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Saudi Arabia shows interest to buy ANKA and ALTAY


All your weapons (Turkey) produced are ‘technicals standards NATO’ (Absolute obligation, the rule. More for second member of alliance). Therefore of equal quality and even superior to others weapons produced of others members North Atlantic Treaty Organization, USA including.

But the biggest reason is that the world has changed. Now it is multipolar, completely globalized. With others news strategic alliances.


Turkish defence institutes are certified with NATO quality criterias and protect their dataes under NATO's secrecy policies and the products designed and developed are considered as NATO standarts as well. Besides, In order to decrease the risk factors, Turkish industry always chooses the best way to design/develop own products instead of re-inventing the wheel so Every corner of Turkish designs either already applied or proved quality in battlefield such as V shape tail of ANKA, V shape hull for Armoured vehicles, domestic MWIR/QWIP detectors for cameras...etc

It is for sure that USA is way ahead of almost all world countries regarding technological issues. Some of their products don't have an alternative so The costumers feel themselves dare the arrogancy of USA export policies. They never approach to share ToT(except some countries), never export own variants but downgraded export variants, select the countries in accordance with their politic approaches to decide whether the countries to be dealed with, will be benefical for USA future policies or not. They even issue obligation for costumers not to use USA made products on some specific countries.

Being superior of USA industry doesn't mean that Turkish industry sinks. If a Tank is able to resist againts X tonnes explosives/RPG... according to STANAG X Level or a NATO standart MALE UAV flying 30000ft altitude or an USA equivalent radar detecting the small targets way longer ranges, It isn't important which country designed/developed them because After this period, Only performances of systems talks.

but There is a fact and It is proved in Turkish defence industry with trials on field that The domestic variants of some USA equivalents (export variants) perform better regarding range, effectiveness in lower prices. Although USA industry uses cutting-edge hardwares on their products, It is bringed out with same hardwares but software limitations for export so The systems don't perform their' bests in the hands of costumers (Harpoons' min. flying altitudes on sea surface, Radars' range scales on user interfaces, Guns' max engagement scales on softwares, response times of FCS's...etc).

It is almost impossible for USA to compete with Turkish cost/effective offers for export markets. USA always offers salty/effective.


As far as I know, In UAV side, USA didn't approach to sell Armed Predators for SA. To compete with Turkey's rising attempts, They suddenly offered their unarmed Predators as a rival of Anka. Until Yesterday, Those Predators were also under arm embargo for ME countries. I think USA will not approach to sell Armed Predator-B until Turkey reveals bigbrother of ANKA 5 tonnes in 2016.

In Tank side, SA is not satisfied with USA M1's so selecting an alternative state of art tank. First adress is Germany but As far as I know, Germans are not also willing to sell their A7's to SA in short period.


SA choosed T-155 Firtina instead of Pzh-2000.


Saudi officials are in Ankara to negotiate about Altay and ANKA. I don't know about Altay because Development process of Altay has already been proceeding and serial production will commence in 2016-17. I don't know maybe the negotiations are about joining into Altay project to establish a factory in SA as well but Deal with SA regarding ANKA is more close I think...
Saudi Arabia should buy all the tanks with tot and produce them in Saudi Arabia

It is almost impossible for USA to compete with Turkish cost/effective offers for export markets. USA always offers salty/effective.


As far as I know, In UAV side, USA didn't approach to sell Armed Predators for SA. To compete with Turkey's rising attempts, They suddenly offered their unarmed Predators as a rival of Anka. Until Yesterday, Those Predators were also under arm embargo for ME countries. I think USA will not approach to sell Armed Predator-B until Turkey reveals bigbrother of ANKA 5 tonnes in 2016.

In Tank side, SA is not satisfied with USA M1's so selecting an alternative state of art tank. First adress is Germany but As far as I know, Germans are not also willing to sell their A7's to SA in short period.


SA choosed T-155 Firtina instead of Pzh-2000.


Saudi officials are in Ankara to negotiate about Altay and ANKA. I don't know about Altay because Development process of Altay has already been proceeding and serial production will commence in 2016-17. I don't know maybe the negotiations are about joining into Altay project to establish a factory in SA as well but Deal with SA regarding ANKA is more close I think...

Basically Turkey is offering what were looking for , what we want Today is TOT and neither Europe or USA will easily give this out to us in Gulf countries . We are trying to build our own armament industry and no one today has the time to re-invent the wheel .

We will work together with Turkey , we have financial capability and Turkey with its know-how we can come up with great systems in the future . There are thousands of Gulf citizens in new generation whom completed their degrees in Engineering and science in top universities around the western world, now we want this generation to start building our armament industry with help from friendly nations and allies like Turkey and any other country .

I think you already know about Tawazon group they produce their own products in addition to that they also produce various weapon systems under liscence from other countries , recently they signed agreement with Rokestan for the production of Cirit anti tank missiles and before they produced the whole kasirga familly range under liscense also for the UAE army.


It is almost impossible for USA to compete with Turkish cost/effective offers for export markets. USA always offers salty/effective.


