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Saudi Arabia in Pictures

The cons outweigh the pros.
This so-called Muslim country deserves no favors from us.
I will only go there Inshallah to perform the Hajj, the rest of the country can get its acts together.
I've heard plenty of stories from my relatives, and respect for one another is not common over there, especially when coming from a different background.

Sorry but I simply have to give my few cents.
Why is it usually the Pakistani brothers living in western countries have all these misconceptions about Saudi Arabia??

possible reasons

1- Wanna be mentality.
2- Missionary schooling
3- Sectarian background
4- Lack of knowledge but will of talking, mindless application just to be mr know all
5- They might not be Muslims rather followers of other faiths. *(they get really nothing but hatred for Muslims/Pakistan/Arabia from their religious leaders in Pakistan)
6- Secular/Atheist mindset/societal deviants
7- Victims of Propaganda
8- In the above case *(post of that american abcd) it seems he doesnot even know how to correlate things, or what things correlate.


9- on pdf some Indians living abroad use False Flags :laugh:
Why is it usually the Pakistani brothers living in western countries have all these misconceptions about Saudi Arabia??


you have a beautiful country. God has blessed you and you have a lot of $$$ but $$$ doesnt get you respect. Arabs from my experience are very sexist and of course believe they are superior to all around them. They cant even unite thier own nations to become a supe nation. Arabs hate Iranians etc. Arabs dont give as much support as they should to Palestine. I dont have any misconceptions about Saudi Arabia. Just wish they would do more and spend thier money wisely and build bridges with others around them. The arabs unite would be a fantastic force. Instead divided they are just a shadow of what they could be.
Why is it usually the Pakistani brothers living in western countries have all these misconceptions about Saudi Arabia??

Please, do not get carried away with few comments on mass media.
You shall know mass media is a tool of deception and not every one displaying Pakistani flag works for the interest of Pakistan.
HOLY ****!

It snows in Saudi? :blink:

Yeah, I was like the same, I mean I didnot even think of seeing anything like Snow but beautiful deserts... but it SNOWS in Arabia...Amazing...
Saudi Arabia has conspired with Western imperialists in the killing of their own Muslims & Arab, brothers & sisters, gave rise to Salafism & Islamic extremism, & the British used it to destroy the Ottoman Empire. They conspired with the US & Pakistan by setting up Wahabi/Salafi schools, sending Arab fighters, & indoctrinating everyone in the 1980s to create the Mujahideen that served the interests of the US. This is the reason why Afghanistan is in its state today. Saudi Arabia did not side with the Palestinians ever, or in fact any Muslim nation that was getting oppressed; & always sided with the imperialists.
It's technologically & economically developed, but not sociologically.

What is your benchmark?

---------- Post added at 07:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:42 PM ----------

Saudi Arabia has conspired with Western imperialists in the killing of their own Muslims & Arab, brothers & sisters, gave rise to Salafism & Islamic extremism, & the British used it to destroy the Ottoman Empire. They conspired with the US & Pakistan by setting up Wahabi/Salafi schools, sending Arab fighters, & indoctrinating everyone in the 1980s to create the Mujahideen that served the interests of the US. This is the reason why Afghanistan is in its state today. Saudi Arabia did not side with the Palestinians ever, or in fact any Muslim nation that was getting oppressed; & always sided with the imperialists.

Saudis are sons of the land and regime is in existence since more than 100 years why it suddenly bothers you now?
Saudis are sons of the land and they are in existence since more than 100 years why it suddenly bothers you now?

I've always been bothered by the Saudi Authority/Monarchy/Kingdom, but never the Saudi people. But Saudi Arabia as a country has served great injustices for fellow Muslim countries all over the world, serving the interests of the Western imperialists.

What is your benchmark?

Any society that segregates men & women, doesn't let women drive, forces people to go to Jummah prayers, is governed by a monarchy is not a developed society.

Awesome! it look like Las Vegas much similar ! Stylish Tall buildings around the ground of Kaaba. Hopefully we will look the exact time at the big clock every prayers. :lol:

Nice Las Vegas of Saudi Arabia! where is bikinis burqa or belly dancing there something missing?

KFC goes out of business where ever Al-Baik is opened......

Are you sure .Its looks like a perimeter fence which is constructed if some construction or maintenance is going on inside (A standard practice in Gulf countries).

Anyways if Al Baik is so popular why its management is so hesitant on expanding. It can be the Arabian KFC.
Saudi Arabia has conspired with Western imperialists in the killing of their own Muslims & Arab, brothers & sisters, gave rise to Salafism & Islamic extremism, & the British used it to destroy the Ottoman Empire. They conspired with the US & Pakistan by setting up Wahabi/Salafi schools, sending Arab fighters, & indoctrinating everyone in the 1980s to create the Mujahideen that served the interests of the US. This is the reason why Afghanistan is in its state today. Saudi Arabia did not side with the Palestinians ever, or in fact any Muslim nation that was getting oppressed; & always sided with the imperialists.

Hey dude !
pick up your mind and tell us ,, are we too extremists or too much in love with the infidel west ?
coz either we are forcing people to pray or we are killing the Muslims with the west
pleeease tell me :(
^^ He is a troll... spoiling the thread.
All you can do is report him but don't have high hopes.. you know what i mean!!!

---------- Post added at 07:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:50 PM ----------

I've always been bothered by the Saudi Authority/Monarchy/Kingdom, but never the Saudi people. But Saudi Arabia as a country has served great injustices for fellow Muslim countries all over the world, serving the interests of the Western imperialists.

Any society that segregates men & women, doesn't let women drive, forces people to go to Jummah prayers, is governed by a monarchy is not a developed society.

Stop trolling.... and derailing the thread.
I have already answered your biased rhetoric.
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