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Saudi Arabia gives Israel clear skies to attack Iranian nuclear sites

so much for Pan Islamism ....

What Pan islamism? Wahabis treat Sufis & Shias as heretics who are going to eventually get slaughtered. A friend of mine was taking a class ( in the U.S)and the Saudi teacher told her that these people are their enemies.
S.A's association with the Muslim's enemy number one "U.S.A" till now..why would they do now? and all

There is a difference between the US and Israel.

the things that you said about Iran going rouge and getting Nukes some way or the other... Iran would any ways definitely get their nukes even if Israel wouldnt bomb it's nuclear sites..and all

While I disagree with you on the other parts of your post, ultimately none of that matters, because we agree on this key issue. A nuclear Iran is a given in future and an Israeli attack will not change this reality, even if it may delay the scenario by a very short period.

The world will just have to get used to the idea, because the time to change the outcome has long passed.
Who are those "Wahabis" ?
When i was in mekka this year an old guy told me that Wahabis are dangerous people. When i asked him for more Details he didn't tell me..
Who are those "Wahabis" ?
When i was in mekka this year an old guy told me that Wahabis are dangerous people. When i asked him for more Details he didn't tell me..

Well, really they identify themselves as ahle salaf or salafi.
They think if you celebrate a birthday , your own or the Prophet's, you are doomed. ( amongst other things).
There is nthng lyk ummah. .nation own interest comes first. .nthng surprising in this article.
Capturing a police station means you have captured the whole Lahore ?? Childish

btw mumbai attackers 26'11 how many days did they captures the taj hotel.. or i say the whole mumbai??
It took only 11 ppl to capture whole mumbai? ironic

nd yh its better if we stick to the topic

So u send terrorist to capture Mumbai ????
First except that they are from Pakistan :lol::lol:
So u send terrorist to capture Mumbai ????
First except that they are from Pakistan :lol::lol:

dear use some common sense..
and stick to the topic
i hv posted and deleted that msg for a reason. :hitwall:
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hay.....saudi arabia is supporting Israel. it must be USA effect.

countries like saudia, UAE, Egypt, jordan are already colonised by US and its allies via their corrupt leaders. guess what, who helped king saud and sharif-e-makkah to rebel against Ottoman Islamic Empire?
There is nthng lyk ummah. .nation own interest comes first. .nthng surprising in this article.

We are Muslims first.. then we are Pakistanis... That is what our Prophet (SA) taught us.. Nation boundaries are not as important for a true Muslim as is being brother to another Muslim....

We are an Ummah first , then we are Pakistanis and then we are Sindhi , Punjabi , Balochi , Pakhtun , etc....

You know nothing about Ummah.. So better don't talk about it... Because some extremist muslims have divided themselves on regional or national basis , it does not at all means we don't have the spirit of Ummah within us....
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