As far as I know, In UAV side, USA didn't approach to sell Armed Predators for SA. To compete with Turkey's rising attempts, They suddenly offered their unarmed Predators as a rival of Anka. Until Yesterday, Those Predators were also under arm embargo for ME countries. I think USA will not approach to sell Armed Predator-B until Turkey reveals bigbrother of ANKA 5 tonnes in 2016.

In Tank side, SA is not satisfied with USA M1's so selecting an alternative state of art tank. First adress is Germany but As far as I know, Germans are not also willing to sell their A7's to SA in short period.


SA choosed T-155 Firtina instead of Pzh-2000.


Saudi officials are in Ankara to negotiate about Altay and ANKA. I don't know about Altay because Development process of Altay has already been proceeding and serial production will commence in 2016-17. I don't know maybe the negotiations are about joining into Altay project to establish a factory in SA as well but Deal with SA regarding ANKA is more close I think...

Basically Turkey is offering what were looking for , what we want Today is TOT and neither Europe or USA will easily give this out to us in Gulf countries . We are trying to build our own armament industry and no one today has the time to re-invent the wheel .

We will work together with Turkey , we have financial capability and Turkey with its know-how we can come up with great systems in the future . There are thousands of Gulf citizens in new generation whom completed their degrees in Engineering and science in top universities around the western world, now we want this generation to start building our armament industry with help from friendly nations and allies like Turkey and any other country .

I think you already know about Tawazon group they produce their own products in addition to that they also produce various weapon systems under liscence from other countries , recently they signed agreement with Rokestan for the production of Cirit anti tank missiles and before they produced the whole kasirga familly range under liscense also for the UAE army.
i am really wondering about the shopping spree of these ME countries....reminds me of the Shah of Iran's military purchases in the 70's from the US......and then kaput after the iranian revolution....are these ME countries headed that way...?
Saudi arabia gone nuts,they are buying everything from everyone.

:lol: I liked the way you put man!

Nuts :rofl:

No seriously, KSA is looking for ToT ;)
i am really wondering about the shopping spree of these ME countries....reminds me of the Shah of Iran's military purchases in the 70's from the US......and then kaput after the iranian revolution....are these ME countries headed that way...?


:lol: I liked the way you put man!

Nuts :rofl:

No seriously, KSA is looking for ToT ;)



We are after anyone with hook or by crook in order to get ToT and technical know how as well as funding jobs for a booming population that is a ticking bomb, when the average number of children per family in Saudi Arabia is 7 that means by the time they finish school they need jobs, what better than military industry? The most profitable business in the world. Followed by cars industry which is also in the list.
Saudi Arabia has agreed to buy some of the new Turkish-made main battle tank Altay

Saudi Arabia has agreed to buy some of the new Turkish Altay tanks. The exact number has not been revealed, but the Saudis do have 320 AMX-30 French tanks in urgent need of replacement. The Turkish Army is planning on buying a thousand of the new Altays for about $5.5 million each.


These will be acquired at 4 lots of 250 each, and not all may be needed (depending on the regional military-political situation).

Turkish armored vehicles maker Otokar could sell hundreds of its third-generation tank, the Altay. Otokar designed and is producing prototypes of the Altay in a deal to sell four 250-unit batches to the Turkish military

The Altay is the future third generation main battle tank (MBT) for the Turkish army. The first prototypes of Turkey’s main battle tank ALTAY designed and developed by OTOKAR, the biggest privately owned company of the Turkish Defence Industry was unveiled at OTOKAR facilities in Sakarya on November 15th, 2012.

Saudi Arabia has agreed to buy some of the new Turkish-made main battle tank Altay 2705132*-*Army Recognition
Very good news, hopefully more countries will buy Altay MBT.
I hope they don't transfer all the technology though. It's not fair that since we're a "brother" country (not true) that we'd give them everything and never get a repeat customer whereas they're happy to drop billions in european pockets without even having the guts to ask for tech transfer.
I hope they don't transfer all the technology though. It's not fair that since we're a "brother" country (not true) that we'd give them everything and never get a repeat customer whereas they're happy to drop billions in european pockets without even
having the guts to ask for tech transfer

:lol: What do you know :lol:
Actually we only take orders under our own terms and conditions, so we are known to be for our take it or leave it stance.
Why don't you write for the Turkish parliament?
you guys have really a lot of money....

and one thing i want to say. Ther wil be not tech transfer, because KSA dont have the industry to make parts. They wil maybe buy things and assemble it. Not hard feelings because we have a industry that is growing from the 50's. You can not close the loophole. If you read the post you wil read some of altays. The question is a assemble line cost effectif? Maybe they are buying it direct from otokar?

we wil see....
As I've pointed out numerous times in my previous posts the goal of the ALTAY project is to make the best main battle tank of the world. In many aspects our tank is surpassing the capabilities of the Leopard2A7

People sometimes mix an offset deal with ToT. Anyway, KSA is not NATO. They don't have arms companies lining up to sell them ToT. We can negotiate the fvck out of that aspect of the future contract and dictate our own terms :D
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