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Saudi army chief replaced on Raheel Sharif’s recommendation: report

So how is that Ironic ? Its just good business. The very same weapon is used by Terrorists to butcher the Christians in Afghanistan. Didn't you know that ?
That is why out of sheer frustration Christian USa had to use Moab on rag tag terrorists

Like Afghanistan and Iraq ?

Oh yes we helped Crusdaing Army in Afghanistan and look what has happened there :rofl:

Crusaders had to use Moab On a guerilla fighters. Even after so long armed invasion, we have seen insignificant results

Paid by ? Mercenaries do get paid though
1. So you are saying there are more Christians in Afghanistan than Muslims?:rofl: and the primary weapons are for that?

2. Yes, like Afghanistan and Iraq. Both countries have strong American presence and government that are pro America.

3. Yes, we used a MOAB in attacking the ISIS group, ones that taking a stronger foothold in Pakstan day by day. I'm sorry you are feeling ill about us killing those mongrels by means we can afford

With our permission, using our defined coordinates
You never read the context and keep quoting me always here. Really, it's you just being superbly lazy or just plain you know what. I think I need to put you on my ignore list. AND NOW you the first person ever on my ignore list. buh-bye.
Bombing is not same as invading. We bomb several regions in Pakistan too through drones, we have NOT invaded Pakistan. We did invade those countries I listed.

It's you my man that seems to mix your conspiracies with several assumptions. There is no "half like" Russians in Libya or Iraq. They are welcome to do business but it's America which has a strong foothold in those countries.
Now America has a foothold in Iraq and Libya? are you joking?
And America did not invade and lost in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and others.. the only places you have bombed and not invade were Syria, Libya and Yemen.. the bombings in Pakistan were done with the accord of the Pakistani Armed forces, they were fighting the same terrorists and they did not have those types of drones to do it on their own.. as soon as you made a "mistake" and killed 24 of their troops, they told you to stop and that the US drones are not welcome anymore.. did you continue?
So you are saying there are more Christians in Afghanistan than Muslims
Comprehension issues? Read along the lines. I f you cannt understand call out an elder and ask to read that to you

Yes, like Afghanistan and Iraq
Yet, The forces are at withdrawal and security situation isnt very bright either

Yes, we used a MOAB in attacking the ISIS group, ones that taking a stronger foothold in Pakstan day by day. I'm sorry you are feeling ill about us killing those mongrels by means we can afford
Gaining foothold in Pakistan. LOl it is gaining foothold in Iraq and afghanistan, where your presence have made 0 significance. It is no wonder that your poor training is resulting that. Not only that NAto too suffers from Heavy casualty when they venture out og bases in Kabul

You never read the context and keep quoting me always here.
You need to be taught your place son. You are long way from puberty.
Now America has a foothold in Iraq and Libya? are you joking?
And America did not invade and lost in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and others.. the only places you have bombed and not invade were Syria, Libya and Yemen.. the bombings in Pakistan were done with the accord of the Pakistani Armed forces, they were fighting the same terrorists and they did not have those types of drones to do it on their own.. as soon as you made a "mistake" and killed 24 of their troops, they told you to stop and that the US drones are not welcome anymore.. did you continue?

Yes, we have a strong foothold in both places. Both governments heavily lean on us for support. Yes, we continued our operations after a temporary lull in Pakistan. Glad I was able to update you
Saudia Arabia from Israel and USA. Who else?

Can we have some genuine MENA perspective on this @Saif al-Arab Please?
Wait a minute, an alliance that uses American weaponry and heavily relies on it. Where in KSA Americans have bases in the holy land of Muslims, and you are saying this alliance is made up to protect itself from America and Isreal?

Funny way to go about it for sure.
Yes, we have a strong foothold in both places. Both governments heavily lean on us for support. Yes, we continued our operations after a temporary lull in Pakistan. Glad I was able to update you
Nope, you don't, the US has no more strong hold in those countries, you should learn about the US policy changes in the Middle East.., the only strong holds are the US military bases in the UAE and Qatar.. there were temporary US bases in Saudi Arabia, during desert storm, but no more..

Now let's get back on topic.. if you have something to say..
Nope, you don't, the US has no more strong hold in those countries, you should learn about the US policy changes in the Middle East.., the only strong holds are the US military bases in the UAE and Qatar.. there were temporary US bases in Saudi Arabia, during desert storm, but no more..

Now let's get back on topic.. if you have something to say..

You can pretend both those governments are not Pro-America, that don't rely on American might and economic support.

You CAN EVEN PRETEND we have no bases in KSA, the holy land. But then again it would only be a figment of your imagination. https://militarybases.com/saudi-arabia/
Funny way to go about it for sure.
It's a funny old world we live in. Let's reduce the equation and see how silly it looks. Israel is killing Arabs in Palestine and occupying them by force. USA supports and ensures Israel can keep killing Palestinians. Saudia Arabia is best friends forever with USA. All ( USA, Saudia, Israel ) hate Iran. Now if that does not turn logic on it's head I don't think anything can.
It's a funny old world we live in. Let's reduce the equation and see how silly it looks. Israel is killing Arabs in Palestine and occupying them by force. USA supports and ensures Israel can keep killing Palestinians. Saudia Arabia is best friends forever with USA. All ( USA, Saudia, Israel ) hate Iran. Now if that does not turn logic on it's head I don't think anything can.

