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Saudi Arabia wants to buy German submarines

I am curious why Saudi Arabia is such a weak country? They are the wealthiest country in mid East for decades. Have tons of petro $$ but they are afraid of Israel and Iran. Why?
They should buy U-214s. However i'm not sure if they can field enough staff for 25 subs nor if they really need so many subs or not.
It would be good money, and i think the ruling christ-democrats (CDU) would be in favor of it too, but not the social-democrats (SPD), who will form a grand-coalition with the CDU in a few weeks. They want a stricter regulation of defense-deals.
The Saudis want to create some tension inside the German parliament.
Do you mean luring with more money of a bigger contract?
I understand that German conventional sub are the best, but if they are that hard to get, then go for British, French or American sub. Germany is really ridiculous to deal with in arm sales.
They should buy U-214s. However i'm not sure if they can field enough staff for 25 subs nor if they really need so many subs or not.
Saudis have the luxury of hiring foreign recruits. With having more money in their pockets who would want to join the forces when you can hire slaves for that work.
pakistan is ready to help its brothers saudis. Also pakistani crew will have experience.
Yeah Right Saudi Brothers =)) who dont even give W.P To Pakistanis =)) They treat all other muslims as their slaves and people dont get tired of calling them brothers

On the Topic Saudi Defense industry is getting better Because of the tech available to them, instead of giving a big order KSA should buy the minimum Number of sub they really need and try to get tot or start Some JV or start independently which will help KSA better in long term 
Very hard to believe,5 is possible but why 25?
When You have money to waste :D who cares you are buying 25 or 250
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