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Not really...it would've neutralized one of the biggest trouble makers in the region. Its always these little countries that play such big games and try to screw everyone over.

It would've discouraged Turkey from interfering in other countries too. The only absolute negative fallout would have been heightened tension between Turkey + Iran and the gulf...

Last time a little country was playing games and try to screw others Saddam took it and the world(+ entire Islamic world) stood against him.
Last time a little country was playing games and try to screw others Saddam took it and the world(+ entire Islamic world) stood against him.

To be fair Saddam was threatening everyone around him with an invasion or a baathist regime change.
KSA and UAE can take over Qatar without any resistance. They should do that. But, only US base security could be issue. Because, during the invasion , all royal family will take refuge in US base and it is no go zone for anyone. And no one has guts to cross that line.
Those who says this have no idea what was going on at that time...
Tayyip Erdogan clearly said that Qatars border protection means the same as Turkeys border protection, we will act the same as Turkeys borders were attacked." This was a very clear message, especially Iran and Turkey starting to work together from the hours after with Iran meant Turkey can easily strike using Iranian air and their airports.. Turkey has also enough air refueling capabilities.. everybody knows that President decide what to do in the US and they sold Qatar at that time.. but plan didnt work..
How old are you? 14? or is your English just poor?
I think you are over estimating Turkish military. We Pakistani learn the lesson from Afghan intervention. We never encourage any of our friend to cross the home boundary line. KSA and UAE try to push Pakistan many times in Yemen adventure , but Pak stay away. You can make enemy within no time , but winning the trust take ages.
Those who says this have no idea what was going on at that time...
Tayyip Erdogan clearly said that Qatars border protection means the same as Turkeys border protection, we will act the same as Turkeys borders were attacked." This was a very clear message, especially Iran and Turkey starting to work together from the hours after with Iran meant Turkey can easily strike using Iranian air and their airports.. Turkey has also enough air refueling capabilities.. everybody knows that President decide what to do in the US and they sold Qatar at that time.. but plan didnt work..

The article flat out says that Trump was on board with this. So much that this was the reason why Trump fired Tillerson. If that's the case then Turkey would've had to back down as the U.S. military would've been ordered to cooperate with the Alliance.

Either Turkey or Iran would have had the U.S in their way if they would've considered retaliating.
Lol Arabs would have treated you Pakistanis like they always do, as paid mercenary slaves, nothing more. You are expendable meat balls in there eyes why do you Pakistanis think so highly of yourselves, just visit the middle east Arabs dont even like sitting next to your people.

KSA can dream on, not while Turkish soldiers are stationed in Qatar.

Saudi and UAE Arabs dont even want to sit next to Egyptians, Palestinians, Persians and Turks....what are you trying to prove here
The article flat out says that Trump was on board with this. So much that this was the reason why Trump fired Tillerson. If that's the case then Turkey would've had to back down as the U.S. military would've been ordered to cooperate with the Alliance.

Either Turkey or Iran would have had the U.S in their way if they would've considered retaliating.
I don't think Turkey will go against US or NATO. If you follow the news, you will notice , US has systemically drop Turkey between Qatar and KSA. Sometime , bargaining chip is Kuridish factor in the region.
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I think you are over estimating Turkish military. We Pakistani learn the lesson from Afghan intervention. We never encourage any of our friend to cross the home boundary line. KSA and UAE try to push Pakistan many times in Yemen adventure , but Pak stay away. You can make enemy within no time , but winning the trust take ages.
The thing is US cannot fight Turkey at that time to invade a country, thats why they USA gulf countries, but Turkey has latest Awacs and network enabled warfare capability after US,Uk, France(recently). They could easily shoot down those Gulf jets without openning their own radar even.. You also add anti ship capabilities too..
Saudi and UAE Arabs dont even want to sit next to Egyptians, Palestinians, Persians and Turks....what are you trying to prove here
Emergence of new Gulf nationalism .
If Pakistan would've taken part on KSA's side, it would've been a perfect opportunity for Pakistan to make some intense $$$ (Qatar's reserves wouldve been liquidated and then split) and fix up relations with both KSA and the U.S.

KSA and Qatar's governments can both go **** themselves. Actually, the whole middle east can eff off. Bunch of lunatic sandniggas. Leave Pakistan out of that mess.
The thing is US cannot fight Turkey at that time to invade a country, thats why they USA gulf countries, but Turkey has latest Awacs and network enabled warfare capability after US,Uk, France(recently). They could easily shoot down those Gulf jets without openning their own radar even.. You also add anti ship capabilities too..
This is armed confrontation, now rich nations squeeze the poor one through economic embargo. No trade is new weapon of war. Iran is an example.
Those who says this have no idea what was going on at that time...
Tayyip Erdogan clearly said that Qatars border protection means the same as Turkeys border protection, we will act the same as Turkeys borders were attacked." This was a very clear message, especially Iran and Turkey starting to work together from the hours after with Iran meant Turkey can easily strike using Iranian air and their airports.. Turkey has also enough air refueling capabilities.. everybody knows that President decide what to do in the US and they sold Qatar at that time.. but plan didnt work..

Saudi and UAE air forces are more modern and larger than Turkey's + they are at home base with larger numbers than those Turkey could place in the Gulf region that is if Iran would even let them use their airports which is unlikely. In a war scenario Saudi would win this

TBH this should have gone through. If Pakistan would've taken part on KSA's side, it would've been a perfect opportunity for Pakistan to make some intense $$$ (Qatar's reserves wouldve been liquidated and then split) and fix up relations with both KSA and the U.S.

o you want a war then we used as robots or missionaries and earn dollars from robbery money ?what the hell did i read man :hitwall:
do you know how bad war is for mankind ?:rolleyes:
Saudi and UAE Arabs dont even want to sit next to Egyptians, Palestinians, Persians and Turks....what are you trying to prove here

Persians and Turks are not fans of Saudis and dont want to sit next to them either, thats the difference between Pakistani Arab wannabes like yourself who come to the defence of Arabs.

Arabs come on holiday in the thousands to Turkey every month not Pakistan, they wouldn't even if it was stable they literally look down on you guys as none humans lol while you Pakistanis especially in the west god worship them lol.

I think you are over estimating Turkish military. We Pakistani learn the lesson from Afghan intervention. We never encourage any of our friend to cross the home boundary line. KSA and UAE try to push Pakistan many times in Yemen adventure , but Pak stay away. You can make enemy within no time , but winning the trust take ages.

I think your underestimating, and your point?

Glad Pakistan had the sense to stay away from Yemen or your sons would be coming back in body bags rather then African mercenaries.

Turkey is operating in Iraq, Syria, has bases in Cyprus, Somalia and Qatar plus other international missions, has no problem doing it either.
Lol Arabs would have treated you Pakistanis like they always do, as paid mercenary slaves, nothing more. You are expendable meat balls in there eyes why do you Pakistanis think so highly of yourselves, just visit the middle east Arabs dont even like sitting next to your people.

KSA can dream on, not while Turkish soldiers are stationed in Qatar.

And what do you think qataris think of Turks???

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