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Saudi Arabia wins UN Security Council seat for first time


Aug 6, 2012
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia won a seat on the U.N. Security Council for the first time, joining Chad, Chile, Lithuania and Nigeria who took seats in an election on Oct. 17.

All five countries stood unopposed in an election by the 193 member UN General Assembly. They will replace Azerbaijan, Guatemala, Morocco, Pakistan and Togo on the 15-nation council on January 1.

Of the 191 U.N. members who voted, Lithuania won 187 votes, Chile and Nigeria each picked up 186 votes, Chad secured 184 votes and Saudi Arabia 176 votes.

"Security Council members are routinely called upon to address critical human rights and humanitarian issues," said Hillel Neuer, executive director of U.N. Watch, a Geneva-based advocacy group that monitors the United Nations. "Saudi Arabia and Chad have abysmal records on human rights."

Saudi Arabia, which is also campaigning to be elected to the U.N. Human Rights Council,
has repeatedly been slammed for its record on women's rights. Last month it topped a World Bank list of countries with laws that limit women's economic potential.

Human Rights Watch said taking up these prominent U.N. positions should spur Riyadh to "clean up its act."

A senior Security Council diplomat, speaking on condition of anonymity, welcomed the election of a key Middle East country as the world attempts to bring to an end a 2-1/2-year-old civil war in Syria that has killed more than 100,000.

Hopefully supporting the Syrian revolution will be among our top priorities in the Security Council. :)

INTERNATIONAL - Saudi Arabia wins UN Security Council seat for first time
Im not too familiar with the UN, but is this the same seat type China, Russia etc have?
UN is a corrupt organization ruled by the West. We should boycott it until they do something about Syria instead of talk and other issues such as Palestine. Or the African countries they exploit.

While they speak in their expensive Armani suits small Syrian children are succumbing to drought in the year 2013 in Levant. The once ancient food bracket of the world where agriculture was first invented.

But ok, what do I know. This is maybe positive. I hope something comes out of this although I doubt it.

I once respected UN greatly but recently it turned into a coffee club where a few big bullies dictate the world policies and only interfere on the side of justice and the morals they preach when it suits those big bullies. Otherwise they keep silent. Look at Syria or Palestine or the African countries they left to root for themselves after they plundered them and exploited them for decades.

I hate to be negative but the current world politics and the state of the world disgusts me.

And I am a product of that world and not any better.


"O you who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah, even as against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor: for Allah can best protect both. Follow not the lusts (of your hearts), lest you swerve, and if you distort justice or decline to do justice, verily Allah is well-acquainted with all that you do." [Sûrah al-Nisâ’: 135]
Im not too familiar with the UN, but is this the same seat type China, Russia etc have?

Hell no! Only the 5 world powers hold permanent seats at the UN. Other nations hold seat for 2 years with no veto power.
UN is a corrupt organization ruled by the West. We should boycott it until they do something about Syria instead of talk and other issues such as Palestine. Or the African countries they exploit.

While they speak in their expensive Armani suits small Syrian children are succumbing to drought in the year 2013 in Levant. The once ancient food bracket of the world where agriculture was first invented.

But ok, what do I know. This is maybe positive. I hope something comes out of this although I doubt it.

I once respected UN greatly but recently it turned into a coffee club where a few big bullies dictate the world policies and only interfere on the side of justice and the morals they preach when it suits those big bullies. Otherwise they keep silent. Look at Syria or Palestine or the African countries they left to root for themselves after they plundered them and exploited them for decades.

I hate to be negative but the current world politics and the state of the world disgusts me.

And I am a product of that world and not any better.
Why Syria only, why not Kashmir its older issue.
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