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Saudi Advanced Electronics Company (The upcoming Defense Giant)

Very basic stuff , I mean displaying controls from 70's fighter jets or , paid for technology assembly units I mean real stuff is , building something that no one else yet has ... when Saudis does that sure you can claim to be up and coming

And you need 8000-10,000 strong company not just 10-20 odd workers assembling stuff most of technologies mentioned are , bought technologies and the personnel are merely - reverse engineering or just putting items together

Yes its impressive to see this work in Saudia but I think Saudia is still 20-30 years behind in term of technological or engineering sector

Do you have list of Saudi Companies from which other nations are purchasing goods , etc radars, or weapons system or simulators

If that is they case then yes Saudia is way ahead but most of stuff looks like they just bought it , nice stuff don't get me wrong but .. this is not "creating something"

A logical Step would have been that Saudia-Pakistan would have jointly developed a fighter jet or Helicopter program but anyhow ...

Still very good stuff , compared to how things were in 80's and 90's for Saudia

You are a senior member ....
didn't you research before posting ?
Saudi Arabia does not have the population (Native people are only 14 million) to develop a multi-sectoral economy.

It has no choice but to specialize in a few chosen industries (besides Oil & Gas) and import everything else.

Even the GCC as a whole has a very, very small native population (i.e. excluding expat workers).
Great steps by KSA towards self-reliance. Hope they march further and use their petrodollar to rapidly industrialize. They have this vital resource i.e money that Allah(swt) have blessed them with. Proper policies and planning will do wonders for them.
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