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Saudi Arabian Air, Land, Naval Forces & SANG

RSAF Tornado




Saudi hawks:




F-15SA of 29th FS in Tabuk


Advanced F-15 Eagles of the 55th FS Squadron





Naval graduation ceremony


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Been a while since I visited this thread, great stuff as usual. Those F-15s are fantastic.

Just saw this pic of Saudi Tornado. The amazing thing about this aircraft -- unlike many of its swing-wing counterparts besides the F-111 -- is how it uses the wing for pylons and weapons as well as fuel tanks despite the fact that they are swing-wings. That means the pylons for those armaments or tanks have to swing in tandem with the wing in order to always be facing forward and perfectly parallel to the fuselage to decrease drag. Pretty amazing when you think about it. The F-14 and Su-24 don't place any weapons on their swing-wings, but rather on the fixed portion of the wing next to the body where the variable geometry mechanism is located in order to avoid having to add a mechanism to the wing pylons as well. But the Britts building the Tornado decided they would add whatever it took to make the pylons turn in tandem with the automated variable geometry wings of the tornado to expand & increase its weapon's load. Interestingly enough they work very well.


This jet is also equipped with reverse thrust nozzles on its dual engine set up to help slow it down extensively on landings. That's why you see most of these jets have a charred up lower portion of the tail fin.

@Gomig-21 Glad to see you back on PDF ! It's been a while,how are you ? I thought you left for good,sadly too much valuable arab members have left the forum,especially Saudis. There were plenty of them few years ago. @Arabian Legend @Yzd Khalifa @BLACKEAGLE @Bubblegum Crisis @Mosamania just to name a few.

@al-Hasani habibi is still here. :p: @ArabianEmpires&Caliphates

There were plenty of Egyptians too,sadly many left.

I'm ok, my friend, Alhamdulillah. :-) I would say Happy Eid to you but I don't think it applies in your case lol. Either way, it's also great to see you as well, mon ami. I just took a break, that's all. There are many other things that one is interested in that can take up a lot of one's time and it's also good to shift from certain things every once in a while to reduce the stress and refresh things from time to time.

I see a lot of those fellas have left for good and you can't blame them. It's difficult to be the primary punching bag for a lot of the hatred that permeates from certain groups and to just shrug it off all the time. I'm a little older than most of these fellows (I think I am lol) and so I've been there and done that and fought back and all that kinda stuff and with age, you learn how to deal with that type of thing and just leave it be and move on. Concentrate on the people who don't hate and on subjects that interest you and take an occasional break as well. I also had a few projects I was really busy with like a major modification on the boat that I documented and shared it on a boating forum and so I spent a bit of time on that which took me away from this and other military sites I'm involved with.

But good to see you here, sir, since there really aren't that many French folks either. Besides Barca who lived in France I think, but he's gone as well so I hope you hang around and don't let the haters (whom BTW, if you notice, are from 1 particular place for the most part) get the best of you. Cheers.
Are Saudis open to acquire additional Ef2000 and new rafael to replace and add power to the fleet.
Saudis proud of female royal guard
RIYADH: Saudi social media users expressed their pride and joy on Friday when a photo appeared of a female member of the Saudi Royal Guard performing her duty alongside her male colleague at a high-profile government office.

In October 2019, the government announced that women can join the military as lance corporals, corporals, sergeants, and staff sergeants in the Royal Saudi Land Forces, Air Force, Saudi Arabian Navy, Air Defense Forces, Strategic Missile Forces and Armed Forces Medical Services.

Applicants were shortlisted after tests and interviews.

The initiative is the first to allow women to climb the ladder towards senior ranks.

The initiative is part of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 Program, pushing for the empowerment of women and giving them more leadership positions, and highlighting the significance of their involvement across different fields.

Saudi women have already been given the opportunity to climb the ranks in the front line of public security, including the General Directorate of Narcotics, General Directorate of Prisons, Criminal Evidence and Customs.

Are Saudis open to acquire additional Ef2000 and new rafael to replace and add power to the fleet.

I think they have plenty of Typhoons as it is. I believe the count is around 72 aircraft and I can't imagine them increasing that number or adding Rafales to the mix, unless there's a need for the R4 coming out but I don't see it. They have all they need in that large number of Typhoons aided by the incredible number of F-15 Eagles in the SRAF inventory. I think their goal is to eventually be part of the F-35 consortium. The Saudis are moving on from 4th gen aircraft as they have plenty of the latest and greatest for their needs and now it's time for them to seriously consider the F-35 with all the American muscle they just ordered in that mega deal. Add the F-35 to all of that would truly make them even more of the powerhouse they are in the region and it would make all the sense in the world to have that aircraft work with all the other American systems. Question will be -- as it always is -- whether Congress will approve it or not and whether they'll keep bringing up the Kashgshi murder and hold that against them forever, which they probably will. If they want to make that work, they'll need to do it now while that egghead moron Trump is still in office, even though he really doesn't have much saying in the matter, it still helps if the Senate is dominated by Republicans and he can influence them. If Joe Biden wins in November, things will get much more difficult as far as military acquisitions from the US.
I think they have plenty of Typhoons as it is. I believe the count is around 72 aircraft and I can't imagine them increasing that number or adding Rafales to the mix, unless there's a need for the R4 coming out but I don't see it. They have all they need in that large number of Typhoons aided by the incredible number of F-15 Eagles in the SRAF inventory. I think their goal is to eventually be part of the F-35 consortium. The Saudis are moving on from 4th gen aircraft as they have plenty of the latest and greatest for their needs and now it's time for them to seriously consider the F-35 with all the American muscle they just ordered in that mega deal. Add the F-35 to all of that would truly make them even more of the powerhouse they are in the region and it would make all the sense in the world to have that aircraft work with all the other American systems. Question will be -- as it always is -- whether Congress will approve it or not and whether they'll keep bringing up the Kashgshi murder and hold that against them forever, which they probably will. If they want to make that work, they'll need to do it now while that egghead moron Trump is still in office, even though he really doesn't have much saying in the matter, it still helps if the Senate is dominated by Republicans and he can influence them. If Joe Biden wins in November, things will get much more difficult as far as military acquisitions from the US.
I think Tornadoes is something that can play a good role for strike missions but it shouldn't be against any human on the ground
RSAF Tornado