In all fairness, if we follow your logic and extend it to everyone, then this alliance should also be against China too. They abstain from voting against Isreal in the UN often. They support Isreal in buying weapons from them and enriching that country. Then support military rulers who exact horrific crimes and genocide on fellow Muslims.

Frankly, on a pure body count basis, more military dictators or just plain dictators that China has supported have killed in the millions of Muslims over what the US has killed in wars. Example: They support - Assad, Ghaddafi, Saddam. Omar al-Bashir of Sudan. Yet no such compunction coming from you fellas, why?

Btw, you may start by trying to kick us out from the 5 bases we have in KSA for starters and quit using weaponry from us.
You can pretend both those governments are not Pro-America, that don't rely on American might and economic support.

You CAN EVEN PRETEND we have no bases in KSA, the holy land. But then again it would only be a figment of your imagination. https://militarybases.com/saudi-arabia/

I am not pretending anything, you seem the one who is pretending things.. you seem to be new on PDF too, welcome, but please get your information right before posting..

"Beginning during Operation Desert Shield in August 1990, while preparing for the Gulf War, the United States sent a large troop contingent to Saudi Arabia. After the war, remnant troops, primarily U.S. Air Force personnel, augmented by a smaller number of coordinating and training personnel from the U.S. Navy, U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps remained in Saudi Arabia under the aegis of Joint Task Force Southwest Asia (JTF-SWA), as part of Operation Southern Watch (OSW). The United Kingdom and France also maintained a small contingent of Royal Air Force and French Air Force training personnel.

Operation Southern Watch patrolled by the U.S. Fifth Fleet, based in Bahrain enforced the Iraqi no-fly zones over southern Iraq set up after 1991, and the country's oil exports through the shipping lanes of the Persian Gulf.

In 2003, the United States withdrew remaining non-training troops or armament purchase support from Saudi Arabia, with 200 of these support personnel remaining, primarily at Eskan Village, a base which is owned by Saudi Arabian government itself, inn support of the US Military Training Mission (USMTM) in Saudi Arabia and the US Office of Program Management for the Saudi Arabian National Guard (OPM-SANG)."

This is common knowledge you can find on Wikipedia if you make the effort..
Cheers anyway..
You can also extend your knowledge about this coalition, it is purely against terrorism organizations like ISIS and DAESH and so on, nothing to do with war with other nations, it is nothing like NATO or the former Warsaw pact..
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In all fairness, if we follow your logic and extend it to everyone, then this alliance should also be against China too. They abstain from voting against Israel in the UN often.
The Chinese engagement with Israel has limited value in that countries moorings. However without USA you know full well that Israel would be living on borrowed time. Indeed Israel at times appears to be the 51st state of USA. The latest American military hardware is often recieved by US military at the same time as Israel recieves it. In fact one of the few grounds on which US would use nuclear weapons is if Israel came under threat. The amount of animosity that USA harvest across the entire Islamic world is huge - all on account of America's unwavering support of that country mostly on account of the Jewish lobby inside United States.

I know Saudia has it's face so high up the American posterior that it can't see anythng else. I know that Saudia is only second after Israel as being the US ally in Middle East. I know that Saudia's ultimate security is guaranteed by USA. I know that Pakistan comes no where in Saudi strategic calculus compared to USA. All that is non of my concern. Three cheers for KSA and USA being bum chums but my issue is how retarded Pakistani's worship Saudia and think Pakistan is the godfather of that country. The truth is America is Saudia's godfather and Pakistan at best is the lowly Nigger servant.

How I wish my people woke up to this fact but Pak elites have been bought out for few oil dollars.
It is good strategy to invite iran as iran not going to join obviously and it will be only Iran's loss for refusing to join the coalition
Bombing is not same as invading. We bomb several regions in Pakistan too through drones, we have NOT invaded Pakistan. We did invade those countries I listed.

It's you my man that seems to mix your conspiracies with several assumptions. There is no "half like" Russians in Libya or Iraq. They are welcome to do business but it's America which has a strong foothold in those countries.
How about if Russian bomb a tersist near your home and your kids get killed what will happen with your life. You will carry this pain in your heart all your life. What i understood your kids are more important then afg pak syrian iraqi and labyian kids..you guys are shamless liers.. you guys have killed more people in this world since last 100 years then all of human history.. just in iraq war 3million.. not to forget your human rights violations in prisons.. you had nuck two cities in Japan and vanish them from earth. What can i say about your visdom. Your blood is red as every human in this world. Your war crimes are punisable in court of GOd. Becuase in real world it is very impossible. I have seen noble and oscar awar have been given to people whom main qualifications was either killing muslims or making movies againt them....anyway may Allah bless true peace in this world.. world is beautiful and we human are destroying it very rapdly
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