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Saudi Arabia Offers Russia Deal For Backing Off Assad Support

Arzamas 16

Mar 30, 2012
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Russian Federation
Russian Federation
AMMAN/DOHA, Aug 7 (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia has offered Russia economic incentives including a major arms deal and a pledge not to challenge Russian gas sales if Moscow scales back support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Middle East sources and Western diplomats said on Wednesday.

The proposed deal between two of the leading power brokers in Syria's devastating civil war was set out by Saudi intelligence chief Prince Bandar bin Sultan at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow last week, they said.

Russia has supported Assad with arms and diplomatic cover throughout the war and any change in Moscow's stance would remove a major obstacle to action on Syria by the United Nations Security Council.

Syrian opposition sources close to Saudi Arabia said Prince Bandar offered to buy up to $15 billion of Russian weapons as well as ensuring that Gulf gas would not threaten Russia's position as a main gas supplier to Europe.

In return, Saudi Arabia wanted Moscow to ease its strong support of Assad and agree not to block any future Security Council Resolution on Syria, they said.

A Gulf source familiar with the matter confirmed that Prince Bandar offered to buy large quantities of arms from Russia, but that no cash amount was specified in the talks.

One Lebanese politician close to Saudi Arabia said the meeting between Bandar and Putin lasted four hours. "The Saudis were elated about the outcome of the meeting," said the source, without elaborating.

Putin's spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, could not immediately be reached on Wednesday for comment about the meeting. A Saudi Foreign Ministry official was also not immediately available to respond.

Putin's initial response to Bandar's offer was inconclusive, diplomats say. One Western diplomat in the Middle East said the Russian leader was unlikely to trade Moscow's recent high profile in the region for an arms deal, however substantial.

He said Russian officials also appeared sceptical that Saudi Arabia had a clear plan for stability in Syria if Assad fell.


However, in a possible sign of greater flexibility by Moscow, other diplomats said that in the run-up to the meeting Russia put pressure on Assad to allow in a U.N. mission to investigate the suspected use of chemical weapons.

The U.N. team is expected to visit Syria next week.

"This was one of those unannounced meetings that could prove much more important than the public diplomatic efforts being made on Syria," one diplomat said.

A senior Syrian opposition figure said there had been a "build-up of Russian-Saudi contacts prior to the meeting".

"Bandar sought to allay two main Russian fears: that Islamist extremists will replace Assad, and that Syria would become a conduit for Gulf, mainly Qatari, gas at the expense of Russia," he said. "Bandar offered to intensify energy, military and economic cooperation with Moscow."

Saudi Arabia and other Sunni Muslim powers have been strong supporters of the mainly Sunni rebels battling Assad, from Syria's minority Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shi'ite Islam. The rebels have been joined by foreign Sunni jihadis.

Assad has enjoyed military support from Iran and fighters from Hezbollah and Iraqi Shi'ites.

Russia has maintained military sales to Syria throughout the two year conflict in which 100,000 people have been killed, and helped block three U.N. draft resolutions criticising Assad's crackdown on the mainly peaceful protests against him in 2011.

The Security Council has been considering a possible resolution on aid for Syria for several months and a shift in position by Moscow could alleviate this.

Ruslan Pukhov, director of the Moscow-based defence think tank CAST, said he had no direct knowledge of the offer, but he would not be surprised if a contract to supply Saudi Arabia with 150 Russian T-90 tanks were revived.

"There was an order of T-90s that was stopped for mysterious reasons, and if this is a resurrection of that order then we could suspect that the Saudis want something in return and that something could be linked to Syria," said Pukhov, who is close to Russia's Defence Ministry.

"If the Saudis want Moscow to outright drop Assad, they will refuse the deal, but they may have a more nuanced position, which they could possibly agree to."

Russia and Saudi Arabia penned an arms contract in 2008 for 150 T-90s as well as more than 100 Mi-17 and Mi-35 attack helicopters as well as BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicles, but the contract has stalled for years.

Russian newspaper Kommersant reported at the time that the contract was concluded to persuade Moscow to curtail its ties with Iran, though the Kremlin denied that report. (Additional reporting by Thomas Grove in Moscow; Writing by Dominic Evans; Editing by Giles Elgood)

Saudi Arabia Offers Russia Deal For Backing Off Assad Support

15 billion :lol: Make it 15 trillion then we will think about it:whistle:
Saudis should open a business school of global level.

