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Saudi Arabia’s defense posture is robust

Its just rumors, I dont think the RSAF will go for the Rafales. At the moment we have an overwhelming platforms, the F-15SA and the Typhoon, Also the Tornado have been upgraded.

The storm-shadow missile on the Tornado. Not to mention what the rest can carry.



and list goes on. :bounce:

I was just curious, wanted to share these with you and others. But I guess you are right, unless they Rafael's will be run by the navy.
Whats the point of getting too much toys when you cant have guts to threaten israel :confused:
Depending on what kind of people are you talking to. With your ill logic, you are suggesting that the Saudis shouldn't develop their self-defense military capabilities .
Whats the point of getting too much toys when you cant have guts to threaten israel :confused:

Israel couldn't either.

Some people just love to show off wealth. No offence to my arab bros but arabs love to show off wealth.

I fail to understand what you mean. We don't buy weapons to tease other countries :rofl: we only buy them because we need them.

India should stop showing off its Su-30s and Mirages.
German should stop showing off its Typhoons.
Egypt should stop showing off its F-16s.
Turkey should stop showing off its F-4s.

Thankx for sharing though but speaking of the navy I think its likely to see the F-18 super hornet instead of the Rafael.:coffee:

No thanks =\
Depending on what kind of people are you talking to. With your ill logic, you are suggesting that the Saudis shouldn't develop their self-defense military capabilities .

Israel couldn't either.

I fail to understand what you mean. We don't buy weapons to tease other countries :rofl: we only buy them because we need them.

India should stop showing off its Su-30s and Mirages.
German should stop showing of its Typhoons.
Egypt should stop showing off its F-16s.
Turkey should stop showing off its F-4s.

lol bro I was just kidding. It's great to see some muslim country doing great with modern military gear. I just wish we could unite and work together to build our own modern military gear. If only we had another caliph like umar.
lol bro I was just kidding. It's great to see some muslim country doing great with modern military gear. I just wish we could unite and work together to build our own modern military gear. If only we had another caliph like umar.

KSA military experience is modest compared with Pakistan and Turkey sir.
Sorry bro I didn't understand, modest in what? Anyway as long as our armies can protect muslims I don't care what kind of gear we have. As long as we get along. I hate seeing muslims fight muslims.

Sorry, my iPad is killing me. Sometimes it ditches words, letters, and phrases. This time it ditched " military experience " God knows what next.
No thanks =\

Lol why not bro, Its not about what me and you want rather what best meet the requirement of the Navy.

If you want the Rafael bro then so be it...... >calling the ministry of defense.:p:P

Whats the point of getting too much toys when you cant have guts to threaten israel :confused:

Sorry dude but we are not obsessed with Israel.
C'mon! Don't take everything seriously :P

The F/A Super hornet is great undoubtedly, maybe the Navy had to make up their minds before 2020. Right now there are no Saudi trainees who could operate them - or at least trained to do so - same goes with Rafael :agree:
Lol why not bro, Its not about what me and you want rather what best meet the requirement of the Navy.

If you want the Rafael bro then so be it...... >calling the ministry of defense.:p:P

Sorry dude but we are not obsessed with Israel.
C'mon! Don't take everything seriously :P

The F/A Super hornet is great undoubtedly, maybe the Navy had to make up their minds before 2020. Right now there are no Saudi trainees who could operate them - or at least trained to do so - same goes with Rafael :agree:

Yes, There is enough time before we retire the Tornado.
Yup, $70 million is nothing to keep tornado kicking. They will be put to retirement by 2020. We soon will see what the navy is running after.

The RSNF is too pick ._. Just like the RSAF.

2020 is more than enough for the Tornados. By then the Tornados will serve for more than 35 years, which is fair.
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