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Saudi Arabia BUSTED

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King Solomon

Jun 6, 2011
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BUSTED: Saudi Arabian Terrorist Intelligence agent arrested in Homs, Syria while commanding Heavily Armed Hireling Terrorist Rebels Group


Syria has reportedly detained a Saudi Arabian intelligence agent in the western city of Homs during clashes between the Syrian army and armed terrorist groups.

According to reports, Nasser al-Ariqi was arrested in Homs after clashes broke out between Syrian forces and armed terrorist gangs on Saturday.

Al-Ariqi has been said to be the commander of a heavily armed hireling rebels group in the Syrian city. The armed group has been trying to remove the Syrian army's security checkpoints using heavy weaponry provided by the NATO/USZ.

Saudi Arabia and Qatar have already proved to be involved in of fueling the unrest in Syria and other Arab countries by providing armed gangs in the country with weapons and financial resources to incite civil war and topple the governments. Qatar played a crucial role in the Libya episode by providing the zionist mouth-pieces like Al-Jazeera assistance to show fake Tripoli and mercenary invasion.

Syria has been experiencing unrest since mid-March, with demonstrations being held both against and in favor of President Bashar al-Assad. Hundreds of people, including security forces, have been killed at the hands of hireling rebels and mercenaries backed carrying Israhelli made weapons and bombs in the so-called unrest.

Previously, disinformation was created about the bombing in Homs by Syrian Army which were nothing more than baseless lies.


NOTE: The above news has been reproduced in Press TV and several other news agencies
Possible war between Syria and Saudi Arabia on this?
It is to be noted that the main supply route for the Terrorist Rebels in Syria is through Lebanon border. Majority of supplies' source are coming from IsraHell who is desperate to destroy Syria for its dream of Greater IsraHell.
source of this article is from a pakistani blog. Blogs are useless, even i can write a blog saying aliens are invading usa. that doesnt make it true.
While Assad is no saint himself and a dictator who inherited the throne from his father, these Saudis are not much better. My concolences go to the ordinary Syrians whos country is being used as a cheese board by foreigners. As an Afghan, I know how it feels. Iran, Russia, Isreal, Saudi and others don't give a damn about Syria and I hope the Syrians realize that they are being played against each other by outsiders. I hope the Syrian people are victorious in the end inshallah.
''zionist mouth-pieces like Al-Jazeera'' one of the most absurd thing I have ever heard....
''zionist mouth-pieces like Al-Jazeera'' one of the most absurd thing I have ever heard....

Middle East propaganda 101: Name everyone going against us "Zionist".
Middle East propaganda 101: Name everyone going against us "Zionist".

hahahaa, look who is falling for israelites hahahahahaha

towel heads

---------- Post added at 03:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:13 AM ----------

''zionist mouth-pieces like Al-Jazeera'' one of the most absurd thing I have ever heard....

you my dear has not seen the real terrible world we dwell in, get out of your pink blanket and room full of barbie dolls
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