In the last 10 years they have 'bought out' every deal that could favor them against all other gulf nations and the costs have been almost nothing.
Highly doubtfull. Smells like BS news report to me.

No country would jeopardize their own interests and future for another.
BTW, Russia doesn't back Alasad, Russia backs the Syrian people... Russia will not be on a losing side, therefore, Russia is backing what the Syrian people want, and the majority of Syrians back the Syrian army and Alasad...
Similar thread exists already.


Take it your way homie :lol:
Saudis should open a business school of global level.

In the last 10 years they have 'bought out' every deal that could favor them against all other gulf nations and the costs have been almost nothing.

Would you represent some examples?

Highly doubtfull. Smells like BS news report to me.

No country would jeopardize their own interests and future for another.

As if the Saudis found their cash on the middle of the streets :D :lol:
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Would you represent some examples?

Iraq, Kuwait, Iran, Syria, Yemen, Pakistan & Afghanistan too (Taliban govt.). Of course they look like a middleman to the desires of the US, but surely, whatever be the consequences, it is the middleman who benefits the most.
Iraq, Kuwait, Iran, Syria, Yemen, Pakistan & Afghanistan too (Taliban govt.). Of course they look like a middleman to the desires of the US, but surely, whatever be the consequences, it is the middleman who benefits the most.

You said Gulf countries, what did we do agonist the Kuwait? :undecided: please? Or is that some sort of fanboy dreams?
Saudis want Russia to forget Syria for $15 billion? That is a comic. Perhaps, Saudis need to learn few things about strategic consideration bit more and understand Syrian position and location is much more than money and gas sale. When strategic interests are involved money comes to low in list of priorities. That is why even with economic crisis US and EU reluctant to sell asset to certain countries including Saudis and GCC. That is why Dubai port could not buy US port operation or Chinese telecom companies are not allowed in US.
Saudis want Russia to forget Syria for $15 billion? That is a comic. Perhaps, Saudis need to learn few things about strategic consideration bit more and understand Syrian position and location is much more than money and gas sale. When strategic interests are involved money comes to low in list of priorities. That is why even with economic crisis US and EU reluctant to sell asset to certain countries including Saudis and GCC. That is why Dubai port could not buy US port operation or Chinese telecom companies are not allowed in US.

Only imbelice would buy a story as this, as if the Saudis are rewarding the Russians for their stand. As for the investments, Bahi, don't you ever speak of something you don't know the devil you're talking about :lol: :omghaha: :rofl: :rofl: Saudi investments in the West goes beyond the purchase of strategic assists :D

Not everything can be achieved with oil money, it's only a matter of time until they realize that.

Does this include the starving nation of Iran :lol: :D
Saudi investments in the West goes beyond the purchase of strategic assists :D

That is where Saudis missed and missing the plot. Buying bunch of worthless treasury paper or buying US stock does not mean jack. Besides, US will keep Saudi money in its financial system as much as possible in any day. So long Saudi rulers follow US dictate. And when US feels otherwise, it will brand Saudi ruler as dictator and what freeze asset in blink of an eye.

I am well aware foreign strategic stake in different sector, why don't you tell us what strategic asset Saudis own in US?
You said the Saudis can't buy assists and I replied to your claim. Now, please, smash your head to the wall as much as your body would take.

Bye my Eastern Pakistani friend

That is where Saudis missed and missing the plot. Buying bunch of worthless treasury paper or buying US stock does not mean jack. Besides, US will keep Saudi money in its financial system as much as possible in any day. So long Saudi rulers follow US dictate. And when US feels otherwise, it will brand Saudi ruler as dictator and what freeze asset in blink of an eye.

I am well aware foreign strategic stake in different sector, why don't you tell us what strategic asset Saudis own in US?
You said the Saudis can't buy assists and I replied to your claim. Now, please, smash your head to the wall as much as your body would take.

Asset in strategic context and I have given some examples. Your statement was "Saudi investments in the West goes beyond the purchase of strategic assists"

But you can not back up your claim.
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