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Persians and Turks are not fans of Saudis and dont want to sit next to them either, thats the difference between Pakistani Arab wannabes like yourself who come to the defence of Arabs.

Arabs come on holiday in the thousands to Turkey every month not Pakistan, they wouldn't even if it was stable they literally look down on you guys as none humans lol while you Pakistanis especially in the west god worship them lol.

There is a reason they go to Turkey and India for Holidays which are not proper to list here
It wasnt US that got in the way of the Saudi/UAE invasion of Qatar, it was Turkey. That is why one of the Saudi Demands to Qatar was closing down the Turkish Base. They were scared of a few Turkish Soldiers and Judging how Saudi Arabia couldnt beat a bunch of sandal wearing camel riders in Yemen, only makes it true. A few Turkish soldier would have been more than enough to stop the entire Garbage Saudi Army :lol:. Saudi Arabia can only bomb civilians and try to fight camel riders, but they will stand no chance against real soldiers from the Turkish Army

Saudi and UAE air forces are more modern and larger than Turkey's + they are at home base with larger numbers than those Turkey could place in the Gulf region that is if Iran would even let them use their airports which is unlikely. In a war scenario Saudi would win this
Without AWACS, you cannot not use your BVR missiles, as Turkey knowing its this advantage, they can shot them down from distance like flier...
i love turkey more than any other countries.. and i think Turkish army could have taken all of them easily even if its far away.. We Pakistanis are always with u and help u in any situation.. but i do pray Muslims don't fight each other for any reason...
Without AWACS, you cannot not use your BVR missiles, as Turkey knowing its this advantage, they can shot them down from distance like flier...

Saudi air force has 6 E-3 AWACS
Saudi air force has 6 E-3 AWACS
These Awacs are very old technology, i am talking about latest ones which see 400-600km with AESA radar and very hard to jam it... you also have to rotate the radar on it to see different angles which with EW they might know it and attack from the other side..
Also, Turkey produce its own cruise missiles with engine and everything locally. If they fire hundreds of them in the beginning, Saudi jets will not be able to find a line to Land even.. Plus Turkey is very throng in EW system.
Seeing how Saudis send soldiers without air cover in Yemen, tells me everything about their capabilities..
The fact that Trump was on board with this, if this report is to be believed, should tell Qatari brass that hosting US troops is no guarantee of security for them. They should take this opportunity to kick them out. Their presence there is not doing them any good at all, and actually US is getting weaker and weaker on the international stage. Bring in more troops from Turkey and open a bigger base.
The fact that Trump was on board with this, if this report is to be believed, should tell Qatari brass that hosting US troops is no guarantee of security for them. They should take this opportunity to kick them out. Their presence there is not doing them any good at all, and actually US is getting weaker and weaker on the international stage. Bring in more troops from Turkey and open a bigger base.

Do you think the US is entering a new phase of isolationism? (I mean, just like the post-World War I period)

The US is reducing its global costs and it will begin to play its embargo weapon much more effectively. However, nationalism is on the rise all over the world, and populism is prevalent in all countries.Moreover, while the 2011 crisis has Not been fully overcome, a greater economic crisis is coming step by step.
Do you think the US is entering a new phase of isolationism? (I mean, just like the post-World War I period)

The US is reducing its global costs and it will begin to play its embargo weapon much more effectively. However, nationalism is on the rise all over the world, and populism is prevalent in all countries.Moreover, while the 2011 crisis has Not been fully overcome, a greater economic crisis is coming step by step.

US will never be isolated, we have all of Eu, Canada and all of the far east except China and North Korea at our disposal. But the more countries Trump sanctions and aggravates, the less effective they become. Iran, North Korea, China, Venezuela, Russia, Cuba, Bolivia, Syria all are firmly outside US influence and now even Turkey is breaking away. Whether through stupidity, arrogance or bankruptcy the end result will be the same i.e multilateralism. I agree with you that there is another economic crisis coming. This one will not only be recession but a recession plus a currency crisis. The dollar is about to go bust and that will be that for US influence and meddling.
Oh , i almost forgot, Sheikh Muhammad b. Sânî was the Ottoman Governor. It may be a good starting point for those who are curious about Qatar. Turkish-Qatar relations have deep roots. With your 3-5 year global projections, you can not fully explain this relationship.

US will never be isolated, we have all of Eu, Canada and all of the far east except China and North Korea at our disposal. But the more countries Trump sanctions and aggravates, the less effective they become. Iran, North Korea, China, Venezuela, Russia, Cuba, Bolivia, Syria all are firmly outside US influence and now even Turkey is breaking away. Whether through stupidity, arrogance or bankruptcy the end result will be the same i.e multilateralism. I agree with you that there is another economic crisis coming. This one will not only be recession but a recession plus a currency crisis. The dollar is about to go bust and that will be that for US influence and meddling.
No you misunderstand me, I do not mention the isolation of the USA. Just as it was in the post-1929 period, I ask whether the US has an approach to seeing what the rest of the world has to offer.
No you misunderstand me, I do not mention the isolation of the USA. Just as it was in the post-1929 period, I ask whether the US has an approach to seeing what the rest of the world has to offer.

We the people would like to get along with the rest of the world, we are sick of the wars and the meddling, but from what I can see the country is ruled by zionist, military and shadow government interests with elected representatives being nothing but rubber stampers. Look at how Trump is being called a traitor for wanting to be friends with Russia despite the fact that he campaigned on it and WON. Unfortunately Trump is a weakling and unable to stand up to these forces and deliver on his campaign promises so we carry on just like before only its getting even worse. Only bankruptcy and or economic ruin will stop this train so I'm rooting for them to happen.
And what do you think qataris think of Turks???

I’ve recieved a warm welcome the many times I’ve been there, however dont really care what anyone thinks, Turks have learnt to ignore that thought since half the world hates us lol.

There is a reason they go to Turkey and India for Holidays which are not proper to list here

No thanks not interested in your conspiracy theories about India. Although if your referring to what I think you are I can show you many pictures of Saudi princesses half naked on Turkish beaches and we know why single women especially come to Turkey for.

If you said Lebanon, Bahrain or your house I would understand but your just an ignorant troll.

The fact that Trump was on board with this, if this report is to be believed, should tell Qatari brass that hosting US troops is no guarantee of security for them. They should take this opportunity to kick them out. Their presence there is not doing them any good at all, and actually US is getting weaker and weaker on the international stage. Bring in more troops from Turkey and open a bigger base.

What the Arab wannabe trolls here don’t understand is Qatar has diversified its economy and has huge investments abroad, simply “invading” them does not go without consequences, Turkey, Iran, EU were the first to call the bluff and side with Qatar.

Saudis can cry all they want they should try finish Yemen first before dreaming to defeat the Turks or Qataris lol
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