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Satellite images reveal russians digging mass graves in Butcha


Sep 27, 2021
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Satellite images show mass graves dug out from russian troops in Butcha Ukraine before their retreat.

So far 410 dead civilians have been found. Women, children, old people. Youngest victims are 6 years old, oldest 94. Some show signs of torture. Nose and ears cut of, fingers broken. Most have their hands tied behind their back and got executed with headshots.

EU send teams to log all crimes and issued yesterday to start a tribunal against Russias crimes against humanity.

It appears that the russian military started systematicly to kill ukrainian people in the areas it did hold. There are indication for government planned genocide in the areas that russia did hold. It stopped when ukrainian forces hunted the russians out. Only god knows what happens in eastern parts still under russian controle.

We see massacres in Katyn style. Its absolute shocking.

Ukrainians executed escaping civilian - an Israeli :
. . . several bullets were fired at his vehicle at a Ukrainian checkpoint and not by a Russian force . . .



A scene very similar to Bucha/Irpin images that are being alleged on Rus - only it's Ukrainian soldiers who are about to do something to individuals at gun point :

Ukrainians brutally attack & then shot their own civilian trying to escape


Ukrainian killed their own woman - carved Swastika with blood on her:

Ukrainians killed a child and parents, while seriously injured two other children of the family:

Ukrainian soldier giving permission to kill civilians without a blue band in area where Rusi retreated recently :
Second-tweet has subtitles:

In areas of Rusi retreat, Ukrainians killing their own civilians under the ruse of "purging saboteurs":

Ukrainians attack those who were receiving aid:
Though poster blamed it on Rus, but it was a civilian looking car in parking lot that fired an RPG on those who were lined up.

Probably killed for accepting food packets from Russians & not having blue bands:

Ukrainians holding their own civilians at gun point:

Ukrainians executed their own soldiers by head shots:

Ukrainian soldier killed their own soldier:

More examples:
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This war will not take long anymore apart from Crimea and Donbass, Russians will retreat from the rest.
I don't know why Russia is such a perfect failure as per maintream and Social Media?

- All battle equipment getting destroyed
- Soldiers unmotivated and running away from war, getting killed in hundreds of thousands
- Russians destroying civilian buildings, not allowing food and medicine to be delivered to innocent civilians
- Brutally silencing a massive anti-war population at home
- Generals getting killed every day
- Killing civilians and burrying them in mass graves

Between March 23, 2022 and April 3, the min temperature in Bucha, Ukraine was mainly above zero Celsius with a short period of time when it dropped to -2.3 C. Even at this temperature people in Ukraine do not wear gloves. The two bikers lying down (see the picture) have their hands covered on purpose because otherwise the hands would have shown signs of ones belonging to living persons. The images are staged.

Bucha massacre staged - Man with bicycle and dog.jpg

Bucha massacre staged - Man with bicycle - hands covered by gloves.jpg

Wheather history Bucha Ukraine - March Apr 2022.jpg
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Ukrainians executed escaping civilians - an Israeli :
. . . several bullets were fired at his vehicle at a Ukrainian checkpoint and not by a Russian force . . .
View attachment 830339
View attachment 830344
View attachment 830345

Ukrainians brutally attack & then shot their own civilian trying to escape

Ukrainian killed their own woman - carves Swastika with blood on her:

Ukrainians killed a child and parents, while seriously injured two other children of the family:

Ukrainian soldier giving permission to kill civilians without a blue band in area where Rusi retreated recently :
Second-tweet has subtitles:

In areas of Rusi retreat, Ukrainians killing their own civilians under the ruse of "purging saboteurs":

Ukrainians holding their own civilians at gun point:

Ukrainians executed their own soldiers by head shots:

Ukrainian soldier killed their own soldier:

@Apollon, please see above and stop posting false information.

Russians destroying civilian buildings, not allowing food and medicine to be delivered to innocent civilians

That is not true. It is the Ukrainian military that is placing rockets and artillery near civilian buildings, it is the Ukrainian military that is using civilian buildings to fire from ( please watch the above vids ) and it is the Ukrainian military that is not delivering food to the civilians and it is the Russians who are delivery food and other supplies to the civilians.

