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Saudi Arabia 'insulted' by UK inquiry


Jan 14, 2011
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Saudi officials have told the BBC they are now "re-evaluating their country's historic relations with Britain" and that "all options will be looked at".

While they stopped short of cancelling ongoing trade deals, the move reflects growing Saudi resentment at the West's reaction to the Arab Spring.

The Foreign Office said Saudi Arabia remained a close friend and an ally.

The Sunni-majority kingdom suspects the hand of Iran behind much of the unrest in its own Shia population and that of Bahrain.

Bahrain's opposition movement has always denied any Iranian government role in its activities.
BBC News - Saudi Arabia 'insulted' by UK inquiry
how come Saudi never put their weight on foreign power whenever other muslim need it, but to save their fat ***** from being overthrown, freaking useless clowns. They are with you if you want to attack any other muslim country, heck they will even bear all the cost of it, worst thing happened to muslims is Saudis got rich, ever noticed ever since Saudi got money muslims are being slapped over and over, point to ponder.

They feel insulted if some is trying to do justice, how un-islamic it is to do justice
BAE will die if Saudia cancels Typhoon contracts.
Uk should do some realoty check.They are not a colonial power as they were a century ago,and shouldnt behave as such...
Much of British busonesses are running on saudi money...and angering saudoa will be very stupid for Brits...
how come Saudi never put their weight on foreign power whenever other muslim need it, but to save their fat ***** from being overthrown, freaking useless clowns. They are with you if you want to attack any other muslim country, heck they will even bear all the cost of it, worst thing happened to muslims is Saudis got rich, ever noticed ever since Saudi got money muslims are being slapped over and over, point to ponder.

They feel insulted if some is trying to do justice, how un-islamic it is to do justice

bingo, the saudi king seemed real cozy next george w bush :)
BAE will die if Saudia cancels Typhoon contracts.
Uk should do some realoty check.They are not a colonial power as they were a century ago,and shouldnt behave as such...
Much of British busonesses are running on saudi money...and angering saudoa will be very stupid for Brits...

BAE has other buyers. And one compay contract does not bring down an economy. Especially one as large as the UK. Lots of companies cut ties with Iran, yet the world still spins.
I really hope that Saudi "Arabia" for once does something..... i doubt they will cut ties with the west... if Saudi "Arabia" cut ties with the west, that mean goodbye to Alsaud... lol they couldn't even protest to defend their religion... Saudi "Arabia" is under the mercy of the west... thus Saudi "Arabia" can only :blah: :blah:... Saudi "Arabia" are only good at exporting and supporting terrorism outside GCC....
Bad Luck for BAE India should have done deal half-half with BAE and Rafael. 5-5 billion that would be good for both of them....:smokin: , but i don't think BAE will get down they considered as best producers of fighters today.
That may be true, but to say that it will bring down the economy of the UK, and that the UK economy is dependant on Saudi Arabia is pretty retarded Imo.

I am not saying UK's economy is at the mercy of KSA, but I am saying the UK economy and industry is hit pretty bad recently, I mean really bad.

Anyways anything that goes against KSA done by the house of commons will be shot down by the House of Lords. The two royal families are very close.

That may be true, but to say that it will bring down the economy of the UK, and that the UK economy is dependant on Saudi Arabia is pretty retarded Imo.

I am not saying UK's economy is at the mercy of KSA, but I am saying the UK economy and industry is hit pretty bad recently, I mean really bad. Any significant damage especially by a major company employing a large number of British people will lead to events that are not satisfactory to UK' economic interests.

Anyways anything that goes against KSA done by the house of commons will be shot down by the House of Lords. The two royal families are very close.
Trade between them is only 4 billion and it's also bilateral , Saudi is nothing for UK for Economy and Trade . :P
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