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Saudi Arabia: We'll intercept any IAF aircraft en route to Iran

SA better make up their mind...one month they are with IAF now they are talking totally different.....hmm

When were they ever in the first place??

It is okay I excuse your ignorance it is not your fault you have been brainwashed.
Let's assume it's true.The problem is,Israel will never need to cross Saudi air space,they can easily cross Jordan to Iraq or Syria to Iraq.However Syria may pose some danger to their fighters,still not very serious.
U.S is doing everything it can to prevent an Israeli attack.I really don't think Israel alone,poses any danger to Iran.they don't have advanced bunker buster and with their current inventory,they can only scratch nulear faciities.Israel should be idiot to attack Iran alone and Iran is wise enough not give U.S any excuse to enter the war after the first Israeli attack.
Saudi arabia and its people dont give a dddm f@k if Iran is under attack by either Israel or the US, let them burn each other the less we care.
This news is just to give what so called Israel a warning that Saudi Arabia is not going to allow any infraction of its airspace. :triniti:
Let's assume it's true.The problem is,Israel will never need to cross Saudi air space,they can easily cross Jordan to Iraq or Syria to Iraq.However Syria may pose some danger to their fighters,still not very serious.
U.S is doing everything it can to prevent an Israeli attack.I really don't think Israel alone,poses any danger to Iran.they don't have advanced bunker buster and with their current inventory,they can only scratch nulear faciities.Israel should be idiot to attack Iran alone and Iran is wise enough not give U.S any excuse to enter the war after the first Israeli attack.

If Israel attacks Iran, don't be stupid enough to go attack U.S. just to blame it on us. You be making too many enemies.
Why would the Israelis fly over Saudi Arabia in the first place?

With Syria in Chaos and Iraq not having an Air Force, the Israelis will fly over Syria and then Iraq to bomb Iran.

Besides, Israeli Generals have said this is a stupid move by Israel as Iran needs multiple of sorties to totally destroy its Nuclear Infrastructure and the only country that can do that is USA.

And USA is in no mood to start another war in the middle east.

Thanks- that will really help israeli offense and iranian defense planners- :pop:-

If Israel attacks Iran, don't be stupid enough to go attack U.S. just to blame it on us. You be making too many enemies.

lets be honest- an israeli attack on iran cannot happen without US permission-
So Iran has ev right- to attack any US base it suits-
well , even If saudi want stop them , they can't do it .... their fighters and Anti air system can't targeting Israel's fighters ...

so they should be quiet ....

What makes you say that ?
Loads of different theories in one article.
Fellow civilians, truth, however you may feel you know, is always different than what you see.

The military and intelligence sectors in the world work co-ordinating together. Their work and relationships are not seen my civilians or junior officers. The reason of this statement is different than what everyone feels. This is how intelligence works. Only a weak and poor agency/military would let civilians know anything.

This matter, which I would not comment on, has one stage above the article which hardly anyone here has seen.

The Saudis have finally realized many things though, and I strongly favour strong ties between KSA-Iran and Middle East-Iran, which however will not work out (third parties doesn't want this to happen).
]israelis are smart a**[/B] they can route their map through any where ,but not india,india is not involved it

hope they really are smart *** like you believe- and drop plans to attack iran-
India will remain neutral in such a scenario.
In fact the Congress govt will make some sympathetic statements for peace and supporting Iran. (Elections are are not far.)
However, I'm 400% sure India will never join such a war.

India has good relations with Iran, I think the only support they will extend to the Israelis will be diplomatic in nature.
It's really funny Mosamania,as a moderator,you are insulting Iranian members here,calling them apes with IQ 3,then you delete my post who didn't have any insults in it.Good job

On topic:
The news was denied by Israeli officials,I was really at odds that Saudi officials would say such thing,but then,it turned out the news was a fake.No surprise.
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