Saudi hawks:




F-15SA of 29th FS in Tabuk


Advanced F-15 Eagles of the 55th FS Squadron





Naval graduation ceremony



Is KSA open to acquiring additional Tornadoes from ex-operators for Strike roles?

Recent pic of a beautiful and deadly Saudi Eurofighter Typhoon with a single IRIS-T missile and AMCI pod.


This looks best with no under wing & under belly weapons. With only 4 Aim-120 on intake hard points.
Is KSA open to acquiring additional Tornadoes from ex-operators for Strike roles?

I'm not Saudi so I can't speak indefinitely for them, but having a keen interest in the RSAF and a certain level of knowledge to current and future events when it comes to their military procurement and especially in aircraft, I can confidently say that they will not be adding to their Tornadoes inventory anytime soon or in the near future. If anything, they have approximately 72 Eurofighter Typhoons which can easily substitute the attack role that the Tornado was designed for and being a much more advanced platform, they would more likely increase that number from the possible upcoming Tranche 4 batch and either retire the Tornadoes or sell them to another party. That's what I think they would do with them being also that they have a large amount of F-15s which specialize in strike missions just like the Strike E model. So they wouldn't have any shortages of platforms for that role. But there is no mention of adding any more Tornadoes to the RSAF. I think the days of variable geometry swing-wing design aircraft is quickly coming to an end.

Also, Saudi Arabia has been seriously thinking of joining the 5th generation consortium and has had its eye on the F-35 for a few years now. I think the only thing standing in its way is the Kashogshi incident. Otherwise, I have no doubt the US would've agreed on bringing Saudiya into the fold of those in that program. That's where Saudi Arabia is focusing on ATM including its navy which has a large part of that mega $35 - $100 billion deal with the US.

This looks best with no under wing & under belly weapons. With only 4 Aim-120 on intake hard points.

I can see that. Hopefully they'll have the Meteors there sooner than later so they can mount them on the EFT instead of the AIM-120 as that missile clearly outdoes the latter's performance in every step. So seeing 4 Meteors would be even more appealing IMO.
I'm not Saudi so I can't speak indefinitely for them, but having a keen interest in the RSAF and a certain level of knowledge to current and future events when it comes to their military procurement and especially in aircraft, I can confidently say that they will not be adding to their Tornadoes inventory anytime soon or in the near future. If anything, they have approximately 72 Eurofighter Typhoons which can easily substitute the attack role that the Tornado was designed for and being a much more advanced platform, they would more likely increase that number from the possible upcoming Tranche 4 batch and either retire the Tornadoes or sell them to another party. That's what I think they would do with them being also that they have a large amount of F-15s which specialize in strike missions just like the Strike E model. So they wouldn't have any shortages of platforms for that role. But there is no mention of adding any more Tornadoes to the RSAF. I think the days of variable geometry swing-wing design aircraft is quickly coming to an end.

Also, Saudi Arabia has been seriously thinking of joining the 5th generation consortium and has had its eye on the F-35 for a few years now. I think the only thing standing in its way is the Kashogshi incident. Otherwise, I have no doubt the US would've agreed on bringing Saudiya into the fold of those in that program. That's where Saudi Arabia is focusing on ATM including its navy which has a large part of that mega $35 - $100 billion deal with the US.

I can see that. Hopefully they'll have the Meteors there sooner than later so they can mount them on the EFT instead of the AIM-120 as that missile clearly outdoes the latter's performance in every step. So seeing 4 Meteors would be even more appealing IMO.

I would still say Tornadoes is a much potent platform when it comes to strike missions. I think Saudi's might be interested in acquiring them and making a separate Air Wing for strike roles.
I would still say Tornadoes is a much potent platform when it comes to strike missions. I think Saudi's might be interested in acquiring them and making a separate Air Wing for strike roles.

You mean acquiring more of them? They already have 80 of them, ma bro. They're already performing strike and recon missions with those 80 Tornadoes but I honestly don't think they will be ordering any more since they've been bulking up on the F-15 Strike E variant with 136 of those and between those and the 60+ Cs, they have close to 100 F-15s they can perform amazing strike missions with them and according to several publications, the Saudi pilots love the F-15 in all its variants and by the looks of it, they might even order more of those to go with all the American stuff they're ordering. Plus they like the Typhoon a lot which is also performing strike missions for the RSAF and I bet they'll be looking at the next Tranche model of that aircraft. But I think they'll be pushing very hard for the F-35.
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