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No need to deny it bro, I don't know if those southern separatists got green light from anyone or not. But, they are attacking government forces in Aden. Yemen does not need to split into north and south and separatists should be confronted. The situation is so bad like Syria it will take years if not decades for something good to come out of all this.

No need to deny it bro, I don't know if those southern separatists got green light from anyone or not. But, they are attacking government forces in Aden. Yemen does not need to split into north and south and separatists should be confronted. The situation is so bad like Syria it will take years if not decades for something good to come out of all this.

Those are Southern separatists that have existed since the unification of Yemen in 1990. They have nothing to do with UAE and I would very much doubt that UAE would act against the interests of KSA in such a blatant fashion as claimed. In fact those separatists would exist even without the current civil war. There are grievances in and around Aden of how things have been managed by Sana'a, Yemen has basically collapsed as a country post Arab spring in 2011, but personally, while I prefer unity in the Arab world and unification, rather than fragmentation and more Arab states emerging (we already have 20+), this tendency among some Southerners, has little to do with current events.

I don't believe those media reports. The same media reports that were saying that the UAE had withdrawn from Yemen which was contrary to the ground realities and was denied by the UAE.

Anyway Yemen is a brotherly neighborly Arab Muslim country. Even though KSA could carpet bomb all of Yemen tonight (given our air force and missiles), it would be counterproductive. Houthis and allies must be further weakened before they will accept sitting on the negotiation table and for some political solution among Yemenis to emerge. However some Hezbollah like sellouts threatening the Southern 2000 km long border of KSA (mostly heavily mountainous) will not and would not be tolerated by any regional country or any regime in power within KSA.

I have said it many times, Arabs should not be fighting among themselves, but unfortunately a certain sect in the Arab world (no need to mention it) and certain representatives of it, want it otherwise. That is why we should convert them all to Sunni Islam, lol, if possible. Would solve the problems. It is in many ways an absurd sect and some absurd distorted beliefs to begin with and I am saying that despite that sect emerging in Hijaz among Arabians later to be spread to other parts of the world like Islam itself and all its other sects (mostly - despite the recent ones).
Those are Southern separatists that have existed since the unification of Yemen in 1990. They have nothing to do with UAE and I would very much doubt that UAE would act against the interests of KSA in such a blatant fashion as claimed. In fact those separatists would exist even without the current civil war. There are grievances in and around Aden of how things have been done in Sana'a, Yemen has basically collapsed as a country post Arab spring in 2011, but personally, while I prefer unity in the Arab world and unification, rather than fragmentation and more Arab states emerging (we already have 20+), this tendency among some Southerners, has little to do with current events.

I don't believe those media reports. The same media reports that were saying that the UAE had withdrawn from Yemen which was contrary to the ground realities and was denied by the UAE.

Anyway Yemen is a brotherly neighborly Arab Muslim country. Even though KSA could carpet bomb all of Yemen tonight (given our air force and missiles), it would be counterproductive. Houthis and allies must be further weakened before they will accept sitting on the negotiation table and for some political solution among Yemenis to emerge. However some Hezbollah like sellouts threatening the Southern 2000 km long border of KSA (mostly heavily mountainous) will not and would not be tolerated by any regional country or any regime in power within KSA.

I have said it many times, Arabs should not be fighting among themselves, but unfortunately a certain sect in the Arab world (no need to mention it) and certain representatives of it, want it otherwise. That is why we should convert them all to Sunni Islam, lol, if possible. Would solve the problems.

I'm sure they acted on their own but it is real and all sides are calling/working to end those tensions in Aden.
I'm sure they acted on their own but it is real and all sides are calling/working to end those tensions in Aden.

Some sporadic violent clashes within Aden among the fractions is nothing new. It happened many years back and back then you had the same media talking about all kind of nonsense of KSA and UAE withdrawing etc.

