11 due to our support of American war on terror, you Indians said that these terrorists were trained by us in the past and against Soviets and India and now we were paying for it. which is far from truth because those Afghans never attacked us and they were also supported by Americans and Saudis and they kept their operations within Afghanistan. the ones that operated against India also never attacked us.

this TTP kind was evolved taking inspiration from wahabi Al Qaeda and after 2001 and it consisted of mostly sectarian wahabi terrorists funded and supported by Saudis to fight the Iranian proxies and kill the shias which is a common mission statement of Wahabi states and terrorists. its just a coincidence that they found it convenient to identify themselves under TTP.

I am sorry for falling into your bait question but its for other audience as well. reason why we dont go after LeT as much you want is not because they are our assets (far from it) they almost got us into a war after their terror attacks in India .. it is because we dont get any relief from your side. your state continues the subversion via Afghan side through funding and supporting Baloch Samachar and farrai camps and now and then masses forces along our borders while we are fighting the war on terror against Taliban,

what has changed recently is that we are also actively targeting Afghan taliban inside Pakistan as well we didnt do it in the past because we were not finished with killing our immediate enemies in the shape of TTP and LeJ and AL Qaeda etc but since the new COAS came over we decided to rid all terrorists from our tribal belt who were guests of TTP and possibly vice versa in Afghanistan where TTP also openly enjoys the company and hosting of Afghan intelligence and Kabul regime which was very high profile during Karzai.

we wont hesitate to hit LeT either but not for your sake unfortunately because like I said earlier we have a bad experience from your actions in east Pakistan. but if it also goes beyond Hafiz Saeed trolling you every now and then and then laughing at you guys... then we will deal with him and you will be happy chaps but we know that you wont do any favors for us because 1 you are proud of Mukti Bahani and 2 you continue to deny your help of BLA and probably TTP via Afghan regime because we didnt publish the incriminating evidence yet also Americans acknowledge your subversion at highest levels but they cant be bothered due to their own commitments

what does it have to do with Saudi funding of sectarian terrorists? hope I answered your followup innocent questions too

over and out

@Horus @AgNoStiC MuSliM @MastanKhan please add if anything you want.
my Indian "FRREND" they are engaged in a proxy war with Iran for hundreds of years that why
I explained that we are a collateral. yes we are their friends but not big enough ..but on the other hand Iran and shias are their much bigger enemies

when we started facing the terrorism in Pakistan after 9/11 due to our support of American war on terror, you Indians said that these terrorists were trained by us in the past and against Soviets and India and now we were paying for it. which is far from truth because those Afghans never attacked us and they were also supported by Americans and Saudis and they kept their operations within Afghanistan. the ones that operated against India also never attacked us.

this TTP kind was evolved taking inspiration from wahabi Al Qaeda and after 2001 and it consisted of mostly sectarian wahabi terrorists funded and supported by Saudis to fight the Iranian proxies and kill the shias which is a common mission statement of Wahabi states and terrorists. its just a coincidence that they found it convenient to identify themselves under TTP.

I am sorry for falling into your bait question but its for other audience as well. reason why we dont go after LeT as much you want is not because they are our assets (far from it) they almost got us into a war after their terror attacks in India .. it is because we dont get any relief from your side. your state continues the subversion via Afghan side through funding and supporting Baloch Samachar and farrai camps and now and then masses forces along our borders while we are fighting the war on terror against Taliban,

what has changed recently is that we are also actively targeting Afghan taliban inside Pakistan as well we didnt do it in the past because we were not finished with killing our immediate enemies in the shape of TTP and LeJ and AL Qaeda etc but since the new COAS came over we decided to rid all terrorists from our tribal belt who were guests of TTP and possibly vice versa in Afghanistan where TTP also openly enjoys the company and hosting of Afghan intelligence and Kabul regime which was very high profile during Karzai.

we wont hesitate to hit LeT either but not for your sake unfortunately because like I said earlier we have a bad experience from your actions in east Pakistan. but if it also goes beyond Hafiz Saeed trolling you every now and then and then laughing at you guys... then we will deal with him and you will be happy chaps but we know that you wont do any favors for us because 1 you are proud of Mukti Bahani and 2 you continue to deny your help of BLA and probably TTP via Afghan regime because we didnt publish the incriminating evidence yet also Americans acknowledge your subversion at highest levels but they cant be bothered due to their own commitments

what does it have to do with Saudi funding of sectarian terrorists? hope I answered your followup innocent questions too

over and out

@Horus @AgNoStiC MuSliM @MastanKhan please add if anything you want.
please cut the blame game shit .

its unfortunately your people who are engaged in terrorist activities against their very own nation.

isn't there enough propaganda and covert war against iran ? if there is , then why don't we go nuts ?

what did iran do that caused "terrorism" in your country ? and i am not going to include "KSA" in to this , cause they supported those takfiri groups .

the only reason you are blaming iran is that you dont wanna directly address "saudia" for this matter . by claiming that its a proxy war , you wont make saudiz mad and the "aid" keeps pouring in ....

i really cannot comprehend how much you guys beg for the same money that is killing innocents in pakistan

1- educate your people so that they know what they are dealing with

2 - stop blaming the only neighbor that is good to you and work on your infrastructure .

3- don't let others bully you for money or for power (international recognition / media hype)

4- multiple the amount of money you are giving to cultural institutions
Nawaz Sharif cant do a sh*t against Saudi Arabia. You know the reasons very well.
please cut the blame game shit .

its unfortunately your people who are engaged in terrorist activities against their very own nation.

isn't there enough propaganda and covert war against iran ? if there is , then why don't we go nuts ?

what did iran do that caused "terrorism" in your country ? and i am not going to include "KSA" in to this , cause they supported those takfiri groups .

the only reason you are blaming iran is that you dont wanna directly address "saudia" for this matter . by claiming that its a proxy war , you wont make saudiz mad and the "aid" keeps pouring in ....

i really cannot comprehend how much you guys beg for the same money that is killing innocents in pakistan

1- educate your people so that they know what they are dealing with

2 - stop blaming the only neighbor that is good to you and work on your infrastructure .

3- don't let others bully you for money or for power (international recognition / media hype)

4- multiple the amount of money you are giving to cultural institutions

After Khomeini over threw the Shah---he pushed over the revolution to Pakistan.

Saudis are your friends...Why would they support anti Pakistan elements within your nation?


That is a very simpleton's statement----. Let me show the picture from a different angle---Indians are our enemies yet we find those who want to join our cause amongst them.

Later Hafiz Ehtesham Ahmed, spokesman for Shuhada Foundation of Lal Masjid, thanked the ASWJ for its support. “Maulana Abdul Aziz is an asset to the whole Islamic world and we will not tolerate any move to harm him,” he said in a statement on behalf of the foundation.

The asset of the Islamic world who escaped wearing a burqa. Such a coward. But he can speak as our administration is a bigger coward.
And five fuc** (thanks) were given that day.... and that too, all by Saudi's! :sarcastic:

No dear... its all heavenly leak and this is nothing new, same baseless story you have been promoting with complicity of your clan, now you can celebrate this again, with your strategic hindu partners.

All self made, otherwise tell Reuters to go inform US President about it, who is wasting trillions of dollars in Afghanistan since last 12 years.
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