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Satellite images reveal russians digging mass graves in Butcha

Two obvious points:

1) Russia is warning the whole time, the Nato Regime in Kiev will stage false flag ops to blame russia. It's natos/anglo saxons modus operandi since more than 100 years. They tried it with the explosive filled theater in mariupol to blame the Russians, they are fabulating about chemical weapons etc. Remember the chemical weapons in syria, blamed on the Russians and Assad? Surprise, surprise: Americans and Brits used the chemicals like Chlorine through their Al Nusra proxies. It is always the same story.

2)The nato regime in kiev conducts war crimes on a daily basis from the first day. Civilians are trying to flee the cities getting shot by Azov and other nazis. They are even filming it themselves, they are filming the torture of russian pows etc. Why? Because they are proud of it. They have no problem with mass killing of civilians, because for this Nazi regime every civilian is a russian traitor, who is trying to flee. At the same time Nato and the so called west don't give a fu ck about this warcrimes. They never do, if the warcrimes are in line with their objectives.

So what is the objective here? I think the objective here, pushed by washington and london of course, is to prepare europe for the economic crisis caused by new sanctions. The objective is to destroy the EU economy as an competitor to the american economy. You can't sell it to the western public, the eu economy goes down, because the eu don't want to use russian ruble to buy russian oil, gas and other stuff. But you can sell the idiots here fabricated stories about war crimes, so the EU has to start an embargo.
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Most of that is nothing new. As for Russian gas this is what the president of the Federation of German Industries said :

Edit : I see that you have commented there.

You have just closed your ears to hearing from the other side. Like I told you yesterday, even before whatever happened in Bucha ( and no neutral investigator has gone there ) you have been speaking against Russia from the first day of the operation.

I am on topic. I am just trying to get to know your rationale of being against Russia and talking in a pro-NATO tone. Libya and Syria are two places where NATO intervened and where Russia too is also involved.

We will not allow russia doeing genocide in Europe. What they do in Ukraine is horrendous.there is a point where economic impact doesnt matter anymore when it reachs the very basic Fundament of our civilisation
We will not allow russia doeing genocide in Europe. What they do in Ukraine is horrendous.there is a point where economic impact doesnt matter anymore when it reachs the very basic Fundament of our civilisation

"Our civilization" ? Does that include the Western governments doing or enabling genocide, war crimes and destruction and sabotage of progressive societies and movements since the end of World War 2 ?

Your constant, stubborn hate reminds me of the Indian Hindutvadi @lightoftruth who has made up his mind to hate Muslims even if they are progressives like Umar Khalid who is in a Delhi jail for the last one and half years because the Delhi police has alleged that he was the instigator of the Delhi violence of early 2020 in the same way you and NATO have made up your minds to hate Russia and have been creating excuses to trap Russia.
"Our civilization" ? Does that include the Western governments doing or enabling genocide, war crimes and destruction and sabotage of progressive societies and movements since the end of World War 2 ?

Your constant, stubborn hate reminds me of the Indian Hindutvadi @lightoftruth who has made up his mind to hate Muslims even if they are progressives like Umar Khalid who is in a Delhi jail for the last one and half years because the Delhi police has alleged that he was the instigator of the Delhi violence of early 2020 in the same way you and NATO have made up your minds to hate Russia and have been creating excuses to trap Russia.

I think even you acknowledge that this now reachs a critical level.
I've seen this same story in two wars: Bosnia and Syria.

It's the same thing when they hastily blamed Serbs for many massacres and atrocities,to turn popular opinion and justify an intervention. The second war was in Syria,were they attempted many false flag "gas attacks" and supposed atrocities by the SAA,to justify an intervention against the "Assad regime".

I remember a video where Lord Owen explains one of the BiH government's tactics in Sarajevo,it went along the lines of:
"Mortar team comes near the market,TV crews take places in a nearby bunker,mortars fire towards the Serbs...mortars packed up,leave...a few minutes later...retaliatory fire from the Serbs,all filmed on camera".

If I find the exact video,I'll post a link.

Now as for Syria,the amount of fake news in that war blaming the SAA was crazy.

Here's an example:

I've seen this same story in two wars: Bosnia and Syria.

It's the same thing when they hastily blamed Serbs for many massacres and atrocities,to turn popular opinion and justify an intervention. The second war was in Syria,were they attempted many false flag "gas attacks" and supposed atrocities by the SAA,to justify an intervention against the "Assad regime".

I remember a video where Lord Owen explains one of the BiH government's tactics in Sarajevo,it went along the lines of:
"Mortar team comes near the market,TV crews take places in a nearby bunker,mortars fire towards the Serbs...mortars packed up,leave...a few minutes later...retaliatory fire from the Serbs,all filmed on camera".

If I find the exact video,I'll post a link.

