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Saudi Ambassador To Egypt Threatens Iran With Military Action

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No. Iran has plenty of oil of its own. They do not need to become imperialist to get oil or gas for that matter. Iran is only very afraid that another Saddam emerges in Saudi Arabia backed by United States and history gets repeated. That is their concern beside an American invasion paid by KSA. Iran is on defensive, so get this into your head. By the way Turkey as a member of NATO should have done more to protect Iran instead of just talking and giving bases to NATO for anti Iran radars. It is a shame that Turkey has stood up with Americans this time and is paving the way for an attack on Iran.

I can easily write 5 obvious attack on Turkish interests and Turkeys sovereignty.

1- They raised the gas price in this freezing winter. Thank God that we had alternative sources for that. Azerbaijan and Fuel Oil from Arab countries.

2- They supporterd PKK via Syria and even their own homeland. In recent years they captured Karayılan by our own intelligence that we gave them and released him for using him against Turkey.... again.... He is second in command.

3- They supported Armenaia against both Turkey and Azerbeijan.

4- They supported Sharia loving biggots in our country. Lucily for Turkey, they are a minority around %7 percent.

5- They still try to block Nabuco pipeline which will lower our dependence of Russia and Iran in natural gas.

While at the same time, Turkey/Turkish people idioticly/naively supported Iran...

1- Turkey stubbornly refused to participate in senctions against Iran.

2- Turkey made nuclear deal with Iran ---Turkey-Brazil-Iran- nuclear swap deal which helped them greatly.

3- Turkey made it clear that, they do not and will not support any military attack on Iran.

4- Turkey vetoed UN resolutions against Iran...

Even after reading these and saying that Turkey should support ''muslim'' country.... I don't know what to tell you... Muslim or not. They betrayed us and made more trouble for us than even Greece....

I wrote this on another thread but it is a perfect answer of your post too.......
Thurkey doesn't actually give a damn about oil.... She knows she can't control it from that far away... She only cares about markets of said countries and she actually doing good on its goals. If you haven't notice Turkish products are start to become very and very popular in Arab countries....

And what kind of answer is that?? If you have something to add please I would welcome it... but don't be a pain please...

Oh, stop it. We know what is at stake here. It is not oil. Turkey buys its oil, gas and electricity form Iran and is very comfortable with that as Iran is very jolly selling it. The real game going on is this (impressing Arab street gals):

Thurkey doesn't actually give a damn about oil.... She knows she can't control it from that far away... She only cares about markets of said countries and she actually doing good on its goals. If you haven't notice Turkish products are start to become very and very popular in Arab countries....

And what kind of answer is that?? If you have something to add please I would welcome it... but don't be a pain please...

And Iran cares about oil? We already have so much of it. What you say doesn't make sense at all.
Is that why Turkey is doing everything it can to exert pressure on Syria while it has not even condemned the continuous killing of Bahraini people in recent months?

I won't be a pain, but you have no reasonable argument to support your claim that Iran is after the oil of the Arab states around the Persian Gulf.
You mean during Jurassic era. Dude you are mixing up western Iran and eastern Iraq for something else. The birth of civilization happened in these areas and not in Arabian peninsula.

Don't be troll... Search frst than post please....

Arabian penunsila was one of the most visited trade root for thousand of years.... There are actual temples and cities in desert that are newly discovered. I would expect someone named ''longbrained'' atleast search before posting...
And Iran cares about oil? We already have so much of it. What you say doesn't make sense at all.
Is that why Turkey is doing everything it can to exert pressure on Syria while it has not even condemned the continuous killing of Bahraini people in recent months?

I won't be a pain, but you have no reasonable argument to support your claim that Iran is after the oil of the Arab states around the Persian Gulf.

Really... I have no reasonalbe claim?

Why Iran sparked the Saudi uprising in oil rich territories then? Ohhh I get it to give them their gift of revolution... right? Please its like saying Soviets supported all the other communist uprisings from the good of their heart...

I do not say that its not in Turkey's interest to bring down Assadbut atleast Turkey has some legitime reasons... Syria is right in our +rses... maybe we have to house thousands of refugees.... Maybe That guy killed more than 5.000 men... Maybe majority of the population wants Assad gone...

While Bahrain uprising was an Iranian plot.... While Bahrainians lives times and times better than Syrians and propably Turkish and Iranian people too...

And saying that Iran don't want to control their oil is ignorant at best... I don't need to even argue about that...
I can easily write 5 obvious attack on Turkish interests and Turkeys sovereignty.

1- They raised the gas price in this freezing winter. Thank God that we had alternative sources for that. Azerbaijan and Fuel Oil from Arab countries.