Southern separatists or no separatists, they are against the enemy in Yemen and thus should not be frozen out. KSA is in favor of a unified Yemen even though it would be easier to "control" Yemen if it was divided. This is because KSA does not seek domination in Yemen. No other country in the world would benefit more from a stable and prosperous Yemen that would be able to fulfill its enormous potential and its quickly growing population (almost 30 million now and in 2050 one of the biggest in the entire Muslim world) than KSA due to geography alone not withstanding all the other motives.
can someone explain something to me?

On the Yemeni "Houthi" side. besides some random video of a random adviser. is there any evidence of a single non-Yemeni fighter on their side?

if the Yemeni people are on hadis side. why cant he win with the entire American-Saudi-UAE coalition on his side, plus tens of thousands of sudani mercenarys, and other southern separatist mercenraies with a sprinkle of al Qaeda here and there.

meanwhile every single soldier on the Houthi side is a Yemeni.

now ask yourselves which side Is the Yemeni side? which side the Yemeni people support? shouldn't be hard to figure it out

No need to deny it bro, I don't know if those southern separatists got green light from anyone or not. But, they are attacking government forces in Aden. Yemen does not need to split into north and south and separatists should be confronted. The situation is so bad like Syria it will take years if not decades for something good to come out of all this.

Emirates were/are encouraging the Southern separatists to break away from Yemen, and as a matter fact have created a parallel state in Southern Yemen. Everything they've done is to create fiefdoms that are at war at each other, while at the same time they undermine the Hadi-led government.
Aden (AFP) - A Saudi-led coalition launched Sunday a strike against southern separatists in Yemen after they seized the presidential palace in second city Aden in deadly fighting that threatened to deepen the country's humanitarian crisis.

The seizure, decried by the Riyadh-backed Yemeni government as a UAE-supported coup, reflects deep divisions between secessionists and loyalist forces, both of whom have fought Shiite Huthi rebels.

"The coalition targeted an area that poses a direct threat to one of the important sites of the legitimate government," a coalition statement said, calling on the separatist Southern Transitional Council to withdraw from positions seized in Aden or face further attacks.

It did not specify the target but residents in Aden told AFP it was an air strike against separatist camps in the city.

Riyadh-based Yemeni President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi is backed by the coalition -- led by Saudi Arabia and its ally the United Arab Emirates -- that is battling the Iran-aligned Huthis.

But another force in the anti-Huthi coalition -- the UAE-trained Security Belt Force -- has since Wednesday been battling loyalists in Aden, the temporary base of Hadi's government.

The Security Belt Force is dominated by fighters who back the Southern Transitional Council (STC), which seeks to restore south Yemen as an independent state as it was from 1967-1990.

The International Crisis Group think tank warned that the Aden clashes "threaten to tip southern Yemen into a civil war within a civil war."

"Such a conflict would deepen what is already the world's worst humanitarian crisis," it said.

The coalition called for an "immediate ceasefire" and the Saudi foreign ministry has demanded an "urgent meeting" between the warring parties.

Both the Yemeni government and separatists said early Sunday they backed Riyadh's call for dialogue and a suspension of fighting.

But in a sermon to mark the start of the Muslim Eid al-Adha festival, STC vice president Hani bin Breik said his group will not "negotiate under threat".
can someone explain something to me?

On the Yemeni "Houthi" side. besides some random video of a random adviser. is there any evidence of a single non-Yemeni fighter on their side?

if the Yemeni people are on hadis side. why cant he win with the entire American-Saudi-UAE coalition on his side, plus tens of thousands of sudani mercenarys, and other southern separatist mercenraies with a sprinkle of al Qaeda here and there.

meanwhile every single soldier on the Houthi side is a Yemeni.

now ask yourselves which side Is the Yemeni side? which side the Yemeni people support? shouldn't be hard to figure it out
Well they can not answer it ... if Yemenis were on their side there was no need for Sudanese or other mercenaries to win the war or begin the war.
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