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Saudi Arabia records world's highest scientific growth

217% scientific research growth percentage in Saudi Arabia


The president of King Abdel Aziz’s city for science and Technology Mr. Mohamed Suwaiyel, clarified that the scientific research in KSA has steady growth, as the percentage of the scientific research publishing reached to 217%, while in Iran it reached 184%, china 159% and Turkey 149%. He added that the city presented about 300 patents last year, referring that there is national plan to support the researching programs, like: the Turkish national council to compensate for the loss in voltage, the device that will be made by cooperation of national competencies and the work in it will end soon. Suwaiyel said that the capabilities that found in the foundation and the executed projects is source of pride for all Saudis calling all the sectors and leaders to visit the desalination and be witness of the achievements particularly as the initiatives contribute in a part of it and the other part will contribute in saving money, technology, and time which deserve the support.


Since the first day I joined here people I kept saying that KSA's scientific future looks amazing and is in no way does it look bleak. Many have dismissed and have chosen to ignore what I said. Well here you go.

I believe those researches are done mostly by the hired american and british scientists in SA. Some scientific progress!:lol:
Let it go buddy....importance of research can't be understand by most. Carry on youur work.....keep funding these research.....I expect more technical colleges should be set up in KSA, not only for local students buut for foreign ones too.

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) is currently hosting students from 63 countries. progressing is already there still needs a little time.
Let it go buddy....importance of research can't be understand by most. Carry on youur work.....keep funding these research.....I expect more technical colleges should be set up in KSA, not only for local students buut for foreign ones too.

Yeah, our indian friends can then become true disciples of the Saudi brand of 'Islam' and create job opportunities for mother india. I'm sure the despotic friends of democratic india will love this.
I have been waiting for this study for a while now.

I know many Saudi scientists personally (Mostly in the field of Genetics, Medication and Bio-engineering) who have had very slow or non existent participation or support in "in-country research" (They mostly did their research in the west) But right now the government is doing its best to get them back and preparing them with the best facilities and equipment they can ask for and are given a huge increase in funds to conduct their research.

Right now we are in the unlocking of potential phase, next will be the cultivation of potential phase.

Don't tell that it is you in the picture? :D

By the way when i first saw the picture i said what is the UAE Minister of Education doing in KSA?

Does Mohamed Suwaiyel resemble Humaid Muhammad Al Qatami or maybe it is just me



If you come from an abysmal low pathetic base, any growth would produce a large percentage growth

although we are feeding your country with trillions of dollars ( charity and investment ) yet still living in the stone ages. at least saudi arabia is progressing and passed by most countries in the region wether economic, modernization or/and educational and scientific growth. now tell me if you like that tune.

Yeah, our indian friends can then become true disciples of the Saudi brand of 'Islam' and create job opportunities for mother india. I'm sure the despotic friends of democratic india will love this.
All you think is religion, conspiracy, hate etc. Here we are talking about education and scientific research which I think you haven't done. Atleast they are trying to build their scientific base rather than sitting back and mocking others. Relations of KSA and India are getting better, I won't mind if they develop state of the art research facilities and hire some Indian scientists who fails to get support. At least by this way, both the countries can get benefits of the research.

If you guys have thought about it and worked with India, you would have a solid research culture. But......
If you come from an abysmal low pathetic base, any growth would produce a large percentage growth

Have you met any Saudi or Kuwait kids who've graduated from ivy leagues schools in the past decade? You'll be surprised to know of their grasp of subjects. Besides, most of them are very well grounded.

I have personally met some awesome Saudi and Kuwaiti doctors and engineers. The new generation seems to be doing more than fine!

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