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Saudi Arabia to finance Jordan Eurofighter deal

Israel is losing big time esp after the arab spring. they have no idea from where its coming, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey and syria after Assad. very telling future...

These steps are aimed at Iran, not Israel. Currently, the entire Mid-East is focused on the Iranian situation even though there are other nukes in the region ;)
These steps are aimed at Iran, not Israel. Currently, the entire Mid-East is focused on the Iranian situation even though there are other nukes in the region ;)

we see no difference both are our enemies.
These steps are aimed at Iran, not Israel. Currently, the entire Mid-East is focused on the Iranian situation even though there are other nukes in the region ;)

These Persian gulf arabs are just puppet for USA and a secret ally to Israel. Their father USA can only sanction Iran and nothing more. They are too fat and cowards to make a move against Iran. we are waiting for the day they attempt anything.
These Persian gulf arabs are just puppet for USA and a secret ally to Israel. Their father USA can only sanction Iran and nothing more. They are too fat and cowards to make a move against Iran. we are waiting for the day they attempt anything.

sanctions are doing the job no need for war.
Israel is losing big time esp after the arab spring. they have no idea from where its coming, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey and syria after Assad. very telling future...

Your fat sheikhs and daddy USA will also not see the the revolution coming in eastern saudi arabia.
The eastern Saudis are arming and getting ready. soon you will taste your own medicine and your country will be descend into chaos. we'll see how much your shiny planes and helicopter will help you then :)
why arabs dont choose multi role fighter like rafale? EFT is good in A2A combat for sure but not in A2G
sanctions are doing the job no need for war.

Sanctions only damage in the short term, everyday we are getting around them.
as long as China and other big nations need Iran; sanctions will do nothing :)

sanctions will help Iran in the long term just like they done so far.
UAE might get rafale. As for the others they are preparing for A2A combat.

Right. They have previously used Mirages and might prefer Dassault again. And IMO it's a better aircraft anyways.

These Persian gulf arabs are just puppet for USA and a secret ally to Israel. Their father USA can only sanction Iran and nothing more. They are too fat and cowards to make a move against Iran. we are waiting for the day they attempt anything.

They won't attempt anything yet. First your economy has to be dismantled so that it can't support a war. This will also bring down the morale of the Iranian people and results in revolts and insurgencies (many with covert US support).
This is enough to gradually bring Iran to its knees.

And then prepare for the death blow.
why arabs dont choose multi role fighter like rafale? EFT is good in A2A combat for sure but not in A2G

Arabs (especially Saudi Arabia) already have hundreds of F-15 Strike Eagles!!!!. Not only that , they also have Tornados. You do realize how potent A2G these aircrafts are?


Saudi Arabia has the 4th strongest Air Force in the world in terms of equipment!
The title should be "Saudi Arabia buys Jordan"..

Well, I think the whole Arabian Peninsula should be one country. All the present day Nations are articially created countries by the French and the British. Someday in future I can foresee these countries reuniting as one Arab Nation.
Well, I think the whole Arabian Peninsula should be one country. All the present day Nations are articially created countries by the French and the British. Someday in future I can foresee these countries reuniting as one Arab Nation.

For GCC countries- thats true. But I dont see Sriya, Iraq, Egypt joining in it. These countries have different history and civilization and are too colorful to merge with GCC.
For GCC countries- thats true. But I dont see Sriya, Iraq, Egypt joining in it. These countries have different history and civilization and are too colorful to merge with GCC.

When a country like USA unite although it's population are too colorful and have nothing in common, and when countries from different backgrounds, speak different languages, different cultures, religions, and history unite like European Union, I don't think it's colorful for Arabs who share the same language, history, religion, close culture, thinking, and dreams to unite. However, I would prefer EU model.
When a country like USA unite although it's population are too colorful and have nothing in common, and when countries from different backgrounds, speak different languages, different cultures, religions, and history unite like European Union, I don't think it's colorful for Arabs who share the same language, history, religion, close culture, thinking, and dreams to unite. However, I would prefer EU model.

Huh... YOu think Egyptian will want a Monarch to rule them or Syrian will accept KSA hegemony over them? You think Iraqi Shias will accept a Wahabi domination over them??? I cant stop you dreaming...
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