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Saudi diplomat murder mystery exposed

Do you need a proxy server to login to PDF ?

Apparently thats the case with my ID and IP address.
Well I do know there are some IT taskforces but thats just overkill,
other then some anti BAL/BNP cartoons and engagement with some
river hydrological groups I'm clean. ;)

I mean if munshi isn't using proxies why would I have to :(
At the moment I’m logging using freeproxyserver.ca/
So it was not a mistake after all, according to idune Bhai and Munshi Bhai. You are dismissing reports because they sound like conspiracy theory. Why should we believe you more than the investigative journalist at Blitz or our other Bhai's?

You are a ragtag fanboy after all... you are quoting idune who has just been owned( not that you weren't :lol: ) in this thread itself for their trash talk and cheap rabbling ...

I will simply put that nut case's arguments and the rebuttals..

Instance 1
Idune :
You are openly trying to be bongo-boltu cult member and try to big mouth awami bs. We are not here to listen to your awami bs, we are here to discuss Bangladesh interest. You can NOT label anyone as jammat or BNP or whatever just because he/she points out indo awami terror practices against Bangladeshis and friendly foreign country. Get rid of Awami habit of labeling people who oppose indo awami terror activities.

Joe Shearer :
Look who's talking!

From your first post, you have been flinging 'labels' around. How come suddenly, when it comes to others, you find doing that is a bad, bad thing?

Instance 2

Idune :
You need to be concern about how india is training and managing Awami league terrorist squad who are responsible for killing people, journalist and diplomats. These indian trained terror activities can come back haunt india as well. Looks like india did not take lesson from training Tamil terrorists who eventually killed indian prime minister Rajiv Gandhi.

Not to mention indian sponsored terrorist squad killing diplomat from Saudi Arabia, where millions of indians employed and most of indian oil sourced from.

Fateh71 :
India killing diplomat of a friendly and important country like Saudi for the sake of internal politics of a country that you yourself acknowledge we run???

Thats so dumb its not hilarious, its rather pitiful what kind of brainless hate mongers some of the bangladeshis are. I'm however betting on most of the bangladeshis to see through the idiotic BS you keep peddling. As to the Saudis I know, they won't even spit on your brainless blabber.

maybe you can give him some treatment or celebrate with him his newly found moronity :lol:
in order to get your ip.........................................'freedom of speech' in Bangladesh.

Reference to munshi was just a metaphor or sort of :/ , he's a good guy.
Continue with the mud fights, I don't want to derail.
We should "care if the money left the country or not". As long as it stays within the country, who cares how someone got rich. There are millions of such men in every nook and cranny of BD. All it takes to catch the more prominent of these guys is an election every 5 years. :lol:

lol technically all these money come back when they leave. almost all top business folks do it. send money abroad then bring it back to make their black money; white :D
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