2- They supporterd PKK via Syria and even their own homeland. In recent years they captured Karayılan by our own intelligence that we gave them and released him for using him against Turkey.... again.... He is second in command.

3- They supported Armenaia against both Turkey and Azerbeijan.

4- They supported Sharia loving biggots in our country. Lucily for Turkey, they are a minority around %7 percent.

5- They still try to block Nabuco pipeline which will lower our dependence of Russia and Iran in natural gas.

1- We haven't. It's Turkey that is the opportunist and claims arbitration for high gas prices. As soon as you saw Europe imposed sanctions on Iran you started whining about high gas prices!

2- We haven't supported the PKK. We launched a military campaign against them before you start. Your intelligence? lol. Don't make me laugh. If your intelligence was able to do such a thing, It wouldn't have given it to Iran, but they would've acted on their own.

3- We still support Armenia against Turkey and Azerbaijan and we'll do the same as long as there's a lunatic like Aliyev that talks about 'Greater Azerbaijan' and as long as Azerbaijani newspapers claim Iranian provinces as theirs.

4- C'mon, don't bring Iran in this one. We know that there are many religious people in Turkey. Especially in Eastern parts.

5- It's about our interests. You do the same too. You can't blame us for that.

While at the same time, Turkey/Turkish people idioticly/naively supported Iran...

1- Turkey stubbornly refused to participate in senctions against Iran.

2- Turkey made nuclear deal with Iran ---Turkey-Brazil-Iran- nuclear swap deal which helped them greatly.

3- Turkey made it clear that, they do not and will not support any military attack on Iran.

4- Turkey vetoed UN resolutions against Iran...

Even after reading these and saying that Turkey should support ''muslim'' country.... I don't know what to tell you... Muslim or not. They betrayed us and made more trouble for us than even Greece....

I wrote this on another thread but it is a perfect answer of your post too.......

1- Turkey could adopt sanctions anytime it wants. Trading with Iran is to the benefits of Turkey and your leaders know it perfectly well.

2- Actually you should thank Iran that it's letting Turkey playing this role. This gives Turkey a good international image. Iran is letting independent countries play a role in international affairs. Is that bad? We've welcomed the mediation of independent countries in Iran's nuclear case.

3- Thank you for that, but many other countries have taken that stance as well, at least officially. In fact all of our neighbors have done that. Don't forget that you're hosting NATO pre-warning radars in your soil.

4- I don't know what you mean by 'vetoed'. I thought only permanent members could veto resolutions, if you mean you said NO to the resolution, well, thanks, but it would've become so stupid if you had voted yes because then you would've ridiculed yourself with questioning the Tehran declaration.
Saudi's need the US or Israel to strike Iran, no doubt they have secret relations with Israel.
I can easily write 5 obvious attack on Turkish interests and Turkeys sovereignty.

1- They raised the gas price in this freezing winter. Thank God that we had alternative sources for that. Azerbaijan and Fuel Oil from Arab countries.

2- They supporterd PKK via Syria and even their own homeland. In recent years they captured Karayılan by our own intelligence that we gave them and released him for using him against Turkey.... again.... He is second in command.

3- They supported Armenaia against both Turkey and Azerbeijan.

4- They supported Sharia loving biggots in our country. Lucily for Turkey, they are a minority around %7 percent.

5- They still try to block Nabuco pipeline which will lower our dependence of Russia and Iran in natural gas.

While at the same time, Turkey/Turkish people idioticly/naively supported Iran...

1- Turkey stubbornly refused to participate in senctions against Iran.

2- Turkey made nuclear deal with Iran ---Turkey-Brazil-Iran- nuclear swap deal which helped them greatly.

3- Turkey made it clear that, they do not and will not support any military attack on Iran.

4- Turkey vetoed UN resolutions against Iran...

Even after reading these and saying that Turkey should support ''muslim'' country.... I don't know what to tell you... Muslim or not. They betrayed us and made more trouble for us than even Greece....

I wrote this on another thread but it is a perfect answer of your post too.......

1- If you do not like the price, stop buying. Iranians are not forcing you to buy. It is free market economy. Communism is long gone.

2- Iran has been fighting PKK like men, sending in soldiers to kill the real terrorists while Turkish air force has been bombing civilians which Turkish state even has accepted. It is the best buddy of Turkey (Israel) that is training PJAK to kill Iranians. What Turkey has done about that?

3- Their support for Armenia is not without a reason. Armenians have a constituency in Iranian politics and they influence decision making in Iran since they have a population there. It is natural for such a thing to occur. Also expansionist terrorist groups like grey wolf and Azerbaijan's dictatorship trying to teem up with America to break up Iran is not helping the matter. But over all Iranian policy is a balanced one. France humiliated you people by making Armenian issue on par with holocaust. What did you do about that? At least Iran does not humiliate you.

