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Saudi Arabia Persuades Pakistan to Abandon Iran-Pakistan Pipeline

Dear mates,
Just try to understand, Ksa involvment in pakistan!
KSA is trying its best, to convience pakistan to open NATO US supplies, because KSA knows if, it happens,Iranians will be attackeD & pakistan would be disolved into smmaller pices, so there will be only sole power of islamic countries, & that would be KSA?
That's the hidden agenda , behind it!
What & why baluchistan been became a center of continued voilence?
Who is passing resolutions of the freedom of , baluchistan?
We all know, that's is crystal clear! One way USA is pushing baluchis to get independence from pakistan, with a price , if they get freedom, they are going too give. AmeRicans basses against both IRan & pakistan?
Even the talk of pakistan getting, gas from iran is now making them , out of their dam minds, & dam baddoos, are with USA.

These guys have long term plans for Pakistan. It is no secrete.
Dear mates,
I have a very important news breaking, here!
Pakistan can make. & genrate electricity 4 rupes/per unit,
PakistAn can make diesel 40/US dollars /per barrel!
Pakistan have huge levels & reserves of coal, gold, copper!
Pakistan can dig its own gas ,it all can happen in just 2 to 4 years, & hve a very small investment , which. Is just 2 to 3 million dollars.
Do you guys belive me?
I am sure, you will not, but how about one of undisputed, scintist ,DR SAAMAR MuBBARAK MAND, talking at rana mubashir prime time! On newsone!
Just check it on youtube! Hope u will find.
Another important aspect of this pipeline is it is a much secured source of oil because in the event of war the supply coming through sea is vulnerable to blockade and embargoes.
So how come the Iran Pakistan gas pipeline is not in the interest of Pakistan, or is this yet another form of pressure on a vital point of Pakistan that in case of a war with Iran, the gas supply will be jeopardised somehow.
I think Pakistan should go on with its projects, both the Iran Pakistan pipe line and add to it the Saudi project for petroleum, too.
We can improve "Ties", but I-P gasoline still active, and Inshallah Completed soon.
Your government can't convince us to stop that if the U.S. Couldn't.. You're just taking orders.
Yes! The Pak-Iran pipeline will provide the base for the survival of our country and can't be abandoned at the will of any country. Its extremely important to finish this project as soon as possible.Any country trying to stop or delay it shold be said fkkoff....:smokin:
Gone are the days when a traitor would compromise Pakistan's interests over a phone call. Currently, Pakistan is being ruled by 2 of the most ugliest guys, i.e. Asif Sahab and Gen. Kiyani. Both realistic yet patriotic. Iran-Pak gas pipeline may be important, but that doesn't mean good ties with US/KSA are not. For that matter, I even endorse good ties with Israel. In short, anything that serves the National Interest of Pakistan.

Asif Sahab and Mian Sahab, as corrupt as they may be, I for one, have faith on 'em when it comes to the National Interest of Pakistan. As for Gen. Kiyani, he's time and time proved to be very professional. I don't think he'd be an obstacle in what needs to be done in order for Pakistan to progress.
Gone are the days when a traitor would compromise Pakistan's interests over a phone call. Currently, Pakistan is being ruled by 2 of the most ugliest guys, i.e. Asif Sahab and Gen. Kiyani. Both realistic yet patriotic. Iran-Pak gas pipeline may be important, but that doesn't mean good ties with US/KSA are not. For that matter, I even endorse good ties with Israel. In short, anything that serves the National Interest of Pakistan.

Asif Sahab and Mian Sahab, as corrupt as they may be, I for one, have faith on 'em when it comes to the National Interest of Pakistan. As for Gen. Kiyani, he's time and time proved to be very professional. I don't think he'd be an obstacle in what needs to be done in order for Pakistan to progress.

Asif Zardari and Nawaz Sharrif are not patriotic if we are to take into consideration their actions in the past (at least not in my opinion, but God knows their intentions). Gen. Kayani, can't really say much about him though but i'd choose him over the former two any day.

BTW, is that Joseph Stalin in your avatar?
I think it's an opportunity for Pakistan to get Saudi investment and US technology to develop its domestic shale gas resources which at $2 per mmBTU is one-sixth the price of Iranian gas.

US natural gas prices have fallen below $2 per million BTU (approx 1000 cubic feet), about one-sixth of the price Pakistan has agreed to pay for Iranian gas. With over 50 trillion cubic feet of known shale gas reserves in Sindh alone, Pakistanis can also enjoy the benefits of cheap and abundant source of energy for decades via the shale gas revolution already sweeping America.

Cheap and abundant energy is a pre-requisite for rapid economic growth in any country. Pakistan is no exception. The sooner Pakistanis recognize and resolve this crisis, the better it will be for the south Asian nation.

Haq's Musings: Pakistan's Energy Security Via Shale Gas Revolution
I think it's an opportunity for Pakistan to get Saudi investment and US technology to develop its domestic shale gas resources which at $2 per mmBTU is one-sixth the price of Iranian gas.

US natural gas prices have fallen below $2 per million BTU (approx 1000 cubic feet), about one-sixth of the price Pakistan has agreed to pay for Iranian gas. With over 50 trillion cubic feet of known shale gas reserves in Sindh alone, Pakistanis can also enjoy the benefits of cheap and abundant source of energy for decades via the shale gas revolution already sweeping America.

Cheap and abundant energy is a pre-requisite for rapid economic growth in any country. Pakistan is no exception. The sooner Pakistanis recognize and resolve this crisis, the better it will be for the south Asian nation.

Haq's Musings: Pakistan's Energy Security Via Shale Gas Revolution

Anything that comes with US comes with US vision for our neighbourhood and that is defang Pakistan Army of its nukes and make Pakistan subservient to India and assist them in contain China. Two things Pakistan can never accept So it is not as simple as that.
Anything that comes with US comes with US vision for our neighbourhood and that is defang Pakistan Army of its nukes and make Pakistan subservient to India and assist them in contain China. Two things Pakistan can never accept So it is not as simple as that.

Pakistan needs to have a rational policy that serves its national interest...not one driven by love or hate of any particular nation or people.

US companies have an opportunity to make a profit on this deal and Pakistan gets cheap domestic shale gas. It's simply business. If Saudis invest, they too can get a good ROI on their investment that helps Pakistan.
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