Between March 23, 2022 and April 3, the min temperature in Bucha, Ukraine was mainly above zero Celsius with a short period of time when it dropped to -2.3 C. Even at this temperature people in Ukraine do not wear gloves. The two bikers lying down (see the picture) have their hands covered on purpose because otherwise the hands would have shown signs of ones belonging to living persons. The images are staged.

View attachment 830367

View attachment 830371

View attachment 830369

I think temperatures there are cold enough to wear gloves.

I didn't understand what Simplex wants to say.
@Apollon, please see above and stop posting false information.

That is not true. It is the Ukrainian military that is placing rockets and artillery near civilian buildings, it is the Ukrainian military that is using civilian buildings to fire from ( please watch the above vids ) and it is the Ukrainian military that is not delivering food to the civilians and it is the Russians who are delivery food and other supplies to the civilians.

I didn't understand what Simplex wants to say.

The horror Russian troops commited are unspeakable. They tortured and systematicly murdered hundreds of people. They cut off noses, ears and cheeks. Shot in head and hearts.

EU now openly says this is a genocide and crimes against humanity.

Marie Luise Beck, member of green party in Germany says this is the red line. NATO might now directly intervene. We will not make same mistake like in WW II and allow this regime to kill further.
EU send teams to log all crimes and issued yesterday to start a tribunal against Russias crimes against humanity.

These crimes, if many of them were real at all, were done by the Ukranian military. Put them on trial. And speaking of people doing crimes against humanity you should be speaking of past and present NATO leaders being put on trial.

Marie Luise Beck, member of green party in Germany says this is the red line. NATO might now directly intervene.

That's what I told you yesterday as to what NATO wants to do.

We will not make same mistake like in WW II and allow this regime to kill further.

So, NATO will invade Russia ?

russian military -

an army of rapists and killers

How do you feel about Assad's forces and Gaddafi's forces ?
These crimes, if many of them were real at all, were done by the Ukranian military. Put them on trial. And speaking of people doing crimes against humanity you should speaking of past and present NATO leaders being put on trial.

That's what I told you yesterday as to what NATO wants to do.

So, NATO will invade Russia ?

How do you feel about Assad's forces and Gaddafi's forces ?

As it looks now EU prepares a complete blockade and boycott of any russian trade. German government talks now about stopping russian gas. All harbors in Europe will be closed for russian ships, baltic sea closed for russian ships. Ukraine will get offensive weapons. Anti ship weapons are already in Odessa now, to make any sea attack impossible.

You can post what you want. Russian propaganda doesnt reach us anymore.
As it looks now EU prepares a complete blockade and boycott of any russian trade. German government talks now about stopping russian gas. All harbors in Europe will be closed for russian ships, baltic sea closed for russian ships. Ukraine will get offensive weapons. Anti ship weapons are already in Odessa now, to make any sea attack impossible.

Most of that is nothing new. As for Russian gas this is what the president of the Federation of German Industries said :

Edit : I see that you have commented there.

You can post what you want. Russian propaganda doesnt reach us anymore.

You have just closed your ears to hearing from the other side. Like I told you yesterday, even before whatever happened in Bucha ( and no neutral investigator has gone there ) you have been speaking against Russia from the first day of the operation.

stick to topic please

avoid whataboutism

I am on topic. I am just trying to get to know your rationale of being against Russia and talking in a pro-NATO tone. Libya and Syria are two places where NATO intervened and where Russia too is also involved.
Another fake picture. The one in the middle looks like an alcoholic. An empty bottle rests close to his right shoulder. Both him and the one behind him, dressed in a blue jacket, do not have their hands tied behind and no part of their bodies is visible. There is no way to say whether they are dead. The one in the foreground has his hands tied behind and his nails are black but the rest of the hands, the visible part, does not show signs of a dead man. The person in the foreground might have varnished his nails. Also, his face is not visible, and the apparent blood on the road, under his head, could well be some paint or red wine. This picture shows zero evidence of dead people lying on the ground and zero evidence of an execution.

Bucha massacre staged - 3 men.jpg

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