4- All muslims support Sharia law. If you do not, make sure you have as little muslims in your country as possible. It is not related to Iran if Turks want to become Muslims.

5- Now on this one you are really a joker. Nabuco pipe line is not happening because Europe is opposing it and not Iran since the pipe line passes through Iran and Iran will be one of its suppliers. It is actually you and your European allies who are blocking it by sanctioning Iran. Go read on the matter more before making such funny comments.


1- It is good and mature that Turkey did not take part in sanctions against Iran. It shows that Iran-Turkish relations are mature enough that one disagreement on one area does not affect others.

2- Turkey with Brazil did make the nuclear deal as PER THE LETTER OBAMA had written to them. And Iran accepted it out of friendship with Turkey and Brazil. But America slapped you so hard that you have not yet recovered from it yet.

3- It would be great if Turkey does not help NATO to attack Iran and even prevent it since Turkey is the strongest army in NATO after US army. But the anti-Iran radar has put things in doubt now. Only time will tell on this one.

4- Turkey took revenge for the slap on the face Americans had given Turkey by voting against that resolution. Though it had no effect on Iran, since Turkey does NOT have veto in UNSC and the resolution was accepted and sanctions became effective. But Iran appreciated both Turkey and Brazil for their brave move.
Really... I have no reasonalbe claim?

Why Iran sparked the Saudi uprising in oil rich territories then? Ohhh I get it to give them their gift of revolution... right? Please its like saying Soviets supported all the other communist uprisings from the good of their heart...

Did Iran spark it? give me a break. Some random guy burnt himself alive in Tunisia and then a wave of protests infected the whole region. Saudi Arabia is an Arab country, so it's very reasonable that they see the consequences of the Arab spring.

You didn't answer me, why Turkey is not taking any official stance against the massacre in Bahrain? Turkey hasn't even condemned the killing of Bahrainis in recent months.

It's really funny, Bahrain created a committee to investigate the role of Iran in the uprisings, they ended up with the conclusion that Iran had no role in it, yet they are still accusing Iran of interference while in fact the Khalifa himself has called on regional countries to interfere militarily to crush the protestors.
Don't be troll... Search frst than post please....

Arabian penunsila was one of the most visited trade root for thousand of years.... There are actual temples and cities in desert that are newly discovered. I would expect someone named ''longbrained'' atleast search before posting...

As I said it must have been during Jurassic era. First civilizaion came to being in Africa and then more sophisticated ones in fertile crescent which is central Iraq, western Iran and southern Turkey. Arabian peninsula was barren and desert. Learn some geography and history before commenting. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cradle_of_civilization
No massacre is in Bahrain more like stopping Iran influence, Libya has a new government that is closer to the gulf. Iran should have supported Qaddafi but did not they lost a neutral country to become another foe. When Syria Falls Iran will be completely Isolated in the region.
Oh, stop it. We know what is at stake here. It is not oil. Turkey buys its oil, gas and electricity form Iran and is very comfortable with that as Iran is very jolly selling it. The real game going on is this (impressing Arab street gals):


Hahahahahaha Cracked me up...

---------- Post added at 08:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:46 PM ----------

Edited it...
As I said it must have been during Jurassic era. First civilizaion came to being in Africa and then more sophisticated ones in fertile crescent which is central Iraq, western Iran and southern Turkey. Arabian peninsula was barren and desert. Learn some geography and history before commenting. Cradle of civilization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There were people living and building temples in Arabian penunsila aroun 9-8 B.C.... If thats not ancient I don't know what it is... And there are studies that show this civilization could be much older...

---------- Post added at 08:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:49 PM ----------

As I said it must have been during Jurassic era. First civilizaion came to being in Africa and then more sophisticated ones in fertile crescent which is central Iraq, western Iran and southern Turkey. Arabian peninsula was barren and desert. Learn some geography and history before commenting. Cradle of civilization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There were people living and building temples in Arabian penunsila aroun 9-8 B.C.... If thats not ancient I don't know what it is... And there are studies that show this civilization could be much older...
But again the Saudis themselves are suffering from their own problems including the Shia's in the east in the Oil regions, they themselves also were trying to bankroll the revolutions in the middle east. while they supported mubarak in egypt( Egyptian people did not forget) they support democracy in syria.

---------- Post added at 03:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:49 PM ----------

Sometime i am really thankful to the policy makers of Pakistan for keeping us clear of these inter-Muslim disputes and politics.

You won't, saudis need you nukes after that they will have no purpose for you other then getting Pakistani Mercenaries.
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