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Saudi Arabia wants to buy German submarines

KSA should be cautious don't put/invest all the money in one place diversity is a good thing in the longer run, I said it before KSA should approach China for nuclear based submarines while invest with either Germany or France. I serious doubt of 25 Subs but if the objective is atleast 15 that is manageable 5 Chinese next generation nuc subs and 10 German U-Series.
Saudi Arabia can get the same type 209 submarines from South Korea that makes its own version, and is already making three for Indonesia.
The Korean subs are no way near to their German counterpart.

South Korea is currently the only country outside Germany independently offering the Type 209 for sale. Indonesia was also offered two license built Type 209 submarines manufactured by a group of Turkish (SSM - Undersecretariat for Defense Industries) and German companies (HDW/ThyssenKrupp), a deal reported to be valued at $1 billion.

Chang Bogo-class submarine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I know. I'm just saying that it is no way near to Germany's.
South Korea is currently the only country outside Germany independently offering the Type 209 for sale. Indonesia was also offered two license built Type 209 submarines manufactured by a group of Turkish (SSM - Undersecretariat for Defense Industries) and German companies (HDW/ThyssenKrupp), a deal reported to be valued at $1 billion.

Chang Bogo-class submarine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
They are supposed to be the same, The SK version is an improved type 209.
Where do you see the difference?
Yeah Right Saudi Brothers =)) who dont even give W.P To Pakistanis =)) They treat all other muslims as their slaves and people dont get tired of calling them brothers

On the Topic Saudi Defense industry is getting better Because of the tech available to them, instead of giving a big order KSA should buy the minimum Number of sub they really need and try to get tot or start Some JV or start independently which will help KSA better in long term 

When You have money to waste :D who cares you are buying 25 or 250
Who told you they are not requesting TOT, the number of submarines points to that, after all Turkey makes them under license and South Korea makes an improved version of them (Type -209) under a different name independently, and just sold three of them.

Most of Iranian submarines are little midget Submarines that can only operate in Persian Gulf waters.

Iranian Navy's Ghadir Submarine Returns Home from Indian Ocean Mission

Upon arrival, Ghadir was welcomed back home in a ceremony attended by Iranian Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari in Bandar Abbas on Wednesday.

Ghadir was accompanying Iran's naval fleet that participated in joint drills with Pakistan in the Northern waters of the Indian Ocean last week. According to the two countries' military officials, the joint exercises were aimed at promoting military cooperation between the Iranian and Pakistani navies.

The Iranian naval fleet present in the exercises comprised of Falakhon (Sling) and Khanjar (Dagger) missile frigates, Hendijan and Deylam replenishment ships as well as a Ghadir midget submarine.

During the daylong drills, the Iranian and Pakistani naval forces rehearsed different types of military and tactical formations of vessels and submarines.

In recent years, Iran’s Navy has been increasing its presence in international waters to protect naval routes and provide security for trade vessels and tankers.
The Islamic Republic has repeatedly asserted that its overseas naval presence is meant to convey a message of peace and friendship to other countries.

Iranian officials and commanders have repeatedly underlined that all military exercises and trainings of the Iranian Armed Forces are merely meant to serve deterrent purposes.

Hey there :cheers:

Long time no speak! I hope you're doing well.

Nothing came out so far except the fact that Germany is going to be excluded from such project.
Where have you heard about the exclusion of Germany? I am curious, 'cause it is not mentioned in any news or web sites.
First the leopards, then the Type-209, it seems that they are holding on the sales of any major weapon to SA.
There should be a fictitious entity in SA or GCC that opposes any Oil deals with Germany, since it helps an apartheid like regime in the middle east, namely USrael, by selling them dangerous weapons for the middle east. That will be fair enough, and diminish the industrial capacity of Germany in return of its diminishing the defensive capabilities of the GCC.
Where have you heard about the exclusion of Germany? I am curious, 'cause it is not mentioned in any news or web sites.
First the leopards, then the Type-209, it seems that they are holding on the sales of any major weapon to SA.
There should be a fictitious entity in SA or GCC that opposes any Oil deals with Germany, since it helps an apartheid like regime in the middle east, namely USrael, by selling them dangerous weapons for the middle east. That will be fair enough, and diminish the industrial capacity of Germany in return of its diminishing the defensive capabilities of the GCC.

Where have you heard about the exclusion of Germany? I am curious, 'cause it is not mentioned in any news or web sites.

@Aeronaut was asking me about my own personal knowledge of which I have developed in one way or another out of the realm of the Internet or news article or whatever.

First the leopards, then the Type-209, it seems that they are holding on the sales of any major weapon to SA.

We never intended to buy the Leopard 2 tanks in the first place without Germany approaching us by the time when we announce the beginning of our new tank acquisition program. As for the Type 209 submarine, the report is nothing but a bluff as well. We either are going to buy a French submarine or the new Italian sub and all.

There should be a fictitious entity in SA or GCC that opposes any Oil deals with Germany, since it helps an apartheid like regime in the middle east, namely USrael, by selling them dangerous weapons for the middle east

We aren't really keen on doing much of a business with them given the poor attitude they give every once in a while.
@Aeronaut was asking me about my own personal knowledge of which I have developed in one way or another out of the realm of the Internet or news article or whatever.

We never intended to buy the Leopard 2 tanks in the first place without Germany approaching us by the time when we announce the beginning of our new tank acquisition program. As for the Type 209 submarine, the report is nothing but a bluff as well. We either are going to buy a French submarine or the new Italian sub and all.

We aren't really keen on doing much of a business with them given the poor attitude they give every once in a while.
The leopard deal might still hold then, at least for the 250, while wating for the Turkish tank to be operational.
Saudis should not go for French submarines, only if france wants to sell it smallest nuclear submarine with ToT. Italy will be a very good choice if SA decides upon the type-212, this is a very good one and surpasses the type- 209 or even type- 214 with it AIP technology, I hope they will get it, since its technologies are very advanced, from type of steel (antimagnetic), to navigation systems, to overall performance, and its size fits well for GCC waters, since it can operate in shallow brown waters as well as in deep sea bleue waters.Tot will be more than wellcome. I saw the price was about 600 million/unit if I remember well.
For me it is the best of the best in conventional submarines, so hopefully at least some of the GCC nations get a few of them, 25 will be an optimum, when divided on 7 or 8, plus other platforms if need be.
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