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Saudi Arabia official: If all else fails, remove Syria's Assad by force

Russia would be quickly mopped from Syria if Saudis/Turks enter the fray.It would be a humiliation for Russia.
Sure, Saudis can't beat Houthis and you say they will be wiping out Russia. You must be a comedian. Also, NATO wouldn't get involved as long as it is Russia who attacks Turkey. Turkey aren't stupid enough to fight Russia.
To SA. If you have decided to enter Syria, then my advice is, please find a way out also, in case.........Please read the case of "Abhimanyu" of "Mahabharat". Hope you will learn from the story!!:coffee:
They couldnt even deal with houthis in yemen so their presence will make no difference.
Why you think so?
I think saudi and gulf states armies are smaller in size but highly trained and professional and better equipped then iran, iranian has the advantage in numbers but they are lacking in quality of training and equipment as compared to GCC...
Sure, Saudis can't beat Houthis and you say they will be wiping out Russia. You must be a comedian. Also, NATO wouldn't get involved as long as it is Russia who attacks Turkey. Turkey aren't stupid enough to fight Russia.

If NATO imposes a restricted area or a no fly zone Russia will obey or get mopped from Syria.
Assad killed over 200,000 Syrians. How many Israelis did he kill?

Syrian people said their word. Without intervention of Iranian funded mercenaries Assad would be expelled long time ago.
You mean one side the USA, israel, Arab monarchies + foreign rebels from around the world and on the other side Iran ? and Iran stood against all of them?
Assad can't stand alone he is bringing mercenaries from all over the world and isis is created by iranian and isreales together to defeat the revolutionaries, rumors circulating that assad has handed over latakia province to russia for their military aid
NATO won't do that because that is gonna start WW3. Good thing they are not as crazy as you.

Nobody starts ww3 over Syria.Stop being melodramatic.It's all about how far NATO wants to push but i suspect they want Assad to stay.
saudia is once again playing a great role in disintegration of muslims. great work saudis

Nobody starts ww3 over Syria.Stop being melodramatic.It's all about how far NATO wants to push but i suspect they want Assad to stay.
it's not about syria. it's about oil.
You mean one side the USA, israel, Arab monarchies + foreign rebels from around the world and on the other side Iran ? and Iran stood against all of them?
Syrian people revolted against Assad. Despite lack of weapons they managed to captured 2/3 of country from Armed to teeth Assad thugs and Assad was on verge of collapse.

Then Iran intervened sending Shiite mercenaries from all over the world which saved Assad (or more correctly prolonged his agony).
If NATO imposes a restricted area or a no fly zone Russia will obey or get mopped from Syria.
I dont think NATO can impose such a thing, could they impose in Ukraine? No.
Be realistic Russia is bombing Rebels in Syria,NATO is not. they already have a foothold and the advantage on the ground.
With USA going to elections this year and Donald Trump Winning i doubt that USA/NATO would ever go to war against Assad as said by Trump himself.
Syrian people revolted against Assad. Despite lack of weapons they managed to captured 2/3 of country from Armed to teeth Assad thugs and Assad was on verge of collapse.

Then Iran intervened sending Shiite mercenaries from all over the world which saved Assad (or more correctly prolonged his agony).

I respect Syrian decision to make their own future it's their right that's why we say no one can determine removal of Assad except Syrian people and that's why we've called out for a fair and free election since the beginning of the conflict but as far as some countries' agenda from the starting point was removal of Assad the notion hasn't been met yet ...
And you missed mentioning ISIS and all those foreign militia all from across the globe:

As official estimates already total over 11,000, and that is just on the rebel side, it is reasonable to conclude that at least 12,000 foreigners have fought in Syria over the first three years of the war. This compares with an equally imprecise estimate of 10,000 for the whole ten-year period of the Afghan ‘jihad’ against Soviet occupation plus the period of Taliban rule from 1996 to 2001. Although there have been dips and rises, the overall flow of 15 foreigners to the Syrian war has remained fairly constant since late 2011.!
If you do love Syrian people you can give them back their lands I mean Golan heights ....
Syrian people revolted against Assad. Despite lack of weapons they managed to captured 2/3 of country from Armed to teeth Assad thugs and Assad was on verge of collapse.

Then Iran intervened sending Shiite mercenaries from all over the world which saved Assad (or more correctly prolonged his agony).
You are a fool if you think Shia militias were in Syria from the beginning LOL. They went to Syria after seeing Israel-backed Wahabi terrorists killing Shias and destroying Shia monuments.

If NATO imposes a restricted area or a no fly zone Russia will obey or get mopped from Syria.
That will risk a war with Russia so not worth it. Result ? > Russia will keep staying in Syria pounding western backed terrorists to pieces.
I dont think NATO can impose such a thing, could they impose in Ukraine? No.
Be realistic Russia is bombing Rebels in Syria,NATO is not. they already have a foothold and the advantage on the ground.
With USA going to elections this year and Donald Trump Winning i doubt that USA/NATO would ever go to war against Assad as said by Trump himself.

Donald Trump won't EVER win the elections in the US.
You are a fool if you think Shia militias were in Syria from the beginning LOL. They went to Syria after seeing Israel-backed Wahabi terrorists killing Shias and destroying Shia monuments.
Read again what I wrote: I said that first Syrians captured 2/3 of Syria from Assad thugs. Then Iran sent Shia mercenaries and saved Assad from full collapse.
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