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Saudi Arabia Out of the comfort zone

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Please stick wit the topic, You guyz are violating rules in every second "Saudi" thread. You might not get another chance to do that

Having said that doesnt mean I agree with Al saud what I mean saudi's are great people with great courage...Thats why ALLAH sent quran in their language and upon them...So Stop hating saudi's jsut coz you dont agree with their rulers...Its no rational way of thinking..

I thought American and Brits put Al Saud family in charge as proxys.
This is disgusting. I wish we had honest sincere leaders in Muslim land. we have the curse of Zardari on Pakistan and our Arab brothers have the curse of Al saud

This man rocks and I am not trolling this time :) This is how all muslims should be like... Cool, ''I have to admit'' charismatic and little bit hot with his exotic Arabian looks...

This man is a liberal and people like him will take KSA to modern ages...
I thought American and Brits put Al Saud family in charge as proxys.

They get oil money and take Arabs to UK

Yes I have heard they have a lot of wives and concubines these Al Sauds

Saud family that use Arab nation as a cash machine

Yes, they are supporting petrodollars

How does supporting western views help to add oil reserves?

Unfortunately we live in an era our leaders are foolish, even the ones like Sauds that have money spend it unwisely.

And when did I say Saudi's made a bad decision about investing in white countries, they know what is best to do with their money.

Just quick snippets from troll posters.

Cash, money, oil, petrol, prostitutes, wives, concubines, not using money wisely, hedonistic ways...you guys keep repeating the same things again and again

Do I sense jealousy?
Aryan_B, DesertFox, S19 and some Iranian forumers... Guys, when are you going to get tired of this non-stop jealousy and sect. rant you have on KSA...

They are rich...

They are Sunni...

They don't like Iran and Iran don't like them...

Just get over it and maybe you can have a life that is hurt free...

I think they may have a point. To blindly back the House of Saud is ok? Get a grip for one minute of your senses and firstly remove religion from the Kingdom and look at the leaders. Look at their conduct and morals. They dont have any. Some of their acts and behaviors are outrageous and no normal being would get away with what they get away with.
Your blind loyalty and dedication is embarrassing. You dont see fault in how they behave and bend over backwards to accommodate the USA? The intention of the House of Saud is "We dont really care - as long as we exist and have our way - then who cares?" Shame on them for using Islam in the manner that they do and shame on those who are so blinded by their blindness and arrogance.
This man rocks and I am not trolling this time :) This is how all muslims should be like... Cool, ''I have to admit'' charismatic and little bit hot with his exotic Arabian looks...

This man is a liberal and people like him will take KSA to modern ages...

The Next Ruler of Saudi Arabia is a hard core conservative and the current king is old and will die. MosaMania on the other Hand will be partying in Dubai with his countless Ukrainian Strippers.
This man rocks and I am not trolling this time :) This is how all muslims should be like... Cool, ''I have to admit'' charismatic and little bit hot with his exotic Arabian looks...

This man is a liberal and people like him will take KSA to modern ages...

The Talal family are the biggest Liberal supporters in Saudi Arabia. The women's sport foundation was built and funded by this guy also the Young Women Entrepreneurs foundation is funded by this guy.

Tomorrow's Women Leaders Association is founded by his father. And for some reason these guys hate on them the most the same guys who blame KSA for over conservatives at one post and then over liberalism in another.... Maybe its the green flag and the Shahadet these guys hate the most this is I am sure of. But La Ilah Illa Allah will rise above them all.
I think they may have a point. To blindly back the House of Saud is ok? Get a grip for one minute of your senses and firstly remove religion from the Kingdom and look at the leaders.

I am not a muslim.... I am an agnostic... I don't care for religion more than I care for hansel and gretel.....

I just hate this haters who only bash KSA because

They have nothing to do

KSA is sunni

KSA and Iran don't like eachother

KSA is rich... super uber duper rich...

PS: Okay now I am jeolous... Muck you Mosab! You luck **** Why you camel riders have to sit on worlds largest oil reserve!! We Turks could have those only if they were in Anatolia!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Mate one family sells a whole nation out to American killers?? You think we are jealous are you all there please

"American Killers"...last time I checked the "American Killers" were just buying oil from the Saudis, not killing the people. You're argument makes no sense :coffee:
I'm sure you and I both know Saudis are on average quite happy with their lives and live better than many Pakistani or Irani people...is that why you're jealous?
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