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Saudi diplomat murder mystery exposed

Guys,Guys,Guys plz give a pause on it im not trying to hide anything,nor supporting anyone.But seeing that u guys r blind supporters of BNP.& trying to find a shade under PDF;but not pakistan.Its a virtual world.What u say here doesnt reflect the actual scenario.

It seems that u guys r operating from abroad.But we live here.U cant decide or think whom we support.So just try to post on BD's defense.

Plz not post or expose our politics in it.Be cool:tup:
need to sleep well.......i think i m having a nightmare......how many fairy tell I have yet to be heard from this GOV??????????? the BAL gov??

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You need to be concern about how india is training and managing Awami league terrorist squad who are responsible for killing people, journalist and diplomats. These indian trained terror activities can come back haunt india as well. Looks like india did not take lesson from training Tamil terrorists who eventually killed indian prime minister Rajiv Gandhi.

Not to mention indian sponsored terrorist squad killing diplomat from Saudi Arabia, where millions of indians employed and most of indian oil sourced from.

India killing diplomat of a friendly and important country like Saudi for the sake of internal politics of a country that you yourself acknowledge we run???

Thats so dumb its not hilarious, its rather pitiful what kind of brainless hate mongers some of the bangladeshis are. I'm however betting on most of the bangladeshis to see through the idiotic BS you keep peddling. As to the Saudis I know, they won't even spit on your brainless blabber.
Bangladesh PM staffers humiliate Saudi ambassador

March 22, 2012

Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Bangladesh, Dr. Abudllah Al Bussairy was greatly humiliated by the staffers at the official resident of the Prime Minister of Bangladesh. The Saudi ambassador in Bangladesh, who enjoys high repute being an excellent individual and a genuine friend of Bangladesh, went to meet the Bangladeshi Prime Minister, Sheikh Hasina during afternoon of March 21, 2012, as per appointment set through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bangladesh.

The ambassador wrote a letter to the foreign ministry several days back seeking appointment with the Bangladeshi Prime Minister.

On receiving the letter, the foreign ministry accordingly informed the Saudi ambassador to meet the Bangladeshi Prime Minister during afternoon of March 20, 2012.

Accordingly the ambassador went at the official residence of the Bangladesh Prime Minister and the security personnel at the gate informed him that there had been no appointment for him to meet the Prime Minister.

At this stage, the ambassador had to return from the PM residence without seeing her, which is surely a huge humiliation to an important envoy of a friendly country like Saudi Arabia, which is one of the largest donors of Bangladesh.

It may also be mentioned here that Saudi Arabia employs more than two millions Bangladesh workers in various projects in that country.

Relations between Dhaka and Jeddah became tensed following the recent murder of the Saudi diplomat in Bangladesh, Khalaf bin Mohammed Salem-al Ali. Though weeks have already passed since the murder of Khalaf bin Mohammed Salem-al Ali, there is no sign of any headway in the investigation by the Bangladeshi intelligence agencies in identifying the killers. Days before the murder of Khalaf bin Mohammed Salem-al Ali, a spy of Indian Border Security Force were arrested by Bangladeshi border guards with arms and ammunitions. It was further learnt that a number of BSF spies had earlier entered Bangladesh territory secretly. Bangladeshi foreign minister Dipu Moni is now in Saudi Arabia with the hope of meeting several top ranking government officials to elaborate the investigation process of the murdered Saudi diplomat Khalaf bin Mohammed Salem-al Ali. Saudi ambassador in Dhaka, Dr. Abudllah Al Bussairy has also left Bangladesh for Saudi Arabia on March 21 evening to join Bangladeshi foreign minister's meetings with Saudi high-ups. Diplomatic analysts feel that the latest humiliation of the Saudi ambassador at the gate of the official residence of the Bangladeshi Prime Minister may contribute in further complicating Dhaka-Jeddah relations. Many accuse the inefficiency and lack of responsibility of the foreign ministry in Dhaka for such unhealthy situation.
It may be recalled here that, Khalaf bin Mohammed Salem al-Ali [45], the diplomat with the Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was gunned down by unidentified miscreants during late hours of March 5, 2012 in the capital city of Bangladesh. This is the first time in the history of Bangladesh that a diplomat has been murdered in the capital city. Following this tragic murder, the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs requested higher protection for its staff in Bangladesh. It may be mentioned here that last year, the US government accused Iranian agents of being part of a foiled plot to kill Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the US, and Israel has accused Iran of attacks or attempted attacks on its diplomats in India, Thailand and Georgia this year. Iran has denied all of the accusations. In May 2011, gunmen in Karachi, Pakistan, killed a Saudi diplomat. Iranian embassy in Dhaka is also suspected for the murder of Khalaf bin Mohammed Salem al-Ali, as it had already been accused a number of times for killing Saudi diplomats as well as attacking diplomats from Israel, Saudi Arabia and other nations.

