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Saudi Arabia offers to send ground troops to Syria to fight Isis

RIP, dear friend!!!! Your days are numbered ..... lol

pdf management has been kind to me so far. :D

KSA should drop weapon crates and supplies to ISIS in Iraq at least, ISIS alone Manged to capture half of Iraq so just imagine them being supported by KSA to get rid the Middle East of the Rafdi mullah filth, they would be in Tehran within a few days.

post reported for support of isis.
The only possible way they can send troops to Syria is through Jordan. The Med is under Putin naval control. Iraq will never allow them through. Even Jordan is questionable considering the House of Saud overthrew the Hashemites in Saudi Arabia and there is bad blood between Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

If the US tries to use planes to transport Saudi troops to Syria then those planes will be blown out of the sky as a result of breech of international law.
As expected, Saudi is sending backups to their isis brothers, No worries, Russian bombs will solve this problem.
I think this will be a great strategic move by both Turkey and KSA in tandom. Asad Opposition, Turkmen & ISIS have no chance to stand against intensifying Russian ground & Air invasion helped by Iran herself and with proxies might day by day. If they didn't intervene today in whatever way their political clout in Syria and throughout region will be history within a year.

This is the right time to put your own boats on the ground, just like your adversaries doing with direct involvement....stakes becoming high and high with each passing day....Good Luck!!
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As expected, Saudi is sending backups to their isis brothers, No worries, Russian bombs will solve this problem.

Russian will not be able to bomb foreign soldiers in Uniform it would deal a heavy set back..and that is what is exactly the saudi move is..they may send a few officers but a large chunk will be uniforms for the existing ISIS fighters...

I think @Mosamania pointed out long time ago...that after the initially failed FSA..the next wave is going to be brutal...somehow he was able to pick out the accents used by rebels and draw its connection to saudi forces.

Another top Iranian General killed in Syria
Russian will not be able to bomb foreign soldiers in Uniform it would deal a heavy set back..and that is what is exactly the saudi move is..they may send a few officers but a large chunk will be uniforms for the existing ISIS fighters...

I think @Mosamania pointed out long time ago...that after the initially failed FSA..the next wave is going to be brutal...somehow he was able to pick out the accents used by rebels and draw its connection to saudi forces.

Another top Iranian General killed in Syria

Assad holds the UN seat. Assad is the only legal authority in Syria. Any foreign ground deployment in Syria without the consent of Assad constitutes a breach of international law and will be legally subjected to heavy bombardment by Putin side. It is true that the Saudi king doesn't care how many Saudi soldiers die, but if that number climbs too high, the House of Saud will be overthrown just like what happened to the German emperor in WW1.
What is this lapdog barking in front of masters? :lol:

This pic describes mentality of kingdom rulers and their puppets.


And this one about indoctrinated Arabs who have been taught nothing but to hate Iran.
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