Now as for Syria,the amount of fake news in that war blaming the SAA was crazy.

Here's an example:

View attachment 830397

I realy pity you. I have friends in Ukraine who tell me what hell they go through and you stand here and laugh in their face?

In all honesty you create a disgust in my heart regarding the believesystem that is my cultural religion. Its repulsive and and i hope it gets destroyed in near future.

Atheism is on rise in Greece and people like you are the reason.

Beside that, Russian crimes may have crossed the red line. Germany now says gas boycott must be on the table.

I realy pity you. I have friends in Ukraine who tell me what hell they go through and you stand here and laugh in their face?
I don't doubt it! War is a terrible thing. It's chaos. I'm not laughing at their face. I kept saying from the beginning that this war is such a bad thing where brothers are killing brothers. The ones laughing and cheering are the warhawks in NATO and the politicians in the West.

Atheism is on rise in Greece and people like you are the reason.
No,atheism is on the rise because of the same Western modern culture you so much love and talk about. This supposed "freedom". These LGBT and SJW movements,liberals,anarchists and modern hippies. Idiotic trap music and feminism.

Beside that, Russian crimes may have crossed the red line. Germany now says gas boycott must be on the table.
All I'm saying is,do not rush to blame the Russians for war crimes yet. Or at least all the war crimes. Wait. I'm telling you from experience,trust me.
I don't doubt it! War is a terrible thing. It's chaos. I'm not laughing at their face. I kept saying from the beginning that this war is such a bad thing where brothers are killing brothers. The ones laughing and cheering are the warhawks in NATO and the politicians in the West.

No,atheism is on the rise because of the same Western modern culture you so much love and talk about. This supposed "freedom". These LGBT and SJW movements,liberals,anarchists and modern hippies. Idiotic trap music and feminism.

All I'm saying is,do not rush to blame the Russians for war crimes yet. Or at least all the war crimes. Wait. I'm telling you from experience,trust me.

They arent brothers. They have nothing but hate for russians. Its me who said them that not all russians like those monsters but they say im not suffering from them so i can talk that way.

@Foinikas what we see in Butcha is what russian military always does. Ask those who got "liberated" from them in 1945. They raped, murdered and robber their way through eastern europe.

Witness say what happened. At first days under russian occupation the russians tried to behave. Then after a week the killings started when it was clear Ukraine wont give up. Last week chechens arrived and true slaughter started.

How you can defend this is unimaginable for me.

I ask you this...

Will you feel bad when its over?
@Foinikas what we see in Butcha is what russian military always does. Ask those who got "liberated" from them in 1945. They raped, murdered and robber their way through eastern europe.
Oh I know what they did in 1945. There were countless monstrosities in Budapest and Germany. And when I say Germany,I mean East Prussia,Pomerania,Silesia and other parts.

But there was a difference: They were Soviets,meaning there were millions of soldiers from other ethnicities. Soldiers from Central Asia,the Caucasus,Belarus,Ukraine and Baltics(communists from the Baltics). Most of the time,the crimes were commited not by front-line Soviet soldiers,but by secondary soldiers and units. And many of them were from Asia.

The other thing is that back then,communism made them behave like monsters much easier. The ideology made them more aggressive,just like communist armies and guerillas in other conflicts. Now that more people have become religious again,either Christian or Muslim,this has changed a little bit.

Will you feel bad when its over?
I already feel bad for every death in the war,it's a bad thing. But I'm telling you not to rush and blame the Russians for everything. I've seen this propaganda war many times.
I am on topic. I am just trying to get to know your rationale of being against Russia and talking in a pro-NATO tone. Libya and Syria are two places where NATO intervened and where Russia too is also involved.

one coin - two faces
putin and assad

both are power hungry dictators who will annihilate city after city just to stay in power


do you by any stretch support russian actions in ukraine( which are having having global economic impacts ? is there any rationale to this senseless conflict ?
Oh I know what they did in 1945. There were countless monstrosities in Budapest and Germany. And when I say Germany,I mean East Prussia,Pomerania,Silesia and other parts.

But there was a difference: They were Soviets,meaning there were millions of soldiers from other ethnicities. Soldiers from Central Asia,the Caucasus,Belarus,Ukraine and Baltics(communists from the Baltics). Most of the time,the crimes were commited not by front-line Soviet soldiers,but by secondary soldiers and units. And many of them were from Asia.

The other thing is that back then,communism made them behave like monsters much easier. The ideology made them more aggressive,just like communist armies and guerillas in other conflicts. Now that more people have become religious again,either Christian or Muslim,this has changed a little bit.

I already feel bad for every death in the war,it's a bad thing. But I'm telling you not to rush and blame the Russians for everything. I've seen this propaganda war many times.

Well i think we agree that Butcha escalates this to new level
They arent brothers. They have nothing but hate for russians. Its me who said them that not all russians like those monsters but they say im not suffering from them so i can talk that way.