Bangladesh PM staffers humiliate Saudi ambassador :: Weekly Blitz
^^^:lol: This news sounds like a made up myth by weekly blitz. Weekly Blitz seems to be a propaganda machine and resorts to too much fictional journalism.
Guys,Guys,Guys plz give a pause on it im not trying to hide anything,nor supporting anyone.

You are openly trying to be bongo-boltu cult member and try to big mouth awami bs. We are not here to listen to your awami bs, we are here to discuss Bangladesh interest. You can NOT label anyone as jammat or BNP or whatever just because he/she points out indo awami terror practices against Bangladeshis and friendly foreign country. Get rid of Awami habit of labeling people who oppose indo awami terror activities.
Guys,Guys,Guys plz give a pause on it im not trying to hide anything,nor supporting anyone.But seeing that u guys r blind supporters of BNP.& trying to find a shade under PDF;but not pakistan.Its a virtual world.What u say here doesnt reflect the actual scenario.

It seems that u guys r operating from abroad.But we live here.U cant decide or think whom we support.So just try to post on BD's defense.

Plz not post or expose our politics in it.Be cool:tup:

you seem like a radical awami league supporter. opposite of idune's radicalism:lol:
^^^:lol: This news sounds like a made up myth by weekly blitz. Weekly Blitz seems to be a propaganda machine and resorts to too much fictional journalism.

News was published on March 22nd. 15 days gone by, did Bangladesh foreign ministry, home ministry or prime minister office challenged such news? NO they did not. So that give credibility to their news.

Besides, they have reported Destiny 2000 corruption involving Sheikh Hasina's defense advisor and that had proven to be true.
you seem like a radical awami league supporter. opposite of idune's radicalism:lol:

We have been and are still at war, it never ended. In war you have to take sides. Remaining neutral is not an option. Like Bush said, "you are either with us or ...."
India killing diplomat of a friendly and important country like Saudi for the sake of internal politics of a country that you yourself acknowledge we run???

Thats so dumb its not hilarious, its rather pitiful what kind of brainless hate mongers some of the bangladeshis are. I'm however betting on most of the bangladeshis to see through the idiotic BS you keep peddling. As to the Saudis I know, they won't even spit on your brainless blabber.

You pretty much summarized everyone's (including Saudis) opinion on idune and his posts. :lol: :tup:

you seem like a radical awami league supporter. opposite of idune's radicalism:lol:

How is it radical? If you have to make a claim, back it up with some substance! :P
Watch the irritation from Big Liars, but this will not help million Bangladeshi's who may loose their livelihood, they will be looking for answers.

That guy debunked your preposterous rants at so many levels and you have this generic reply ?? What happened to the wannabe great geo strategist Kalu mIah.. ? show some professional competence before you try to act as one.
India killing diplomat of a friendly and important country like Saudi for the sake of internal politics of a country that you yourself acknowledge we run???

"friendly and important country" that is the deceptive line of contradiction india would use to confuse and off track Saudis. Not to mention indians are wishing Saudis send Bangladeshis back and more indians get those jobs. From the level of indian propaganda against Bangladeshis in Saudi Arab and other Gulf countries, indian motives are clear. Does india really consider Saudi Arab friendly other than the purpose of exploiting their goodwill and resource. india as a country collectively spew venom against Muslims and Islam can hardly hold that friendly face. We have seen just few weeks back how indians exploited UAE hospitality and used media from there to run propaganda against another country. There is no telling what indians will do for their cause of hatred and hegemony, including biting the hand that feeds them.
That guy debunked your preposterous rants at so many levels and you have this generic reply ?? What happened to the wannabe great geo strategist Kalu mIah.. ? show some professional competence before you try to act as one.

Watch how they try to drag me into an exchange with Big Liars, sorry, but I have to say no to Liars, who have caused nothing but suffering for our people.

To Fellow Bangladeshi, watch out for these snakes and their agents, they are out to destroy us and nothing will bring them to reason other than equal or greater force.
"friendly and important country" that is the deceptive line of contradiction india would use to confuse and off track Saudis. Does india really consider Saudi Arab friendly other than the purpose of exploiting their goodwill and resource. india as a country collectively spew venom against Muslims and Islam can hardly hold that friendly face. We have seen just few weeks back how indians exploited UAE hospitality and used media from there to run propaganda against another country. There is no telling what indians will do for their cause of hatred and hegemony, including biting the hand that feeds them.

Watch how they try to drag me into an exchange with Big Liars, sorry, but I have to say no to Liars, who have caused nothing but suffering for our people.

To Fellow Bangladeshi, watch out for these snakes and their agents, they are out to destroy us and nothing will bring them to reason other than equal or greater force.


No verbal vomit pls.
"friendly and important country" that is the deceptive line of contradiction india would use to confuse and off track Saudis. Not to mention indians are wishing Saudis send Bangladeshis back and more indians get those jobs.

Now Saudis need random Bangladeshi nincompoops to do their diplomacy and strategic analysis:lol:
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