@Foinikas what we see in Butcha is what russian military always does. Ask those who got "liberated" from them in 1945. They raped, murdered and robber their way through eastern europe.

Witness say what happened. At first days under russian occupation the russians tried to behave. Then after a week the killings started when it was clear Ukraine wont give up. Last week chechens arrived and true slaughter started.

How you can defend this is unimaginable for me.

Will you feel bad when its over?

you are arguing with russophiles and fools who have a new crush on putin and russia.

they dont know about :-

1. chechnya - 1994 - 2000
2. georgia - 2008
3. the war in donbass - 2014
4. the war in afghanistan - 1979 -1988

one only has to read about these conflicts and see the cruelty of the russian empire .

any business with russia will end in theft and disappointment . simple
they dont know about :-

1. chechnya - 1994 - 2000
2. georgia - 2008
3. the war in donbass - 2014
4. the war in afghanistan - 1979 -1988
I know about these wars,but you seem to ignore the atrocities by Chechens,the attack of Georgians against South Ossetia and the Ukrainian army's atrocities in the Donbass.
I think even you acknowledge that this now reachs a critical level.

What am I acknowledging ?

Atheism is on rise in Greece and people like you are the reason.

No,atheism is on the rise because of the same Western modern culture you so much love and talk about. This supposed "freedom". These LGBT and SJW movements,liberals,anarchists and modern hippies. Idiotic trap music and feminism.

It is not real atheism. This becomes clear when these so-called atheists like the poisonous Christopher Hitchens vent irrational hate against Islam and Communism, and these so-called atheists are just agents of Western Crusader governments. Foinikas and Apollon, please note that I don't automatically hate you for being Christian, I hate just the Western Crusader governments who have been involved in various crimes since the end of World War 2. Please also note that I don't put myself in the binary of a theist and atheist. I believe in the supremacy of Nature which cannot be denied by anyone.

About Foinikas' mentioning of LGBT movements now, it is not that I have especial revulsion for homosexuals but there is today an in-your-face and quite public homosexuality that I don't like. For example I watch the famous BBC talk show The Graham Norton Show hosted by Graham Norton who's gay but he keeps it in the background but seems that BBC gets the show's team to invite gays who are quite in-your-face. The season's last episode had a "queen" who is participating in a British TV competition for "queens" and GN asked the other male and female guests as who are their favorite queens. The guests of course cannot be seen saying that they don't watch the show as saying that would be politically incorrect in Britain. And then I hate the gay priests especially the gay mullahs in India and Pakistan who are misogynist to females but do gay acts in madrassas.

All I'm saying is,do not rush to blame the Russians for war crimes yet. Or at least all the war crimes. Wait. I'm telling you from experience,trust me.


one coin - two faces
putin and assad

both are power hungry dictators who will annihilate city after city just to stay in power

Assad is doing good for Islam by cleansing it of the fake Muslims of Al Qaeda and "Muslim" Brotherhood criminals who are as ever killing progressive Muslims on behalf of the Western Crusader governments. AQ, "M"B and TJ are puppets of Western governments and must be defeated.

And you did not say anything about Gaddafi.

do you by any stretch support russian actions in ukraine( which are having having global economic impacts ? is there any rationale to this senseless conflict ?

Regardless of any global economic impact I support the Russian action. The Syrians support it so do Venezuelans and others and even the Russian Communist party which otherwise has divergent views to Putin's party. Much of the Ukrainian military has been found to be criminal in one way or another. All decent people must support Russia and speak against NATO and Zelensky's people.
About Foinikas' mentioning of LGBT movements now, it is not that I have especial revulsion for homosexuals but there is today an in-your-face and quite public homosexuality that I don't like. For example I watch the famous BBC talk show The Graham Norton Show hosted by Graham Norton who's gay but he keeps it in the background but seems that BBC gets the show's team to invite gays who are quite in-your-face. The season's last episode had a "queen" who is participating in a British TV competition for "queens" and GN asked the other male and female guests as who are their favorite queens. The guests of course cannot be seen saying that they don't watch the show as saying that would be politically incorrect in Britain. And then I hate the gay priests especially the gay mullahs in India and Pakistan who are misogynist to females but do gay acts in madrassas.
Exactly. I like Graham Norton! He is smart,he is classy,he is good. He is discreet. He doesn't like to provoke.

There's like so many other gay people on TV who just have to talk about the most idiotic things all the time and show how gay they are. It's annoying!

I hate just the Western Crusader governments who have been involved in various crimes since the end of World War 2.
Ah but that's the difference,bro! There are no Crusaders anymore! Everything is about money,oil and influence. They are not invading countries in the name of religion. Besides,most of their leaders are not even Christian. Most are probably Jewish,atheist,agnostic or freemasons.
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